Dry Areas
Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold'
Fernleaf Yarrow€2.45Achillea filipendulina ‘Cloth of Gold’ is an easy to grow plant which tolerates a fair amount of neglect which makes it a very versatile plant for use in many situations. It does require full sun for best flower production, but this is little to ask for such a grand reward.
Achillea millefolium 'Cerise Queen'
Yarrow, Milfoil€2.15Achillea ‘Cerise Queen’ is a carefree and generously blooming perennial which requires little maintenance to create an explosion of late summer colour. The large, flat-topped clusters of vibrant, pink flowers with tiny white centers are irresistible to butterflies, and also make excellent cut flowers.
Achillea millefolium 'F2 Summer Berries'
Yarrow, Milfoil€2.75Achilleas are traditional border flowers valued for their feathery foliage and striking flat, circular heads of flowers ‘F2 Summer Berries’ is a compact variety growing to only 60cm tall at maturity. This beautiful improved mixture includes the richer tones of red, cerise and pink in addition to many pastel shades.
Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl'
Sneezewort€2.00A favourite of garden designer Gertrude Jekyll. The 'Pearl' is excellent for the middle of a sunny, well-drained border, especially when planted as a large drift. A unique, easy and reliable plant to add to any border.
Achillea sibirica var. camtschatica 'Love Parade'
Siberian Yarrow, Kamchatka Yarrow€2.85Achillea sibirica var. camtschatica 'Love Parade' is an upright, tufted, perennial yarrow that is native to Siberia. Very different from the common yarrow, with dense clusters of large flat-topped soft pink flowers and glossy, dark green, fern-like leaves, they remain attractive throughout the growing season.
Agave maximiliana
Raicilla Mescal Agave. Maguey Lechuguilla€2.75Agave maximiliana is a captivating species, admired for its large, imposing rosettes formed by wide, fleshy leaves that taper to a sharp point. The beautiful bluish-green leaves often display the impression of the newer leaves on the older leaves. It one of the bedrock agaves used in the distillation of Raicilla, the local Mezcal.
Agave parryi subsp. parryi
New Mexico Agave, Parry’s Agave or Mescal Agave.€2.95Agave parryi is a dramatic specimen that forms a compact rosette of bluish green leaves, heavily armed with dark tipped spines. Cold hardy to minus 18°C it will withstand snow and ice and has the ability to grow 60cm wide and as tall. This stylish succulent has long been highlighted in magazines and television shows.
Agave parryi var. truncata
Artichoke Agave€3.95Dense rosettes with almost metallic-looking, powdery blue, perfectly scooped leaves, Agave parryi var. truncata is a structural masterpiece that stays relatively small and compact. It makes a good container plant, and if you should happen to have something like a south facing rock wall in the hot sun, then this Agave really belongs there.
Agave xylonacantha 'Blue'
Sharks Tooth Agave, Maguey Diente de Tiburón€2.85Agave xylonacantha 'Blue' is the beautiful blue-green leafed form. Rare in cultivation, this dramatic specimen is armed with the most bizarre large white teeth of all the family. One of its previous names, Agave carchariodonta was in reference to the teeth (odonta) of the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias.
Ajuga genevensis
Geneva Bugle€2.55Ajuga genevensis is used throughout the world yet this relatively uncommon form is less well known. This very well behaved, evergreen groundcover has deep gentian blue flower spikes and is by far the showiest of the species. It is often the plant of choice for smaller areas or along edges and pathways.
Ajuga reptans
Bugle. Thunder and Lightning,€2.65For most of the year Ajuga is a pleasant, quiet achiever, a very versatile low growing ground cover, with evergreen, rosette-like foliage that hugs the ground like an evergreen carpet but those weeks in spring when the blue flowers appear are simply quite magical.
Allium karataviense
Turkestan Onion€2.35A. karataviense is a bulbous, herbaceous perennial to 25cm in height, with broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple, especially beneath, with deep lines or ridges, and star-shaped, near-white flowers in short-stalked, rounded clusters.
Aloe castanea
Cat's Tail Aloe€2.35Commonly known as the Cat's Tail Aloe, Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener. The rosette gives rise to multiple, fuzzy, orange racemes which are held upright and curve like a cat’s tail.
Aloe ferox
Ferocious Aloe, Cape Aloe€2.25The Cape Aloe is a distinctly handsome plant, with broad, lance-shaped, fleshy leaves and a large candelabra-like flower-head. There are usually between five and eight branches, each carrying a spike-like head of many flowers.
Aloe microstigma
Cape Speckled Aloe€2.35One of the most attractive and floriferous of Aloes of South Africa, Aloe microstigma, forms solitary or small clumps of beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves. The leaves are adorned with conspicuous white spots, which contrast nicely with the reddish teeth along the margins.
Aloe striata
Coral Aloe€2.45Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents. The smooth, blue-green leaves are edged with a pink or red margin and it blooms with coral coloured flowers. Grown with Agave, cacti or other succulents, they make stunning indoor displays.
Anchusa italica 'Dropmore'
Aka Anchusa azurea or Italian Bugloss€2.75Anchusa italica is a wonderfully statuesque plant with vibrant, gentian blue flowers, dense foliage and lance shaped mid green leaves. 'Dropmore' is a 1905 selection that is still available today. They will thrive in a sunny border and make a great companion to rich plums and purple tones.
Anemone nemorosa 'Wood Anemone'
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.75This lovely woodlander makes a striking impact in the spring garden. The Irish-born exponent of wild gardening, William Robinson, adored Anemone nemorosa. Writing in his English Flower Garden in 1883, he begins by saying "there is little need to plead for their culture".
Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica 'Snowcap'
syn A. alpina 'Schneehaube'
Wall, White or Mountain Rockcress€2.00One of the earliest spring flowers to appear, Arabis 'Snowcap' with dense masses of snow-white flowers looks wonderful in containers or under spring-blooming bulbs, the pretty white flowers will fill the void when yearning for blooms is tugging at your core.
Arenaria montana 'Mountain Sandwort'
Sandwort.€2.25Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
Artemisia ludoviciana
Louisiana sage€2.25Out of stock
Prized for its beautiful silvery foliage, the fine grey-white stems of Artemisia ludoviciana bear silvery-white leaves that are fragrant, fuzzy and soft. This finely textured plant adds a different element to the garden, the texture and leaf form setting them apart from those other garden plants with rather less refined foliage.
Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain'
Also known as 'Boughton Silver'€2.95Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain' is a superior, dense, mat-forming selection. Uniquely shaped silver-white felted leaves with deeply divided, rounded lobes, it forms very attractive low mounds, giving an attractive ground-hugging carpet. Its foliage makes a wonderful foil for more colourful flowering plants.
Asphodeline lutea
King's Spear, Yellow Jacob's Rod€2.80Out of stock
Asphodeline lutea is an easy to grow perennial that has great architectural form. The overall impression is distinctly upright, so it is good for adding vertical interest to the garden. In early summer leafy stems arise that bear dense, unbranched cylindrical spikes of gorgeous yellow, star-shaped flowers.
Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii'
False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta€1.85Aubrieta 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring. It grows to only 10 to 15cm tall at maturity, but with a spread of around 45cm it makes a lively edging to a sunny border, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls.