Exhibition Varieties
Beetroot 'Pablo F1'
Baby Beetroot, Baby Leaf, Micro Leaf.€2.75It is not without reason that Pablo F1 is a winner of the RHS AGM. These exceptionally uniform, smooth skinned, perfectly round beets have a wonderfully attractive rich red colouration and excellent skin quality. A great choice for baby beetroot or it can be left to mature.
Broccoli, Calabrese, 'Ironman F1'
Green Broccoli, Heading Broccoli€2.70Out of stock
A vast improvement on the older varieties. Calabrese Ironman F1 possesses the usual advantages of a hybrid - vigorous habit with excellent uniformity and high yields of larger than normal heads. Producing excellent quality, uniform dense heads and a very good dome shape. Harvest late June to November.
Cabbage 'Brunswick'
Autumn to Winter Cabbage.Regular Price: €1.75
Special Price €0.95
Cabbage Brunswick is a fine flavoured, popular old variety. Cold hardy and drought tolerant It can be sown early and grown to huge proportions but is more usually sown in March to May for harvesting August to October. Used in soups or stews, made into sauerkraut or coleslaw.
Cabbage 'Wirosa F1'
Savoy Cabbage, Early Winter Savoy€2.95Cabbage ‘Wirosa F1' is a very useful early variety of savoy Cabbage, with finely blistered leaves and a vigorous plant habit. Reliable and frost hardy, the cycle plantation to harvest is around 160 days. It can be sown early under glass for the earliest harvests.
Cauliflower 'Flamenco F1'
Late Summer to Autumn€3.50'Flamenco F1' is a very high quality Cauliflower variety for late summer and autumn production that has exceptional flavour. Productive and uniform the plants have good tolerance to temperature variations. The heavy white domes can be harvested through summer and early autumn. RHS AGM.
Chard, Swiss Chard 'Rhubarb Red'
Leaf Beet, Ruby Chard.€2.00Swiss Chard is probably the most under appreciated of all vegetables. One of the easiest of all vegetables to grow with a long cropping season, it tolerates poor soil and inattention. With crimson-stemmed leaves, it makes a striking contrast in any salad.
Kale, Cavolo Nero 'Black Magic'
Black Cabbage, Tuscan Kale, Borecole
Heritage (Italian pre 1879)€3.25Kale 'Black Magic' is an improved Italian Black Kale, bred to be more tender with better flavour. The winter hardy plants more cold tolerant, vigorous and slower-to-bolt than other Italian kales. They form an easy-to-harvest rosette of very dark, savoyed leaves with a flavour that is rich and mild.
Kale, Cavolo Nero 'Nero de Toscana'
Black Cabbage, Tuscan Kale, Borecole
Heritage (Italian pre 1879)€1.75Until recently Cavolo Nero, or 'Tuscan Kale', was one of Italy's best kept secrets. Simply adored, especially in the north of Italy, it has been an essential fare of traditional dishes for centuries. Cavolo Nero can now be found in garden markets, specialist greengrocers and trendy restaurants throughout Europe.
Kale, Cavolo Nero 'Nero de Toscana' Organic
Black Cabbage, Tuscan Kale, Borecole
Heritage (Italian pre 1879)€2.95Simply adored, especially in the north of Italy, Cavolo Nero is an extremely cold hardy kale that will tolerate conditions that would make most brassicas keel over. Thank heavens we have finally managed to locate Organic Seeds!
Leek 'Winter Giant 3'
Autumn / Winter Leek.€1.95Out of stock
Leek Winter Giant 3 is an extremely hardy leek, it will put up with blistering gales and frost without a pause. Harvest from October to March. The solid, long white stems are exhibition quality with an outstanding flavour.
Lettuce 'Cocarde', Organic
Oakleaf Lettuce€2.95Lettuce Cocarde is a beautiful oak leaf type lettuce. Very adaptable, it can be grown in most climates and seasons and can be picked as required. The smooth deeply lobed, red leaves have a sweet taste and delicate melt-in-your-mouth texture. RHS AGM
Lettuce 'Parris Island'
Romaine or Cos
Heritage (USA 1950)€2.00Parris Island produces an upright head of strong leaves with a distinctive crisp white midrib. Heat tolerant with fair bolt resistance, you can grow successive crops in spring and autumn and in mild coastal areas it can be grown year-round.
Onion 'Ailsa Craig Prizewinner', Organic
White Bulbing, Exhibition Onion.
Heritage (English 1887)€2.45With outstanding quality and excellent keeping qualities, Ailsa Craig Prizewinner is much loved by both home gardeners and exhibitors producing weighty onions perfect for the kitchen or show bench. A heritage variety and great all-rounder, Ailsa Craig still takes some beating. Organic Seeds.
Onion 'Stuttgart', Organic
White or Yellow Bulbing Onion€1.95Onion ‘Stuttgart’ is a late-season variety, originating in the Netherlands where it is called ‘Stuttgarter Riesen’, this well-known heirloom variety can also be found as 'Giant Stuttgart' and 'Stoccarde'. It is traditionally the most popular variety for the home gardener. Organic Seeds
Out of stock
'Hollow Crown' is one of the oldest varieties of parsnip, with probably still the best flavour of all, with a depth and richness unmatched by most other varieties. It has been grown since at least the 1850's and is still very popular among gardeners in the know.
Parsnip 'Tender and True' Organic
2022 harvest, for planting in 2023€2.95Out of stock
Parsnip Tender and True is a popular variety which forms long roots of high quality that are at least 3in wide across at the top. With good resistance to canker it is probably one of the best flavoured varieties to use for both the kitchen and exhibition. Organic Seed.
Pumpkin 'Atlantic Giant'
Giant Pumpkin, Competition & Exhibition variety€4.25Imagine, You’re reading the paper and suddenly your eye is drawn to a picture of this giant orange thing about the size of a truck with a guy half its size standing next to it grinning like a lunatic. “I’d like to grow one of those,” you think.
Pumpkin 'Musquée de Provence'
Fairy Tale Pumpkin, Winter Squash,
Heritage (French 1800's)€2.25Looking exactly like fairy tale pumpkins in children’s storybooks, Musquée de Provence is a gorgeous French pumpkin that is one of the only pumpkins that is eaten raw. Sweet with a light crunch and typical nutty taste, the very fine-grained flesh is considered by many to be superior to any other.
Squash 'Autumn Crown F1'
'Squashkin' (Butternut x Crown Prince F1)€2.95'F1 Autumn Crown’ is a new butternut crossed with a Winter squash, Crown Prince F1, which produces the shape of one parent and the buff colour of the other. More importantly, it has inherited early ripening from Crown Prince, setting fruits at least a month before the previously available fastest butternuts.
Squash 'F1 Hunter' Butternut
Winter Squash€2.95Out of stock
Butternut Squash 'Hunter' has been specifically bred and developed to give consistent results in our unreliable climate. Easy to grow and maturing up to four weeks earlier than other varieties. Each plant should produce 6 or 7 fruits of around 1kg.
Squash 'Futtsu Black Early'
Black Futsu Winter Squash,
Heritage (Japan 1800's)€2.55Blocky, deeply ribbed and extremely bumpy, for most of the season they are a gorgeous dark green to charcoal black, but in autumn 'Futtsu Black Early' mature in a fascinating metamorphosis, to a grey-bloomed dusty orange. Harvest in the midst of their transformation for funky autumn displays or wait for them to ripen completely for maximum flavour, nutty and sweet with hints of chestnut.
Squash 'Marina di Chioggia'
Winter Squash, Zucca Barucca, Zucca Santa
Heritage (Italian 1600's)€2.35This very old Italian Heirloom rustic variety originates from near Venice and is considered the King of Italian Squashes. Round, short, and squat in shape, the dark green to grey-blue skin has slight, vertical ridging and is almost completely covered in bumps. When cooked, Marina di Chioggia squash is tender and sweet with nutty flavours.
Tomato 'Auriga' Organic
Early Salad Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.75Tomato 'Auriga' is an orange fruited 'shirley' type. Early to ripen they weigh 70 to 80 grams. If you let them mature the flavour of the fruit changes to a gorgeous Melon taste. Very distinctive, they are ideal as an eye-catcher in salads. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Berner Rose' Organic
Early Beefsteak. Heritage (Swiss)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.95Out of stock
Tomato 'Bernese Rose' is a beautiful rose-pink Swiss heirloom that is earlier to ripen that other larger varieties. Fleshy, thin skinned and with the most exquisite tomato flavours this tomato is a firm favourite amongst gardeners and growers. Organic Seeds