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Pest Repellents

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  1. Sweet Marjoram is an essential culinary herb and fresh or dried, no cook should ever be without it.

    Marjoram, Sweet Marjoram

    Summer Marjoram

    Members of the oregano family are an essential plant for a well-stocked, sunny herb garden. Fragrant and very decorative, Sweet Marjoram is an essential culinary herb, good with veal, beef, lamb, roast poultry and fish. The leaves are best used fresh, as their flavour is sweeter and milder.

  2. Sweet Marjoram is an essential culinary herb and fresh or dried, no cook should ever be without it.
    Sweet Marjoram is an essential culinary herb and fresh or dried, no cook should ever be without it. It is wonderfully aromatic with a mild oregano flavour with a hint of balsam. Fresh or dried, it is good with veal, beef, lamb, roast poultry and fish. Organic Seed.
  3. Mint, 'Peppermint' Mentha x piperita

    Peppermint is a perennial favorite for many people, it has high menthol content and its refreshing taste is uplifting and cleansing. Popular for infusions and a favourite among herbal tea drinkers, it is one of the easiest herbs to grow yourself. Get creative and include in Schnapps, Mint Juleps or Mojitos!

  4. Mentha spicata (formerly viridis) is the best strain grown from seed. Chopped leaves are used in many culinary dishes.

    Mint, 'Spearmint' Mentha spicata

    English, Common, Garden or Green Mint

    Who can resist the smell of fresh mint in the garden? Mentha spicata is the best strain grown from seed. It is an exceptionally fragrant and ornamental plant in addition to having many culinary uses, it is also extremely attractive to butterflies and bees, making a wonderful addition to a wildlife garden.

  5. Mint, Mentha rotundifolia, 'Egyptian Mint'

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    Dating back to the time of the Pharaoh's, Egyptian Mint is characterised as refreshing, cooling and flavourful. Well rounded with no bitter aftertaste, Egyptian Mint has a stronger flavour similar to Apple Mint but, this is a much more robust plant with sturdy upright stems and large velvety green-grey leaves.

  6. Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    Monarda fistulosa, also known as Bergamot is famed for its medicinal qualities. While in the perennial border these lovely plants produce a mass of mauve-purple blooms (even in their first year from an early sowing) and have uniquely scented foliage. Highly attractive to bees and butterflies.

  7. Mugwort is botanically related to tarragon, it is employed as an aromatic culinary herb, such as in stuffing for roasted geese.

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    Mugwort has been known since ancient times, with a multitude of medicinal uses. This amazing shrub is closely allied to the Artemisia absinthe and botanically related to tarragon. It has a mellow sage-like aroma. it repels insects and is employed as a natural dye and an aromatic culinary herb.

  8. Cats adore the plant, rolling in nepeta and even eating it.

    Nepeta cataria

    Catnip, Catmint

    Veteran gardeners are probably already aware of nepeta’s versatility in the garden. From its popular partnering with roses to the softening effect it has on hard edges. Nepeta is an ideal perennial for new gardeners and, of course, cats adore it.

  9. Nigella sativa 'Black Cumin'

    Nigella sativa 'Black Cumin'

    Black caraway, Fennel flower

    We have all heard of Nigella Lawson, the British cooking show goddess who advocates the importance of a well-stocked pantry. But the seeds had the name first. Nigella sativa have a spicy, nutty flavour with a crunchy texture, they may be used whole or ground, and develop their flavour best after short toasting.

  10. Nigella sativa seeds are used as a spice, they develop their flavour best after short toasting

    Nigella sativa 'Black Cumin', Organic

    Black caraway, Fennel flower
    Nigella sativa flowers are very similar to the popular Nigella 'Love in a Mist', they are well suited to the border as well as the herb garden. The seeds have a spicy, nutty flavour, they can be harvested and stored for use throughout the year. Organic Seed.
  11. The difference in taste between fresh oregano and the store-bought dried variety is like night and day.

    Oregano, Greek Oregano

    True Oregano

    The difference in taste between fresh oregano and the store-bought dried variety is like night and day. Its spicy yet refreshing flavour contributes to Italian, Greek, and Spanish cuisine. Fresh oregano adds a boost of flavour that just can't be beat. Easy to grow either in the garden or indoors.

  12. With hints of Oregano, Thyme and Marjoram, Oregano Zaatar, is a special oregano that is more aromatic than the European variant.

    Oregano, Za'atar

    Syrian oregano

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    Origanum syriacum, commonly called Syrian oregano or Zaatar, is a special oregano that is more aromatic than the European variant that blends hints of Oregano, Thyme and Marjoram. It is similar yet distinctive, and gives great fragrance to a roast or rub.

  13. Pennyroyal has attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers appear in mid to late summer, held above the foliage on stout stems.

    Pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium

    Pudding Grass, Pulegium
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland, Ancient Crop

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    Pennyroyal is a cottage garden plant of old. This highly aromatic herb has a strong peppermint scent to its dark green leaves, even more so than other mints. With attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers, it can be used to carpet a shady corner or make a 'lawn' smelling deliciously of peppermint.

  14. Rue is easy to grow from seed, easy to maintain, evergreen, and makes a neat small hedge

    Rue, Ruta graveolens

    Garden Rue, Herb of Grace, Herb Rue

    Rue, as an herb has for centuries been used by herbalists to treat almost every ailment known to man. It is ornamental with pretty evergreen foliage. It is easy to grow from seed and easy to maintain. It is especially good in knot gardens because it can be pruned into a neat hedge.

  15. Santolina or lavender cotton is a Mediterranean small shrub with soft, woolly, finely divided foliage, that make neat, rounded bushes.

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    Santolina, commonly known as Lavender Cotton is a small shrub with soft, woolly, finely divided foliage, that make neat, rounded bushes. They are valuable for mass planting, ideal for knot gardens and small hedging around herb gardens etc. It will stand any amount of clipping and shaping - a perfect plant for control freaks.

  16. Soapwort flowers appear in June to early September but the best time to admire their grace is July.

    Saponaria officinalis, Soapwort

    Bouncing Bet, Fuller's Herb

    Cleanliness is next to godliness even in history. For centuries Saponaria officinalis has helped keep us clean while providing a little loveliness in our gardens. The flowers are an important nectar source and emit a pleasant and intriguing clove-like scent, seducing both night moths and butterfly species.

  17. Satureia montana ssp. citriodora is a lemon-scented variety of Winter Savory.

    Savory, Lemon Savory

    Mountain Savory, Garden Savory

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    Satureia montana ssp. citriodora is a lemon-scented variety of Winter Savory from the Apennine mountains. The small perennial shrubs are semi-evergreen, they retain their aromatic, lemon scented leaves in all but the coldest gardens and remain useful all year round.

  18. Savory, Summer Savory, 'Midget'

    Savory, Summer Savory, 'Midget'

    Summer Savory, Garden Savory

    Summer savory 'Midget' is a compact variety, this fast-growing annual provides an abundant supply of leaves, growing quickly to a height of about 25cm. With slender bronze green leaves and rose-white tubular flowers which bloom from July to September.

  19. Winter savory has a heavier aroma and a sharper pine type flavour, while that of summer savory is sweeter and more delicate.

    Savory, Summer Savory, Organic

    Summer Savory, Garden Savory

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    The leaves of Summer savory are so tender that they can be added fresh to salads or used as a garnish. Used in herb combinations it brings out the best in stews and vegetable dishes, and shines as a seasoning for roasting meats, fowl, and fish. Organic Seed.
  20. Easy to grow, Winter Savory makes an attractive border plant for any culinary herb garden.

    Savory, Winter Savory

    Mountain Savory, Garden Savory

    Winter savory, the perennial savory has the same properties as its summer relative Summer savory, although it has a heavier aroma and a sharper pine type flavour. The small perennial shrubs are semi-evergreen, retaining their leaves in all but the coldest gardens and remain useful all year round.

  21. Sweet Annie has been used for centuries in its dried form in wreaths

    Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua, Organic

    Sweet wormwood, Qing Hao

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    Artemisia annua, commonly called Sweet Annie is a graceful annual with tall stems with fine bright green ferny foliage. With sweetly fragrant foliage it has a wide variety of uses both medicinal and for handcrafting but is most often grown for fresh and dried arrangements. Organic Seeds.
  22. Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium

    Wormwood, Artemisia absinthium

    Absinthium, Absinthe Wormwood

    Wormwood is best known as the primary ingredient in absinthe, but is also an exceptionally versatile herb. As well as being an attractive plant to look at, this ancient crop has been used for centuries as a moth repellent, general pesticide and as a spray to repel slugs and snails.

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