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  1. Sweet Annie has been used for centuries in its dried form in wreaths

    Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua, Organic

    Sweet wormwood, Qing Hao

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    Artemisia annua, commonly called Sweet Annie is a graceful annual with tall stems with fine bright green ferny foliage. With sweetly fragrant foliage it has a wide variety of uses both medicinal and for handcrafting but is most often grown for fresh and dried arrangements. Organic Seeds.
  2. A truly architectural plant with branched stems, each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts,
    This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history. Each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts. A truly architectural plant. Organic Seed.
  3. Phacelia tanacetifolia, Lacy Phacelia, Organic

    Phacelia tanacetifolia, Lacy Phacelia, Organic

    Wildlife, Set-aside, Cover Crop or Green Manure
    Listed as one of the top 20 honey-producing flowers for honeybees, Phacelia is rich in both nectar and pollen and attracts bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects to the garden. The flowers have strong stems and also make an excellent cut flower. Organic Seed.
  4. With its brilliant scarlet flowers, usually with a black blob at the base of the petals, this native wild flower needs no introduction.

    Papaver rhoeas, Organic

    Corn Poppy, Flanders Poppy, Field Poppy, Wildflower
    With its brilliant scarlet flowers, this native wild flower needs no introduction. Papaver rhoeas offer a profusion of flowers and are a good choice for naturalising in a meadow garden or anywhere for a splash of colour. Organic Seed.
  5. Nigella sativa seeds are used as a spice, they develop their flavour best after short toasting

    Nigella sativa 'Black Cumin', Organic

    Black caraway, Fennel flower
    Nigella sativa flowers are very similar to the popular Nigella 'Love in a Mist', they are well suited to the border as well as the herb garden. The seeds have a spicy, nutty flavour, they can be harvested and stored for use throughout the year. Organic Seed.
  6. In the realm of simple herbs, few have garnered such a reputation for success as the lowly chamomile.

    Matricaria chamomilla, German Chamomile, Organic

    Camomile Tea, Syn. Matricaria recutita
    Chamomile has been used for centuries. In the realm of simple herbs, for the treatment of common ailments by the common people, few herbs have garnered such a reputation for success as the lowly chamomile. Organic Seed.
  7. Leucanthemum vulgare, Ox-Eye Daisy, Organic

    Leucanthemum vulgare, Ox-Eye Daisy, Organic

    Ox-eye Daisy, Field Daisy, Marguerite, Wildflower of the British Isles
    Commonly found growing in bold swathes on grassy banks and roadside verges, the Ox-eye Daisy flowers from June through to August. The solitary composite flower of white rays are popular with Mason bees and hoverflies. Organic Seeds
  8. Lavandula angustifolia is thought to be the true English Lavender. It is also known as Lavender vera, True Lavender or Fine Lavender.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavender Vera', Organic

    True English Lavender, Old English Lavender
    Lavandula angustifolia, also called Lavender vera is the best Lavender for medicinal and aromatherapy purposes. It is a staple plant for the herb garden, the fragrant flowers have been used in perfumes, poultices and potpourris for centuries. Organic Seed.
  9. Sunflower 'Velvet Queen' has handsome 15cm heads in an opulent shade of velvety rich crimson.
    Velvet Queen is a branching sunflower in an opulent shade of rich crimson on strong stems. It is one of the earliest sunflowers to bloom and will grow to 150cm (5 feet) tall. They make excellent cut flowers, alternatively leave them on the plant for the birds to enjoy the seed-heads that follow. Organic Seeds
  10. Helianthus annuus 'Medium Red Mix Sunflower' Organic
    Sunflower 'Medium Red Mix' offers a diverse range of varieties that feature the most popular reds, crimsons and bi-colours. Suited to outdoor cut flower production, the heights range from 80 to 120cm tall and are lovely in the garden and the vase, the blooms last up to a fortnight when kept in water. Organic Seeds
  11. Oenothera biennis provides a wonderful splash of summer colour in the garden from June until September.

    Evening Primrose, Oenothera biennis, Organic

    Evening Primrose, Herb Primrose, King's cure-all
    Wildflower of Europe

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    Oenothera biennis provides a wonderful splash of summer colour in the garden. Flowering begins in June and plants continue growing throughout the season so there is a constant succession until about September. In early summer the sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers open towards evening and are faintly phosphorescent.
  12. Masses of beautiful silky flowers in various shades of gold, one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers.

    Eschscholzia californica, Organic

    California Poppy. Aurantiaca Orange
    Masses of beautiful silky flowers in shades of gold, Eschscholzia californica is one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers. With fine dissected foliage they are fascinating to the eye and are breathtaking in massed plantings or containers. The flowers are extremely attractive to bees and butterflies. Organic Seeds
  13. Viper's bugloss is one of, if not THE very best plant to attract bees to your garden.

    Echium vulgare 'Vipers Bugloss', Organic

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Viper's bugloss is one of, if not THE very best plant to attract bees to your garden. Along with Borage and Phacelia, the plant is much loved by almost all bee species, especially bumblebees. For months this plant is a stable source of nectar. Organic Seed.
  14. For gardeners Echinacea purpurea is one of the most versatile perennials for the garden.

    Echinacea purpurea, Organic

    Purple Coneflower
    Echinacea purpurea is one of the most versatile perennials for the garden. Flowering from early July right through to September, it is sturdy and self-supporting, hardy and easy to grow, undemanding and suitable for both the formal border and the meadow look. Organic Seed.
  15. Queen Annes Lace, Back of the Flower

    Daucus carota 'Queen Anne's Lace, Organic

    Queen Annes Lace, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Our native Queen Anne's Lace is at home in informal settings and a natural addition to a wildflower meadow. With delicate, lacy clusters of flowers, some with a solitary dark, purple flower in the centre, they make good cut flowers and are a lovely filler with other flowers. Organic Seed.
  16. Whether you are into the culinary arts or edible landscapes, you may want to put this plant at the top of your list.
    If you're an adventurous gardener, cook, or gastronome, then you'll want to grow cardoons. In summer, tall flower stems which are topped with large blue-violet blooms. A dramatic statement in the flower border and a flavour that is truly unique in the vegetable world. Organic Seeds.
  17. Cosmos bipinnatus 'Mixed Colours' Organic
    Cosmos bipinnatus is a suburb easy to grow annual and bloom from summer right through to the end of autumn. The tall graceful plants have delicate ferny foliage with large, single flowers ranging from white to carmine red. They make fabulous cut flowers and are perfect for bouquets. Organic Seeds
  18. Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in gardens.

    Centaurea cyanus, 'Cornflower' Organic

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in gardens. Aside from their electric blue flowers, breathtaking when grown in dense drifts, they are easy to grow, flower all summer, make great cut flowers and bees adore them. Organic Seed.
  19. Cheerful and bright, use Calendula alone or in combination with other flowering annuals and perennials in beds, borders or containers.

    Calendula officinalis, Organic

    Pot Marigold, English Marigold. Herb Marigold
    Calendula officinalis is prolific and durable and so are perfect candidates for cutting and flower arrangements. Sprinkle salads and decorate cakes with the edible tangy petals. Organic Seed.
  20. Blue flowers are always welcome in the garden: Borage often flowers lavishly about 8 weeks after sowing.

    Borage, Blue, Borago officinalis, Organic

    Starflower, Bee Bread, Blue Borage
    The beautiful blue star-shaped flowers of Borage are edible with a cool cucumber flavour. Use them as garnish in fruit cups, summer drinks, wines and Pimms. Garden visitors can be converted to herbal advocates simply by offering a taste of its flower! Organic Seeds.
  21. In horticulture Cota tinctoria is still widely referred to by its synonym Anthemis tinctoria.

    Anthemis tinctoria, Cota tinctoria, Dyer's Chamomile, Organic

    Golden Marguerite or Golden Chamomile.
    In horticulture Cota tinctoria is still widely referred to by its synonym Anthemis tinctoria. This beautiful aromatic, hardy perennial that is fast to flower and often used as a biennial produces masses of golden yellow daisies from June through to September. Historically used for natural dyeing, this is an ideal plant for naturalised and pollinator friendly plantings. Organic Seed.
  22. Ammi visnaga 'Green Mist' is a new variety of Queen Annes Lace, with larger, darker green umbels

    Ammi visnaga, Organic

    Queen Anne's Lace, (Syn Visnaga daucoides)
    Ammi lends a delicate airiness to any border and is often used to create a cohesive flower bed. It associates well with both annuals and perennials and makes an excellent addition to wildlife gardens, luring bees and butterflies to the nectar rich flowers. Organic Seed.
  23. Agastache 'Liquorice Blue' has tall spikes of lavender to rich purpley blue lipped flowers
    Agastache 'Liquorice Blue' has tall spikes of lavender to rich purpley blue lipped flowers, above toothed dark green arrow shaped foliage. When brushed past or crushed, the foliage emits a sweet liquorice perfume. A wonderful plant for attracting bees and butterflies to the garden. Organic seeds.
  24. Agastache foeniculum is a favourite plant of bees and gardeners alike, it is, perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow.

    Agastache foeniculum, Organic

    Anise Hyssop. Syn: Agastache anisata, Agastache anethiodora,

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    Agastache foeniculum is a perennial herb that tastes as good as it looks and are as popular in the border as they are in the herb garden. They are excellent design plants, exhibiting a strong vertical accent for the perennial border. Bees hold an undisputed attraction for the flowers, the colour, shape and copious amounts of nectar are among their favourites. This is perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow. Organic Seed.

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