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  1. Trollius europaeus is a native wild flower of Europe and Western Asia. Found in damp ground in shady areas, woodland and scrub, pastures and woods in mountain areas.

    Trollius europaeus

    Globeflower, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Trollius europaeus is a beautiful native wild flower of Europe and Western Asia. Found in damp ground in shady areas, it is a most attractive plant with dark green, deeply cut leaves and bears flowers, best described as egg-yolk yellow in colour.

  2. Verbascum olympicum at Great Dixter, Christopher Lloyd loved their statuesque flowerheads.

    Verbascums are statuesque in both foliage and flower. This elegant species, native to the Olympus mountains is arguably the finest of the genus. Tall flower spikes rise from the centre of the foliage, each are weighted heavily with bright, golden-yellow blooms giving the effect of an enormous candelabra.

  3. Zinnia elegans 'Envy' feature large 10 to 12cm (4 to 5in) lime-green blooms.

    Zinnia elegans 'Envy'

    Dahlia Flowered Zinnia

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    A favourite of gardeners and florists around the world, Zinnias are extremely easy to grow from seed and are the perfect flower for beginners. Zinnia elegans 'Envy' feature large 10 to 12cm (4 to 5in) lime-green blooms. They provide colour from mid-summer to autumn and make wonderful cut flowers.
  4. Zinnia elegans 'Isabellina'

    Zinnia elegans 'Isabellina'

    Dahlia Flowered Zinnia

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    Zinnia elegans 'Isabellina' is a beautiful soft cream-yellow zinnia, this heirloom zinnia originally introduced in 1955. Recently re-introduced, this densely-petaled variety makes a long lasting cut flower. An elegant addition to borders of pastel-hued flowers, or for the white garden. Extremely easy to grow from seed.

  5. The latest addition to this wonderful series, Zinnia ‘Queeny Lemon Peach’

    Zinnia elegans 'Queeny Lemon Peach'

    Dahlia Flowered Zinnia

    Zinnia ‘Queeny Lemon Peach’ is the latest award winning colour in the series. As the blooms age, they have a a reverse fading habit that presents beautiful colour shades, the colour starts a delicate creamy lemon and transition to a soft coral-peach. This gorgeous cut-and-come-again flower yields multiple cuts over the season.

  6. Zinnia elegans 'Queen Red Lime' - rich rose with lime centre. There is no other flower on the market quite like it.

    Zinnia elegans 'Queeny Lime Red'

    Dahlia Flowered Zinnia
    An astounding achievement in floral breeding, Zinnia ‘Queeny Red Lime’ is a unique zinnia that is coveted for its unusual colouring. From a smoky dark rose to a subtle maroon red crowned with lime green. The petals are layered thickly with a stunning crown. There is no other flower on the market quite like it.
  7. Zinnia elegans 'Queeny Lime with Blush'

    The latest addition to this wonderful series, Zinnia ‘Queeny Lime with Blush’ has a wonderful ombré gradient on their petals, the coloration transitions from a soft lime green to a muted dusty raspberry,. An excellent flower for bridging between different colour spectrums.

  8. Zinnia 'Queen Lime' is the solid green sister of 'Queen Red Lime', in fashionable chartreuse.

    Zinnia elegans 'Queeny Lime'

    Dahlia Flowered Zinnia

    Zinnia elegans 'Queeny Lime' is the solid green sister of 'Queeny Red Lime'. In fashionable chartreuse, it is an improvement on the traditional green zinnia ‘Envy’. Fully double, very long-lasting, and fade-resistant, their unusual colour makes a good companion for every other flower in the garden.

  9. Zinnia elegans, 'Benary's Giant Golden Yellow'

    Zinnia elegans, 'Benary's Giant Golden Yellow'

    Benary Giant Florist Series, The Premium Zinnia.
    Zinnia elegans, ‘Benary's Giant' series is a classic and superior strain of giant zinnia. Recommended for their uniformity, productivity, and carefree cultivation across a range of growing zones and conditions, these vigorous all-season producers hold up well in both summer rain and heat.
  10.  ‘Benary's Giant Lime’ feature apple-green, beautiful broad blooms that are densely packed with petals.

    Zinnia elegans, 'Benary's Giant Lime'

    Benary Giant Florist Series, The Premium Zinnia.

    Zinnia elegans, ‘Benary's Giant' Series is a classic and superior strain of giant zinnia, that features large, double blossoms that are densely packed with petals. ‘Benary's Giant Lime’ feature apple-green, beautiful broad blooms, borne on long, strong stems they are perfect for cutting.

  11. Zinnia elegans, 'Oklahoma Golden Yellow'

    Zinnia elegans, 'Oklahoma Golden Yellow'

    Premium, Florists Zinnia.
    Productive, healthy, and reliable, Zinnia 'Oklahoma' is an impressive series that offers uniformity and clarity of colour in addition to sturdy stems and disease resistance. The flowerheads have an extremely high percentage of double flowers, and with less susceptibility to powdery mildew, they have a more extended vase life than other zinnias

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