Shaded Areas
Hyacinthoides non-scripta
English Bluebell, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Out of stock
A deep blue carpet of bluebells is an unforgettable sight to anyone visiting many of our native woodlands. The spring spectacle of seeing a wood not only greening, but also 'blueing' is one of the joys of the year. When bluebells are in flower, spring has truly arrived.
Malva moschata 'Appleblossom'
Musk Mallow€2.65Shorter than the species, Malva moschata 'Appleblossom' grows 45 to 60cm in height. The satiny, single flowers in a lovely soft shade of silver-pink, are textured and striated like crepe, they have a lustrous lacquered quality in sunlight. Wonderfully appealing to bees and other pollinators, they also make a good cut flower.
Malva moschata f. alba
White Musk Mallow€2.65Considered by many gardeners to be the most desirable of the Malva species, this rare white-flowered form is even lovelier than the normal rose-pink Musk Mallow. Flowering throughout the summer, the pure white, scented flowers contrast beautifully with the ferny foliage.
Meconopsis, Papaver cambricum 'Welsh Poppy'
Welsh Poppy, Yellow Poppy.
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Recently renamed Papaver cambricum, formerly known as Meconopsis and often simply called 'The Welsh Poppy', is very easy to grow and is reliably perennial. The delicate cup-shaped, golden-yellow flowers are borne in abundance from late spring to early autumn.
Pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium
Pudding Grass, Pulegium
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland, Ancient Crop€1.45Out of stock
Pennyroyal is a cottage garden plant of old. This highly aromatic herb has a strong peppermint scent to its dark green leaves, even more so than other mints. With attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers, it can be used to carpet a shady corner or make a 'lawn' smelling deliciously of peppermint.
Polemonium caeruleum album
White Jacob’s Ladder, Greek Valerian
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.15The white form of the lovely Jacobs Ladder, named after the slender, fresh green leaflets arranged like the rungs of a ladder. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the bright foliage and white flowers will brighten shady locations. Both the flowers and the attractive ferny foliage are excellent for cutting.
Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain'
Japanese Jacob's Ladder€2.80Collected at altitude in Japan and introduced in 2006, Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain' is one of the best new introductions in recent years. With bronze-purple lacy foliage, dark stems and violet-blue flowers, it is the darkest flower form of Polemonium available.
Polygonatum multiflorum 'Solomon's Seal'
Common Solomon's Seal
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.95Out of stock
Polygonatum multiflorum is a long cultivated pan-European perennial. Alternate bright green leaves are held upright like the wings of a bird on the upstroke of flight. Tubular white flowers, edged with tiny lime-green petals spring from their axils in spring. -
Prunella vulgaris 'Self-heal'
Wildflower of Britiain and Ireland€2.25Prunella vulgaris is an interesting and quite beautiful little wildflower plant. The plants produce pretty blue-violet flowers in summer, the flowers freely produce nectar and are highly attractive to bees. If you’re looking for something to add to a meadow garden, or something for those shady areas this is the plant for you.
Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'
American Mountain Mint€1.95Out of stock
This attractive plant will be equally at home in the flower border or keeping company with the sage and thyme in your herb garden. Delightfully aromatic, the floral-peppermint scent is subtly different from other mints. Mountain mint is a great nectar plant, its honey is much sought after.
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White'
Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage€2.55Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White' is a choice white cultivar that is not that easy to find. A nobly architectural Sage, each of its branched stems is topped with a profusion of blossoms with brilliant white bracts. The flowers are attractive and are boosted in impact by the large petioles that surround them.
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, Clary Sage
Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage€1.75This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history and has many plus points: it grows well in poor soil resists slugs and other beasties, and doesn’t slump or need staking. It copes well in sun or light shade and the blooms are a magnet for bees and butterflies.
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, Clary Sage, Organic
Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage€2.15This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history. Each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts. A truly architectural plant. Organic Seed. -
Scrophularia nodosa 'Figwort'
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.55Our native Figwort is one of the most prolific nectar producers in the plant world, the long-lasting flowers attract more pollinators than any other plant around. The flowers, similar to tiny snapdragons ripen into egg-shaped seed pods, which are just the perfect bouquet filler for interest and movement!
Solidago canadensis 'Golden Baby'
Aka 'Goldkind' and 'Yellow Springs'.€2.55Solidago canadensis 'Golden Baby' is an easy to grow hardy perennial that bears flat-topped clusters of golden-yellow plumes. Growing to around 60cm tall they are perfect for borders or containers and provide end-of-season colour. Given an early sowing they will bloom in their first year.
Spilanthes acmella
Syn. Acmella oleracea
Toothache Plant, Peek-A-Boo, Electric Daisy€2.25Spilanthes acmella is a unique and versatile plant that will add texture and interest to your garden. Used by herbalists, the pretty yellow and red cone-shaped flowers and leaves have properties similar to Echinacea and has numbing properties when the leaves and flowers are chewed.
Stachys officinalis, Betony
Betonica officinalis, Wood Betony, Bishopswort.
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.75This pretty little wildflower is a slow growing, long-lived plant with attractive spikes of rich pink-mauve flowers that are very attractive to bees and butterflies as a nectar source. The flowers, which rise from dark green crinkly leaves, keep their colour throughout summer and look stunning when growing en-masse.
Tellima grandifora
Fringecups, Bigflower Tellima€2.45Related to Heuchera and Tiarella, Tellima grandiflora form a tidy clump of rounded leaves and are topped by lime-green airy spires. They make excellent groundcover, thrive in shade between flowers in a border and make a good filler for separating strong shapes or bright colours.
Teucrium hyrcanicum 'Purple Tails'
Caucasian Germander€2.85Summer-blooming spiky flowering plants - in garden design parlance ‘the verticals’. We all need some, and there are lots of contenders, but a plant that can go just about anywhere in the garden, cope with almost all situations and bloom with copious plush spikes over several weeks is a very rare treat. -
Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Purpureum'
French Meadow-Rue, Greater Meadow Rue.€2.55Out of stock
Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Purpureum' features a basal clump of lacy, blueish-green foliage topped by a hazy, fuzzy show of purple flowers. They produce a shimmering hazy effect in beds and borders wildflower gardens or meadows. Both leaves and flowers are good for flower arrangements.
Thalictrum delavayi
Chinese or Yunnan meadow rue.€2.95Out of stock
Thalictrum delavayi are invaluable for providing a contrast with heavier flowers, with light airy sprays of flowers that look, from a distance, like a mauve mist hovering among other plants. They flower for several weeks and succeed in a broad range of conditions . -
Thalictrum lucidum
Shining Meadow Rue€2.20Thalictrum lucidum is a less well known species of meadow rue, it sports luscious deep green, fern-like foliage. In mid-summer the plant is festooned with a superb array of fragrant flower stems, topped with airy puffs of soft cream flowers each with bright yellow stamens.
Tiarella wherryi 'Silverado'
Foam Flower, Mitrewort€3.00Out of stock
Tiarella is a small plant with heart-shaped leaves which makes a dense patch of foliage that is an excellent groundcover. An easy plant to grow: low maintenance, good in shade, and a long bloomer. It also works well in pots and containers. -
Trollius europaeus
Globeflower, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Trollius europaeus is a beautiful native wild flower of Europe and Western Asia. Found in damp ground in shady areas, it is a most attractive plant with dark green, deeply cut leaves and bears flowers, best described as egg-yolk yellow in colour.