Galega officinalis, Goat's Rue
Goat's Rue€2.00Galega officinalis is an ancient ornamental plant that produces a delightful natural effect in the garden. The plants have handsome foliage and they errupt in spring to produce countless sprays of fragrant lavender-blue flower spikes, each with mini-sweet pea shaped flowers.
Garlic or Chinese chives, Oriental Garlic
Chinese leek, Oriental garlic chives, Ku chai, Koo chye or Gau choy€2.25A relatively new vegetable in the English-speaking world but well-known in Asian cuisine, the flavour of garlic chives is more like garlic than chives, though much milder. Both leaves and the stalks of the flowers are used a stir fry ingredient. The flowers may also be used as a spice.
Garlic or Chinese chives, Oriental Garlic, Organic
Chinese leek, Oriental garlic chives, Ku chai, Koo chye or Gau choy€2.75Out of stock
A relatively new vegetable in the English-speaking world but well-known in Asian cuisine, the flavour of garlic chives is more like garlic than chives, though much milder. Both leaves and the stalks of the flowers are used a stir fry ingredient. The flowers may also be used as a spice. Organic seed.
Good King Henry
Chenopodium bonus-henricus (An Ancient Crop)
Poor-man's Asparagus, Lincolnshire Spinach.€2.55Out of stock
Good King Henry has been used as a vegetable for centuries and was once a common sight in every garden. Good King Henry may have lost his court and become something of a rarity today, but this unique herb has much to offer to the home or cottage gardener.
Green Manure 'Landsberger Winter Mix'
Landsberger GemengeStarting at: €2.35
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‘Landsberger’ is the ultimate in winter green manure. Deep rooting and an excellent nitrogen fixer. With prolific growth it is an excellent ground cover. This highly esteemed mix is suitable for overwintering and can be sown throughout autumn until November.
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Humulus lupulus, is a climbing hardy herbaceous perennial. The Hops are actually the female flower cones or 'strobiles' of the plant. Hops are used as a sedative and relaxant, sleeping on a pillow filled with hops is said to help insomnia. Leaves and shoots are eaten either cooked or in salads, the flavour is said to be delicious.
Hyssopus officinalis 'Alba' is a much less well known variety of hyssop. Also known as 'White Hyssop' the plants sport bright white flowers from July to October. Widely used as a 'taste enhancing' herb or wildlife plant, the plants are a dark, vibrant green with a spiky, upright habit and narrow tongue-like leaves which have a peppery scent when stroked.
Hyssop, once recognised as a medicinal herb is enjoying a revival with home gardeners. An aromatic herb similar to rosemary or lavender, it makes an excellent low hedge and more unusual alternative to box. The plants are a dark, vibrant green with a spiky, upright habit and narrow tongue-like leaves. 'Pink' Hyssop sports vibrant, pink flowers.
Hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis, Blue Hyssop
Blue Hyssop
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Hyssop is a strong-flavoured aromatic herb which is enjoying a revival with home gardeners. An ideal plant for use in containers or as a low hedge or border within the herb garden. Highly attractive to bees, it makes excellent honey and is a must for any wildflower garden.