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The Flowers are sorted A-Z by their botanical name.
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  1. Agave maximiliana produce large, imposing rosettes formed by wide, fleshy leaves that taper to a sharp point

    Agave maximiliana

    Raicilla Mescal Agave. Maguey Lechuguilla

    Agave maximiliana is a captivating species, admired for its large, imposing rosettes formed by wide, fleshy leaves that taper to a sharp point. The beautiful bluish-green leaves often display the impression of the newer leaves on the older leaves. It one of the bedrock agaves used in the distillation of Raicilla, the local Mezcal.

  2. Agave parryi var. neomexicana is a dramatic specimen, the foliage is wide and heavily armed with dark tipped spines.

    Agave parryi subsp. parryi

    New Mexico Agave, Parry’s Agave or Mescal Agave.
    Agave parryi is a dramatic specimen that forms a compact rosette of bluish green leaves, heavily armed with dark tipped spines. Cold hardy to minus 18°C it will withstand snow and ice and has the ability to grow 60cm wide and as tall. This stylish succulent has long been highlighted in magazines and television shows.
  3. Agave parryi var. truncata can be differentiated by its smaller, broader leaves that truncate at the apexes.

    Agave parryi var. truncata

    Artichoke Agave

    Dense rosettes with almost metallic-looking, powdery blue, perfectly scooped leaves, Agave parryi var. truncata is a structural masterpiece that stays relatively small and compact. It makes a good container plant, and if you should happen to have something like a south facing rock wall in the hot sun, then this Agave really belongs there.

  4. Agave xylonacantha 'Blue'

    Agave xylonacantha 'Blue'

    Sharks Tooth Agave, Maguey Diente de Tiburón

    Agave xylonacantha 'Blue' is the beautiful blue-green leafed form. Rare in cultivation, this dramatic specimen is armed with the most bizarre large white teeth of all the family. One of its previous names, Agave carchariodonta was in reference to the teeth (odonta) of the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias.

  5. With deep true gentian blue flower spikes Ajuga genevensis is by far the showiest of the species.

    Ajuga genevensis

    Geneva Bugle

    Ajuga genevensis is used throughout the world yet this relatively uncommon form is less well known. This very well behaved, evergreen groundcover has deep gentian blue flower spikes and is by far the showiest of the species. It is often the plant of choice for smaller areas or along edges and pathways.

  6. For most of the year Ajuga is a pleasant quiet achiever, but those weeks in spring when the blue flowers appear are simply quite magical.

    Ajuga reptans

    Bugle. Thunder and Lightning,

    For most of the year Ajuga is a pleasant, quiet achiever, a very versatile low growing ground cover, with evergreen, rosette-like foliage that hugs the ground like an evergreen carpet but those weeks in spring when the blue flowers appear are simply quite magical.

  7. Alcea ficifolia produce many upright stems emerging from the base, resulting in a bushy form.

    Alcea ficifolia 'Happy Lights'

    The Antwerp or Fig-leaved Hollyhock

    Alcea ficifolia is reliably perennial and unlike the biennial forms which produce a single spire, they produce many upright stems, resulting in a bushy form. ‘Happy Lights’ is a beautiful strain, a bold blend of white, pink, purple, red, and yellow blooms. If sown early they will bloom in their first year.

  8. Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Rose'

    Alcea rosea ‘Chater's Rose’ is a dramatic, upright plant, with a spike-like inflorescence that is covered with large buds that open, in a staggered manner, from June to September, from the bottom to the top. Fully double and almost pom-pom in appearance, the fine crepe texture of the petals is so delicate that it allows light to pass through.

  9. and the flowers are highly attractive to butterflies and bees.

    Alcea rosea ‘Chater's White’ is a dramatic, upright plant, with a spike-like inflorescence that is covered with large buds that open, in a staggered manner, from June to September, from the bottom to the top. Fully double and almost pom-pom in appearance, the fine crepe texture of the petals is so delicate that it allows light to pass through.

  10. The shortest in the Alcea rosea family. 'Queeny' is a dwarf Hollyhock that reaches only 60cm (24in) in height

    Alcea rosea 'Queeny Mix'

    Althaea rosa, Hollyhock

    This gorgeous award winning Hollyhock has the distinction of being the shortest in the Alcea rosea family. 'Queeny' is a dwarf Hollyhock that reaches only 60cm in height with fully double blooms. Unlike the tall varieties, it is a perennial that can also be used as an annual as it will bloom in its first year.

  11. The dramatic, near-black flowers of Nigra work equally well in a contemporary, minimalist garden.

    Alcea rosea var. 'Nigra'

    Althaea rosa, Black Hollyhock

    Starting at: €2.25

    Hollyhocks are a mysterious and prolific flower with a long and rich history. Traditionally associated with cottage-style borders, the dramatic, near-black flowers of Nigra work equally well in a contemporary, minimalist garden. This unique variety creates an impressive impact against most backgrounds.

  12. The unpretentious Lady's Mantle is extremely useful for both its foliage and its flowers.

    Alchemilla mollis 'Lady's Mantle'

    'Thriller', 'Irish Silk', Lady’s Mantle
    The unpretentious lady's mantle is extremely useful for both its foliage and its flowers. The foliage has the additional virtue of looking especially beautiful after a rain, when it holds water droplets in the pleats of its surface like many pearls of liquid mercury.
  13. Allium 'Purple Sensation' is a stunning fashionable plant, with globes of rosy-purple crowded spherical umbels, and strap shaped leaves.

    Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation'

    Syn Allium aflatunense.
    This is a stunning fashionable plant, with globes of rosy-purple crowded spherical umbels, and strap shaped leaves. The flowers are very long lasting and help fill that awkward gap between the later spring bulbs and the perennials.
  14. Allium karataviense has broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple underneath.

    Allium karataviense

    Turkestan Onion
    A. karataviense is a bulbous, herbaceous perennial to 25cm in height, with broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple, especially beneath, with deep lines or ridges, and star-shaped, near-white flowers in short-stalked, rounded clusters.
  15. Allium ursinum, Ramsons Garlic

    Allium ursinum, Ramsons Garlic

    Ramsons Garlic, Wild Garlic, Broad Leaved Garlic
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Until a few years ago you would never have seen wild garlic on a menu, but these days is definitely a chefs' favourite. The whole plant is edible, the flavour is softer, more pleasant than cloves from garlic bulbs. The leaves have a vibrant colour that brings food to life, use sparingly in salads, or add to sauces and dressings. It also makes splendid pesto.

  16. Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener.

    Aloe castanea

    Cat's Tail Aloe

    Commonly known as the Cat's Tail Aloe, Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener. The rosette gives rise to multiple, fuzzy, orange racemes which are held upright and curve like a cat’s tail.

  17. Aloe ferox, commonly known as The Cape Aloe is a distinctly handsome plant.

    Aloe ferox

    Ferocious Aloe, Cape Aloe

    The Cape Aloe is a distinctly handsome plant, with broad, lance-shaped, fleshy leaves and a large candelabra-like flower-head. There are usually between five and eight branches, each carrying a spike-like head of many flowers.

  18. Aloe microstigma, forms beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves that are adorned with conspicuous white spots.

    Aloe microstigma

    Cape Speckled Aloe

    One of the most attractive and floriferous of Aloes of South Africa, Aloe microstigma, forms solitary or small clumps of beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves. The leaves are adorned with conspicuous white spots, which contrast nicely with the reddish teeth along the margins.

  19. Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents.

    Aloe striata

    Coral Aloe

    Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents. The smooth, blue-green leaves are edged with a pink or red margin and it blooms with coral coloured flowers. Grown with Agave, cacti or other succulents, they make stunning indoor displays.

  20. Cascading amaranthus, Love-Lies-Bleeding

    Amaranthus caudatus 'Coral Fountain'

    Cascading amaranthus, Love-Lies-Bleeding

    With cascading tassels of the most wonderful coral-pink. Amaranthus 'Coral Fountain' is a great addition to the garden and a superb filler for the vase. With generous treatment, specimens three or four feet or more with enormous drooping tassels of flowers can be obtained.

  21. Amaranthus caudatus is the hanging or drooping amaranthus, the deep red variety also known as Love-Lies-Bleeding.

    This ever-popular annual is perhaps more versatile than you might imagine – good in the border, most effective as a cut flower in arrangements, a good pot-plant and, not often appreciated – if carefully dried, the colour of the spikes remains unchanged for a considerable time.

  22. Amaranthus 'Mira' have a unique ombre colour that transitions from light sage green, to lilac, to deep purple.

    Amaranthus caudatus 'Mira'

    Cascading, Rope Amaranthus

    The blooms of Amaranthus caudatus 'Mira' have a unique ombre colour that transitions from light sage green, to lilac, to deep purple. The trailing locks are like jeweled necklaces, thick, pendulous tassels that extend 60 to 90cm long. They add exceptional texture and visual interest to gardens and floral designs alike.

  23. Amaranthus caudatus ‘viridis’ is the gorgeous green form of the popular drooping amaranthus.

    Amaranthus caudatus viridis

    Weeping Green Amaranth, Emerald Tassels

    Amaranthus caudatus viridis is the green form of the popular drooping amaranthus. The lime green flowers, which slowly fade to cream as they age, form dramatic tassel-like panicles which can grow to 60cm long and seem to drip from the branches in profusion throughout summer and early autumn.

  24. Amaranthus cruentus 'Autumn's Touch'

    Amaranthus cruentus 'Autumn's Touch'

    Aka: Amaranthus Bronze-Pistachio

    Blending perfectly into the late summer and autumn landscape, the large plumes of Amaranthus 'Autumn's Touch' combine soft pistachio-green and bronze tones to create restful, airy beauty in the garden and make exciting vase material that hold their colour longer than other amaranths and delight the songbirds who flock to feast on their seeds throughout autumn.

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