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Green / Yellow

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  1. Helianthus annuus 'F1 Sunrich Limoncello Summer'

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Sunrich Limoncello Summer'

    Pollenless, Premium Sunflower

    Developed for the cut flower industry, the 'Sunrich' series has been the market leader for the last fifteen years. Vibrant lemon yellow petals with creamy lemon tips surround a dark center disk, It is ‘day length neutral’ so will provide consistent flowers, just two months from planting, irrespective of the amount of daylight hours that it receives.

  2. You will never have seen such a stunning and unusual semi-double, lemon coloured Sunflower.

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Lemon Cutie'

    Pollenless Dwarf Sunflower

    Dwarf sunflowers for small gardens and containers are always in demand and ‘Lemon Cutie’ looks to have everything we need in a dwarf sunflower. Semi-double and pollenless. Not only is it dwarf with multiple branches, but you will never have seen such a stunning and unusual, lemon coloured Sunflower.

  3.  'F1 Gemini Summer' is F1 hybrid tall cut flower variety with golden yellow, double flowers.

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Gemini Summer'

    Pollenless, Premium Sunflower

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Gemini Summer' is F1 hybrid tall cut flower variety with golden yellow, double flowers. This professional quality sunflower is a pollenless, uniflora type that grows 90 to 120cm tall. Cut the flowers when the petals begin to unfurl from the face.

  4. Helianthus 'Cut Flower Mixture' offers a diverse range of varieties in a wide range of shapes and colours.

    Helianthus annuus 'Cut Flower Mixture' offers a diverse range of sunflower varieties that are suited to outdoor cut flower production. In a wide range of shapes and colours, lemon, golds and reds. The heights range from 80 to 150cm (32 to 60in). They are lovely in borders or vases.

  5. Lady Stratheden is a grand old lady who has graced our gardens for over 80 years and is still going strong.

    Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden'

    The Grecian Rose, Chilean Avens

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    This cheerful perennial brightens up a sunny garden border, especially one based on hot colours. The semi-double vivid golden yellow flowers, appear on arching stems above rosettes of scalloped, fresh green leaves.
  6. Feverfew a garden favourite. White petals with yellow centres accent the green serrated leaves of this plant.

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    Whether your interest lies in medicinal herbs or simply its decorative qualities, growing Feverfew can be a welcome addition to any garden or allotment. Feverfew is a good companion plant and a natural insect repellent. Ideal for planting around outdoor seating areas and pathways

  7. Feverfew, 'Aureum', Golden Feverfew

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    Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum', commonly called Golden Feverfew or Golden Feather, is a clump-forming, dwarf cultivar which typically grows only 20 to 30cm tall and features small daisy-like flowers and chartreuse aromatic foliage. It blooms profusely between July and October.

  8. Oenothera biennis provides a wonderful splash of summer colour in the garden from June until September.

    Evening Primrose, Oenothera biennis, Organic

    Evening Primrose, Herb Primrose, King's cure-all
    Wildflower of Europe
    Oenothera biennis provides a wonderful splash of summer colour in the garden. Flowering begins in June and plants continue growing throughout the season so there is a constant succession until about September. In early summer the sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers open towards evening and are faintly phosphorescent.
  9. Erythronium grandiflorum is a rarely offered species native to west North America.

    Erythronium grandiflorum

    Yellow Avalanche Lily, Glacier Lily
    Erythronium grandiflorum is a rarely offered species. Native to west North America, it is one of the largest of the genus. Blooming in early spring, each flower stem has up to ten golden yellow, nodding, star-shaped flowers with reflexed petals.
  10. Erysimum cheiri 'F1 Sugar Rush, Yellow'

    Erysimum cheiri 'F1 Sugar Rush, Yellow'

    Wallflower, formerly Cheiranthus Cheiri

    One of the most notable features of the 'Sugar Rush' series is its unique dual-season flowering. Unlike traditional wallflowers that primarily bloom in spring, 'Sugar Rush' flowers in both autumn and spring​. 'Yellow’ produces upright clusters of bright, golden-yellow blooms that fill the air with delicious scent.

  11. Echinacea paradoxa

    Echinacea paradoxa

    Yellow Coneflower

    Echinacea paradoxa is a true paradox – a rare and highly unusual yellow variety of the much loved 'Purple Coneflower'. With large, yellow ray flowers and the classical raised cone, the blooms are slightly fragrant and make excellent cut flowers. Echinacea paradoxa is a beautiful, elegant and easy plant to grow.

  12. Echinacea 'Paradiso Yellow' blooms in beautiful, illuminating warm yellow shades.

    Echinacea 'Paradiso' is an outstanding series of the familiar 'Cone Flower' and one of late summer's most garden worthy forms. A first year flowering perennial they are distinguished by the exceptionally large flowers which grow 8cm to 10cm (3 to 4in) wide. Echinacea 'Paradiso Yellow' blooms in beautiful, illuminating warm yellow shades.

  13. Extremely hardy, Digitalis grandiflora is one of the toughest and best performers of all the foxgloves.

    Digitalis grandiflora

    Syn: Digitalis ambigua. Perennial Foxglove
    Digitalis grandiflora is one of the few truly perennial foxgloves. Extremely hardy and one of the best performers. Bearing upright stalks of beautiful creamy-yellow bells through the summer, the lovely soft shade allows this plant to blend with almost anything in the garden.
  14. Dianthus caryophyllus 'Marie Chabaud'

    Dianthus caryophyllus 'Marie Chabaud'

    Vintage Florists, Scented Carnation

    Chabaud carnations are something else being almost more clove scented than cloves themselves. Developed for florists for use as a cut flower. 'Marie Chabaud' provides armfuls of delicate, pale lemon yellow, frilly double blooms, they will provide a continuous harvest of sweetly fragrant blooms for cutting.

  15. Cosmos bipinnatus 'Xanthos' is a totally new cosmos that's causing rather a stir in horticultural circles.

    Cosmos bipinnatus 'Xanthos'

    The Mexican Aster

    Cosmos bipinnatus 'Xanthos' is a new cosmos that's causing rather a stir in horticultural circles. It adds a completely new colour to the Cosmos range. Unique soft-yellow blooms are produced in profusion on compact dwarf plants. Growing to a height of 60cm tall, this truly exceptional Cosmos has already been granted one of the most prestigious horticultural awards, a Fleuroselect Gold Medal.

  16. Golden blooms with mahogany highlights mark each bloom as unique on this very free-flowering, semi-double Coreopsis.

    Dazzling gold stripes on mahogany-brown petals mark each bloom as unique on this very free-flowering, semi-double Coreopsis. Irresistible to butterflies but left alone by deer and untroubled by heat, humidity, and drought, this carefree beauty self-sows freely, going from seed to bloom in just 12 weeks.

  17. Coleus blumei 'Wizard Mixed'

    Starting at: €2.25

    The 'Wizard' Series is an excellent example of the new developments of coleus, it is the best seed raised strain for bedding and containers. From the brilliant apricot-bronze Sunset, to red-veined maroon Velvet Red, each is a distinctive work of art. The heart-shaped leaves show their colour early and keeps its hues right through the worst summer heat and humidity. Available in single colours or as a mix.

  18. This uncommon Clematis is a graceful, vigorous and very floriferous climber. Flowering only three months after sowing it is very easy to grow.

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    This uncommon Clematis is a graceful, vigorous and very floriferous climber. During summer and all the way through to autumn the plant is covered with golden yellow nodding lanterns. In the autumn the flowers of 'Radar Love' turn into beautiful large tufts of long silvery, silky seed heads that are just as ornamental.

  19. Golden-yellow shaggy thistle-like blooms on strong stems are followed by attractive seed heads.

    Centaurea macrocephala

    Great Headed Centaury

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    Centaurea macrocephala is a magnificent perennial that ideal for providing vertical interest in a sunny, well-drained herbaceous border. The golden-yellow shaggy thistle-like blooms are on strong stems and mid-green, lance-shaped leaves are followed by attractive seed heads.

  20. Caltha palustris is believed to be one of our most ancient native plants.

    Caltha palustris

    Kingcup, Marsh Marigold
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    'Caltha palustris, commonly called Marsh Marigold is one of the most cheerful native plants to adorn the edges of a pond or stream and possesses the added benefit of flowering in the shade. The plant’s yellow flowers and dark green shiny leaves cheer up the otherwise barren landscape as winter recedes.
  21. Callistephus chinensis 'Chrysantella, Limoncello'

    Callistephus chinensis 'Chrysantella, Limoncello'

    Premium China Aster, Chrysanthemum form

    Considered to be the crème de la crème of cut asters, Chrysantella Limoncello provides a beautiful soft yellow blooms to this popular series. Long-lasting, weather-resistant blooms that don’t drop their petals, they are perfect for commercial cultivation and for use as a cut flower.

  22. Calendula, 'Double Lemon' is an award winning variety that produces large double, pale lemon blooms.

    A unique new colour in Calendula, 'Double Lemon' is an award winning variety that produces large double, pale lemon blooms, each with a deep yellow heart. Compact, bushy and free flowering. the medium height plants are an excellent variety for borders and containers.

  23. Calendula officinalis 'Citrus Mixed' produces a bright mixture of apricot, orange, lemon and cream blooms

    Calendula officinalis 'Citrus Mixed' is a highly attractive hardy annual variety producing a bright mixture of apricot, orange, lemon and cream blooms from May to September. Among the most popular of hardy annuals, they are very easy to grow, and thrive in the cooler weather of spring and autumn.

  24. Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Green Gold'

    A classic filler adding colour and texture, Bupleurum provide charming foliage and blooms of chartreuse green for the vase. Developed for the florist trade and recently introduced, 'Green Gold' produces wonderfully upright plants. Its flowers are produced on long, sturdy stems that have an exceptionally long vase life, lasting up to 10 days in a vase.

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