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Gourmet Vegetables

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  1. Somewhere between asparagus and seaweed in flavour, Rock Samphire has the thrill of a mermaid’s kiss.

    Crithmum maritimum ‘Rock Samphire’

    True Samphire, Sea Fennel

    For centuries, Samphire was food for the poor, free to those who picked it, usually ordinary people living by the sea. It is ironic that today it is regarded as a specialty food and is often served with an accompanying price tag. Somewhere between asparagus and seaweed in flavour, Rock Samphire has the thrill of a mermaid’s kiss.

  2. Crambe maritima 'Lilywhite'

    Crambe maritima 'Lilywhite'

    Seakale, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Ancient Crop.

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    Crambe maritima is a lovely dual purpose plant. This delicacy from the olden days has a unique delicate flavour, forced Seakale is a real delicacy. In the garden, it can be grown as an eye-catching and fragrant border plant. It has perhaps the most beautiful of all large glaucous leaves.
  3. 'Variegata di Castelfranco' has a fresh and a delicate taste that is sweet to pleasantly bitter and a crisp texture that makes this chicory so special.

    Chicory, Radicchio 'Variegata di Castelfranco'

    Chicory / Radicchio, Late variety.
    Heritage (Italian 18th C.)

    ‘Variegata di Castelfranco’ has a beautiful form with wavy leaves that are flecked with purple. It is one of the hardiest and easiest to grow at any time in the year. Traditionally sown in mid to late summer, the harvest begins in December and lasts well into winter.

  4. Highly prized, this flavoursome late variety is grown in the Treviso area in winter.

    Chicory, Radicchio 'Rossa di Treviso'

    Chicory / Radicchio, Early variety.
    Heritage (Italian 18th C.)

    The classic tall Italian radicchio. Upright with red and white striped leaves with large pure white stems. Highly prized, this flavoursome early variety is grown in the Treviso area in winter and is eaten, root and all, simply pan fried or grilled. It has high resistance to cold.

  5. “Palla Rossa 3” from Chioggia in Italy, is a very reliable radicchio.
    Italian Chicory, or Radicchio 'Palla Rosso' from Chioggia in Italy is a reliable radicchio that forms a gorgeous, firm, round, dark-red and white head which appears like a jewel when you pull aside the tattered clump of outside green leaves.
  6. Chicory, Belgian Endive 'Brussels Witloof'

    Chicory, Belgian Endive 'Brussels Witloof'

    Perle du Nord.
    Heritage (Belgium 18th C.)

    Famous for the forced, blanched heads or ‘chichons’ that are loved by gourmets Chicory 'Brussels Witloof' is the traditional finely-textured variety used for forcing. With a delicious, tangy, unique flavour, it is very easy to grow and produces one of the finest tasting winter vegetables.

  7.  Cauliflower “Romanesco” has to be one of the most beautiful vegetables around - a true ‘Objet d'Art’.

    Cauliflower 'Romanesco'

    Coral Broccoli, Broccoflower.
    Heritage (Northern Italy)

    One of the most beautiful vegetables and a true Objet d'Art. Each complex, symmetrical head features whorls of chartreuse green florets, in a complex, bewitching design, an amazing example of phyllotaxis - the fractal patterning that appears in nature.

  8. ‘Early Argenteuil‘ is highly esteemed for its thick, rose-purple spears with tender tips and an excellent flavour.

    Asparagus 'Early Argenteuil'

    Precoce D'Argentuil,
    Heritage (France 1885)

    Earlier and hardier than most varieties, Asparagus 'Precoce D'Argentuil’ is an excellent choice for the impatient gardener. Highly esteemed for its thick, rose-purple spears with tender tips and an excellent flavour. In France it is the traditional variety used to create the popular white asparagus.

  9. Artichoke ‘Violet de Provence’ is one of the most traditional of Italian vegetables.
    Artichoke ‘Violet de Provence’ is one of the most traditional of Italian vegetables. This delicious medium sized artichoke develops rich violet-purple headed globes. Few dishes are as satisfying to eat as the globe artichoke. Dip the leaves into warm balsamic-bacon dressing and fall in love with a little thistle!
  10. Artichoke 'Green Globe'

    Artichoke 'Green Globe'

    Artichoke (Heritage, pre 1600's)

    Large and tasty heads of green buds have made Green Globe one of the most popular varieties of Artichoke. They are perennial plants and will produce more heads with each successive year. This old heirloom variety is a great delicacy, steam or boil and serve with melted lemon butter or hollandaise sauce.

  11. Alexanders, Smyrnium olusatrum

    Alexanders, Smyrnium olusatrum

    Alisanders, Black Lovage
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Alexanders are an ancient food source, cultivated for many centuries. This biennial wild flower, with dark green, shiny leaves and umbels of yellow-green flowers can be grown as an ornamental or can be put to use as a culinary herb or spice, the flavour is said to be similar to myrrh.

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