Chard, Swiss Chard 'Bright Lights'
Leaf Beet, Ruby Chard€2.00With more colours than Joseph’s Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Bright Lights is one of the best looking vegetables around. The stems are a veritable rainbow of colours. One of the easiest of vegetables to grow. RHS AGM and an AAS winner. -
Chard, Swiss Chard 'Bright Lights' Organic
Leaf Beet, Ruby Chard€2.45With more colours than Joseph’s Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Bright Lights is one of the best looking vegetables around. The stems are a veritable rainbow of colours. One of the easiest of vegetables to grow. RHS AGM and an AAS winner. Organic Seeds. -
Chard, Swiss Chard 'Lucullus'
Leaf Beet, Heritage (Italian 1914)€1.75Swiss Chard 'Lucullus' is a particularly prolific variety which produces wonderful crumpled green leaves with white mid-rib and veins. Particular heat and cold tolerant and very easy to grow, it gives a good source of greens for much of the growing season. -
Chard, Swiss Chard 'Rhubarb Red'
Leaf Beet, Ruby Chard.€2.00Swiss Chard is probably the most under appreciated of all vegetables. One of the easiest of all vegetables to grow with a long cropping season, it tolerates poor soil and inattention. With crimson-stemmed leaves, it makes a striking contrast in any salad. -
Chervil 'Fijne Krul', Organic
Herb of Joy, Gourmet's Parsley.€2.25Take a walk on the mild side with delicate, subtle, elegant Chervil. 'Fijne Krul', or 'Fine Curled' Chervil has been cultivated in France for centuries, known as Cerfeuil it is swirled, whisked and folded into classic French dishes, but it's much too good to leave to the other side of the Channel. Organic Seed. -
Chervil, Plain Leaf 'Massa'
Brusseler Winter€1.95Chervil 'Massa' has a sophisticated yet gentle, aniseedy warmth. It is a dark green selection with smooth leaves and good plant vigour, it has better cold tolerance than standard Chervil and is used for autumn sowings, it also bolts much later.
Chicory, Belgian Endive 'Brussels Witloof'
Perle du Nord.
Heritage (Belgium 18th C.)€1.75Famous for the forced, blanched heads or ‘chichons’ that are loved by gourmets Chicory 'Brussels Witloof' is the traditional finely-textured variety used for forcing. With a delicious, tangy, unique flavour, it is very easy to grow and produces one of the finest tasting winter vegetables.
Chicory, Radicchio 'Palla Rossa 3'
Chicory / Radicchio€1.50Italian Chicory, or Radicchio 'Palla Rosso' from Chioggia in Italy is a reliable radicchio that forms a gorgeous, firm, round, dark-red and white head which appears like a jewel when you pull aside the tattered clump of outside green leaves. -
Chicory, Radicchio 'Rossa di Treviso'
Chicory / Radicchio, Early variety.
Heritage (Italian 18th C.)€1.95The classic tall Italian radicchio. Upright with red and white striped leaves with large pure white stems. Highly prized, this flavoursome early variety is grown in the Treviso area in winter and is eaten, root and all, simply pan fried or grilled. It has high resistance to cold.
Chicory, Radicchio 'Variegata di Castelfranco'
Chicory / Radicchio, Late variety.
Heritage (Italian 18th C.)€1.75‘Variegata di Castelfranco’ has a beautiful form with wavy leaves that are flecked with purple. It is one of the hardiest and easiest to grow at any time in the year. Traditionally sown in mid to late summer, the harvest begins in December and lasts well into winter.
Chinese Cabbage, Napa 'Granet' Organic
Wong Bok or Mandarin Cabbage.
Heritage (China 14th C.)€2.95Out of stock
Chinese or Napa cabbage ‘Granet’ produces large closed heads of crisp, light green leaves. This relatively fast-growing plant is sweet and mild and can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in the usual way. It is also suitable for steaming and for inclusion in the famous fermented Kimchi. Organic Seeds. -
Chinese Cabbage, Napa 'Wong Bok'
Napa cabbage, Mandarin Cabbage.
Heritage (China 14th C.)€2.45'Wong Bok' is a tender, sweet tasting, hearted-type of Chinese cabbage. Growing this fast growing cabbage is simplicity itself. Plant the seeds, stand back and once the secondary leaves appear you are a mere 30 days away from mealtime. This vegetable growing season promises to be very rewarding.
‘Fine-leaved’ chives have a delicious, mild onion flavour. They keep their slender shape and do not get course or tough with age. The narrow linear leaves are snipped and used primarily fresh, stirred into uncooked foods, such as soft cheeses or salads.
Chives 'Medium Leaved'
Chives€1.50These easy to grow chives are one of the famous fines herbes of French cuisine. Easily raised from seed, they are perennial bulbs that spread to form neat tufted clumps, ideal for edging beds and paths. They are particularly attractive when in flower and are a favourite of bees and other pollinating insects.
€2.25The organic version of the easy to grow chives. These are one of the famous fines herbes of French cuisine. They are a good source of vitamins A and C, and are also said to stimulate the appetite and strengthen the stomach. Organic Seed.
Comfrey, Symphytum officinale
Knitbone, Bruisewort, Healing herb, Miracle herb.€2.45To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden. Leaves can be used as a top dressing or chopped and mixed with leaf mould to make a base for potting compost. You can make your own organic liquid feed or use as a compost activator.
Comfrey, Symphytum officinale, Organic
Knitbone, Bruisewort, Healing herb, Miracle herb.€2.95To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden. Used to make organic liquid feed, it is especially valuable on crops that benefit from high doses of potassium. Organic Seed.
Coriander, Cilantro 'Slobolt'
Chinese, Mexican or Indian Parsley€2.25Coriander 'Slobolt' is a variety for leaf production that is resistant to bolting and running to seed. It isn't a hard plant to grow and of course, fresh herbs and spices have far better flavours than dried ones. Home grown herbs are infinitely superior, the difference can be quite startling.
Coriander, Cilantro, 'Calypso'
Slow bolting variety.€2.45Out of stock
Coriander 'Calypso' boasts to be the slowest bolting variety available. Stocky, very well-branched plants deliver almost unbelievable yields of fragrant, delectable leaves. The bulky plants provide a high leaf yield and have an extremely low growing point so can be cut back and allowed to re-grow at least three times throughout summer. -
Coriander, Cilantro, 'Confetti'
Fine or Feathery Leaved Coriander.€2.65Out of stock
'Confetti' is a unique Coriander producing fine, distinctive, feathery leaves, which are full of the distinctive coriander taste but with increased sweetness. Early to mature and slow to bolt it is ideal for use as cut and come again baby leaf, salad leaf or as a mature plant. -
Coriander, Cilantro, 'Dwarf Lemon' Organic
Dwarf Lemon or Zesty Lemon Parsley€2.85'Dwarf Lemon' Coriander is a delightful and refreshing combination that brings together the sharp zest of lemon and the aromatic, citrusy undertone of coriander. This pairing is cherished in a variety of global cuisines for its ability to lift and brighten dishes. Organic Seeds. -
Coriander, Cilantro, 'Leisure'
Chinese, Mexican or Indian Parsley€1.95Coriander 'Leisure' has been bred specifically for large, flavoursome leaf production, a particularly fine variety of superb quality. Extra slow bolting, it is particularly suited to hot weather regions. It is an excellent herb for slightly shaded areas, is very easy to grow and makes a good window box herb.
Corn Salad, Lamb's Lettuce 'Vit'
Mâche, Lambs Tongue€1.75Vit is an easy to grow, vigorous variety for spring and autumn crops. This French variety is mildew-resistant with long, oval, glossy green leaves which form a heavy bunch, They have a tender, delicate nutty, minty flavour. An excellent winter gap filler, both in the vegetable garden and at the dining table.
Corn Salad, Lamb's Lettuce 'Vit' Organic
Mâche, Lambs Tongue€2.25In France this humble plant is called la mâche and enjoys an elevated gourmet status. Vit is an easy to grow, vigorous variety. Mildew-resistant with long, oval, glossy green leaves with a tender, delicate nutty, minty flavour. Organic Seed.