Dry Areas
Lotus corniculatus ‘Bird's Foot-Trefoil’
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Out of stock
The more I see of this rather attractive little plant, the more I grow to appreciate it. Now I seem to spot it all over the place, in meadows, woodland, road verges and gardens. The bright yellow fragrant flowers can be seen in blossom from the end of April through until mid September.
Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll, Rose'
Love in a Mist€1.95'Miss Jekyll Rose' is much less common than the usual blue varieties of Nigella, bearing wonderful rose-pink flowers which seem to float amongst the finely cut leaves. One of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see, and once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pods can be dried for winter decorations
Nigella damascena 'Moody Blues'
Love in a Mist€2.25Nigella 'Moody Blues' produces blooms in many shades of blue, from sky blue right through to deep midnight blue. Nigella are ridiculously easy to grow. Sown directly, they will be flowering in just three months and bloom right through to October. In cool summer climates, additional sowings can be done every 3 to 4 weeks until mid-summer.
Nigella damascena floraplena 'Albion Black Pod'
Love in a Mist€2.35'Albion Black Pod' is much less common than the usual Nigella varieties, It bears delicate romantic white flowers with intriguing little green stamens that are surrounded by ferny foliage. At the end of the season, the petals drop and the blossoms transform into dark plum fairy lanterns.
Nigella damascena floraplena 'Albion Green Pod'
Love in a Mist€2.35'Albion Green Pod' is an unusual species of Nigella. The flowers are followed by fresh green, very ornamental seed capsules, are held on stiff stems that are perfect for use as a cut flower. They dry readily and easily, are very decorative and very useful for fresh and dried bouquets and winter decorations indoors.
Nigella orientalis ‘Transformer’
Yellow Fennel Flower, Love in a Mist€1.95An unusual twist on the classic cottage garden flower, Nigella 'Transformer' adds intriguing texture with its uniquely shaped flowers and upright, seed pods. A good choice for borders, mass plantings or cut flowers. Used fresh or dried the seed pods are a great filler in bouquets, cut flower production is just 12 to 16 weeks.
Nigella papillosa ‘African Bride’
Aka Nigella hispanica, Spanish Love in a Mist€2.45Nigella papillosa ‘African Bride’ is a most attractive variety. Deep rich purple stamens that highlight pure white blooms are followed by intriguing red seed pods. A hardy annual that is very easy to grow, it is rather special as a cut flower, and lovely in summer borders too.
Nigella papillosa ‘Delft Blue'
Aka Nigella hispanica, Spanish Love in a Mist€2.45Named for the famous Dutch Delft blue pottery, Nigella papillosa ‘Delft Blue’ is an eye catching hardy annual with flower petals in varying shades of blue and grey, and intricate deep-purple centres. They make a splendid addition to mixed beds and border displays and the flowers attract and feed bees as well as other beneficial insects.
Nigella papillosa ‘Midnight'
Aka Nigella hispanica, Spanish Love in a Mist€2.25Nigella papillosa ‘Midnight' is a very handsome variety with gorgeous, velvety, dark purple flowers which stand above attractive, lush green feathery foliage. Ornamental, dark purple, spider-like seed pods extend the interest of this border star well into autumn. Sowing to flowering takes just three months.
Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Blue'
Beardtongue€3.25Awarded a Fleuroselect Medal for striking colour, plant habit, and flowering performance, Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Blue' is a first year flowering perennial that will add height and high-impact colour to the border, giving superb flowering performance from mid to late summer.
Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Coral'
Beardtongue€3.25Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Coral' adds a graceful twist to the garden. A first year flowering perennial, that is hardy and vigorous, it boasts twice the length of flowering stems, giving longer, more elegant wands for the vase while preserving the natural elegance of Penstemon barbatus.
Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Purple'
Beardtongue€3.25A winner of both an AAS and Fleuroselect Awards, Penstemon ‘Twizzle Purple' is a first year flowering perennial that boasts twice the length of flowering stem. Strong, trouble-free plants produce trumpet shaped magenta-violet blooms that flutter all along tall, slender stems.
Potentilla nepalensis 'Helen Jane'
Cinquefoil€2.25Out of stock
Potentilla 'Helen Jane' is a beautiful new semi-dwarf cultivar that displays gorgeous crimson-eyed, bright pink flowers, with petals that are attractively crinkled just like crepe paper. Flowering over a long period, new buds open repeatedly in a long succession, from late June to September.
Potentilla nepalensis 'Ron McBeath'
Cinquefoil€2.25Venerating a former plant curator at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland, 'Ron McBeath' is a beautiful new semi-dwarf cultivar. This diminutive potentilla repeat-flowers for months, sending up wands of rosy carmine flowers even in shade. It outlasts other potentillas by far.
Rosularia rechingeri
Syn: Prometheum rechingeri€3.25Out of stock
Rosularia is a rosette forming succulent that closely resemble other Crassulaceae such as Sempervivum and Echeveria. It distinguishes itself in spring time when the small green clusters change to a vibrant rich reddish tone. Rare yet hardy, they are seldom seen other than in specialist nurseries or rock garden collections.
Rudbeckia occidentalis 'Green Wizard'
Western Coneflower, Green Coneflower€2.65An absolute gift to flower arrangers, this is a noble and ornamental plant for the back of any border making nice clumps of foliage. It is, of course, the flowers that are remarkable: three or four inches across, “green” is one’s immediate impression on seeing them.
Salvia argentea, Artemis
Silver Sage€3.40Out of stock
Salvia argentea is prized for its spectacular, large, furry silver-grey leaves. The plants form an attractive mound that provide a dramatic background for colourful summer flowers. It complements purple or magenta flowers and looks gorgeous in a ‘white’ garden. -
Salvia farinacea 'Fairy Queen'
Bi Colour Sage, Flowering Sage€2.45Salvia farinacea ‘Fairy Queen’ is an attractive new variety that bears multiple spikes of bicolour blue and white flowers on dark distinctive flower stems from June to October. With a bushy, compact habit and thick stems. A small white spot on each sapphire blue flower creates the illusion of fairy dust.
Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue'
Mealy Cup Sage, Flowering Sage, Blue Sage€2.45Deep, true blue is a highly sought after colour in flowers and are this plants' outstanding feature. Flowering in less than four months, this is a splendid variety, a bushy base branching plant producing numerous, long-lasting spikes of vivid true blue flowers. -
Salvia farinacea 'Victoria White'
Mealy Cup Sage, Flowering Sage, White Sage€2.65Salvia Victoria White is a companion to the more well known Victoria Blue. Flowering in less than four months from seed, it produces its white flowers from summer to autumn. Like all Salvia, it brings butterflies into the garden by the dozen, and makes a wonderful cut or dried flower.
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White'
Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage€2.55Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White' is a choice white cultivar that is not that easy to find. A nobly architectural Sage, each of its branched stems is topped with a profusion of blossoms with brilliant white bracts. The flowers are attractive and are boosted in impact by the large petioles that surround them.
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, Clary Sage
Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage€1.75This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history and has many plus points: it grows well in poor soil resists slugs and other beasties, and doesn’t slump or need staking. It copes well in sun or light shade and the blooms are a magnet for bees and butterflies.
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, Clary Sage, Organic
Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage€2.15This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history. Each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts. A truly architectural plant. Organic Seed. -
Santolina chamaecyparissus ssp tomentosa
Lavender Cotton€2.95Out of stock
Santolina, commonly known as Lavender Cotton is a small shrub with soft, woolly, finely divided foliage, that make neat, rounded bushes. They are valuable for mass planting, ideal for knot gardens and small hedging around herb gardens etc. It will stand any amount of clipping and shaping - a perfect plant for control freaks.