Green Manures
Comfrey, Symphytum officinale
Knitbone, Bruisewort, Healing herb, Miracle herb.€2.45To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden. Leaves can be used as a top dressing or chopped and mixed with leaf mould to make a base for potting compost. You can make your own organic liquid feed or use as a compost activator.
Comfrey, Symphytum officinale, Organic
Knitbone, Bruisewort, Healing herb, Miracle herb.€2.95To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden. Used to make organic liquid feed, it is especially valuable on crops that benefit from high doses of potassium. Organic Seed.
Green Manure 'Landsberger Winter Mix'
Landsberger GemengeStarting at: €2.35
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‘Landsberger’ is the ultimate in winter green manure. Deep rooting and an excellent nitrogen fixer. With prolific growth it is an excellent ground cover. This highly esteemed mix is suitable for overwintering and can be sown throughout autumn until November.
Limnanthes douglasii
Poached Egg Plant or Fried Egg Plant.Starting at: €1.75
The fragrant, abundant flowers of Limnanthes appear from summer to autumn and attract bees and butterflies for the duration. This lovely plant provides a carpet of fragrant golden and white blooms that will grace the front of the border, rockery or path edging.
Lotus corniculatus ‘Bird's Foot-Trefoil’
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25The more I see of this rather attractive little plant, the more I grow to appreciate it. Now I seem to spot it all over the place, in meadows, woodland, road verges and gardens. The bright yellow fragrant flowers can be seen in blossom from the end of April through until mid September.
Tagetes patula 'Queen Sophia'
French Marigold€2.25Tagetes 'Queen Sophia' is an extremely popular, award winning variety that was introduced in the early 1900’s. Gorgeous to the point of excess, it produces semi-double blooms. Deep orange-to-russet petals that are intricately edged with russet and gold.