Beds & Borders
Antirrhinum majus 'Lucky Lips'
Snapdragon€1.95Antirrhinum majus 'Lucky Lips' has been awarded the Fleuroselect Award. The judges were impressed by its height and compact plant habit. Blooming with distinctive contrasting bicolour purple-red and white flowers, a colour way that is often referred to as a 'silver bi-colour', it is ideal for adding height to borders or for cutting.
Antirrhinum majus 'Snowflake'
Snapdragon€1.95Worldwide, Antirrhinum is one of the most important 'summer cut-flowers', grown year-round in greenhouses they are adored by florists and gardeners alike. An all-around excellent garden performer, 'Snowflake' produces densely packed spikes that bloom in succession with pure white flowers.
Aquilegia atrata
The Dark Columbine€2.95Aquilegia atrata is a beautiful free flowering species that is native to the alpine meadows and forest clearings of Switzerland and Northern Europe. With many branching stems of deepest coloured, almost black flowers. This is an outstanding, highly sought species that would be a showstopper in any garden.
Aquilegia canadensis
Rock Bells, Dwarf Red Columbine€2.35Native to Canada and the US in all states east of the Rockies, this superb variety is quite unlike the usual Aquilegia. Growing just twelve to eighteen inches tall, with dark-green foliage and eye-catching, scarlet and lemon-yellow flowers which hang like drifts of softly illuminated lanterns.
Aquilegia var. stellata 'Barlow Mix'
Clematis Flowered or Rose Columbine.€2.25Aquilegia var. stellata 'Barlow Mix' is one of the really exceptional doubles forms of Aquilegia. It is the first Aquilegia series with fully double, spurless flowers. Stylish and elegant, with a graceful upright habit they grow to around 80cm tall. It produces many stems and makes an ideal cut flower.
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Munstead White'
Also known as 'Nivea'€2.25Out of stock
'Munstead White', also known as 'Nivea' is a most handsome and vigorous Aquilegia. Reputed to have been specially selected by early twentieth-century garden writer and designer Gertrude Jekyll. Their abundant, bee-pleasing, white flowers will bloom in late spring and early summer are perfect for shade.
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata 'Nora Barlow'
Clematis Flowered or Rose Columbine.€2.45Emma Nora Barlow was a formidable woman and a granddaughter of Charles Darwin. She enjoyed hybridising plants and gave some seeds to the nurseryman Alan Bloom who named his commercial stock after her. Together they produced a cottage garden classic.
Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica 'Snowcap'
syn A. alpina 'Schneehaube'
Wall, White or Mountain Rockcress€2.00One of the earliest spring flowers to appear, Arabis 'Snowcap' with dense masses of snow-white flowers looks wonderful in containers or under spring-blooming bulbs, the pretty white flowers will fill the void when yearning for blooms is tugging at your core.
Arenaria montana 'Mountain Sandwort'
Sandwort.€2.25Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
Artemisia ludoviciana
Louisiana sage€2.25Out of stock
Prized for its beautiful silvery foliage, the fine grey-white stems of Artemisia ludoviciana bear silvery-white leaves that are fragrant, fuzzy and soft. This finely textured plant adds a different element to the garden, the texture and leaf form setting them apart from those other garden plants with rather less refined foliage.
Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain'
Also known as 'Boughton Silver'€2.95Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain' is a superior, dense, mat-forming selection. Uniquely shaped silver-white felted leaves with deeply divided, rounded lobes, it forms very attractive low mounds, giving an attractive ground-hugging carpet. Its foliage makes a wonderful foil for more colourful flowering plants.
Asphodeline lutea
King's Spear, Yellow Jacob's Rod€2.80Out of stock
Asphodeline lutea is an easy to grow perennial that has great architectural form. The overall impression is distinctly upright, so it is good for adding vertical interest to the garden. In early summer leafy stems arise that bear dense, unbranched cylindrical spikes of gorgeous yellow, star-shaped flowers.
Borage, Blue, Borago officinalis, Organic
Starflower, Bee Bread, Blue Borage€2.25The beautiful blue star-shaped flowers of Borage are edible with a cool cucumber flavour. Use them as garnish in fruit cups, summer drinks, wines and Pimms. Garden visitors can be converted to herbal advocates simply by offering a taste of its flower! Organic Seeds.
Borage, Borago officinalis alba, White Borage
Starflower, Bee Bread, White Borage€2.15The herb borage is a well known annual. Not so well known is the equally beautiful form 'alba' which boast pure white, perfectly star-shaped flowers. Each flower is centred by five black stamens which heighten the drama. The flowers are edible, garden visitors can be converted to herbal advocates simply by offering a taste of its white flower.
Borage, Borago officinalis, Blue and White Mix
Starflower, Bee Bread, White Borage€2.25The herb borage is a well known annual with beautiful blue flowers. Not so well known and not often written about is the equally beautiful form 'alba' which boast pure white, perfectly star-shaped flowers. This mixed pack of seeds gives both blue and white forms.
Borage, Borago officinalis, Blue Borage
Starflower, Bee Bread, Blue BorageStarting at: €1.95
Borage is one of the most reliable sources of blue flowers, often flowering lavishly for weeks after sowing. The beautiful blue star-shaped flowers are edible and very important for bees, providing pollen and nectar in prodigious amounts.
Briza maxima 'Greater Quaking Grass'
Greater Quaking Grass€2.25Ornamental Grass Briza maxima has blue green leaves and flower heads that hang like scaly little heart shaped lockets that are tinged with pink from late spring to mid summer. They make a wonderful cut flower and flowering in 10 to 12 weeks from spring sowing, they are very easy to grow to perfection.
Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Green Gold'
Hares ear€2.55A classic filler adding colour and texture, Bupleurum provide charming foliage and blooms of chartreuse green for the vase. Developed for the florist trade and recently introduced, 'Green Gold' produces wonderfully upright plants. Its flowers are produced on long, sturdy stems that have an exceptionally long vase life, lasting up to 10 days in a vase.
Calamintha nepeta
Calamint, Mountain Balm, Nepitella€2.45Calamintha nepeta is a very attractive bushy, perennial that should be in every garden. Clouds of tiny, lilac-mauve flowers appear in early summer and flower continuously from early June right through to late September. The leaves exude a lovely minty scent when crushed and the flowers are true bee pasture.
Calendula 'Indian Prince'
Pot Marigold, English Marigold€1.95‘Indian Prince' has unique petals quite unlike other Calendula, the dark orange rays are in layers of orange, backed with rich mahogany red petals. Easily grown, sown direct in spring or in autumn, they are perfect candidates for cutting and flower arrangements.
Calendula officinalis
Pot Marigold, English Marigold. Herb MarigoldStarting at: €2.25
Cheerful and bright, use Calendula in beds, borders or containers. Calendula is prolific and durable, and like most hardy annuals it is easy to grow, simply sow where it is to flower. It is currently one of the top herbs used for medicinal use. Sprinkle salads and decorate cakes with the edible tangy petals.
Calendula officinalis 'Citrus Mixed'
Herb Marigold€2.35Calendula officinalis 'Citrus Mixed' is a highly attractive hardy annual variety producing a bright mixture of apricot, orange, lemon and cream blooms from May to September. Among the most popular of hardy annuals, they are very easy to grow, and thrive in the cooler weather of spring and autumn.
Calendula officinalis 'Cut Flower Mix’
Pot Marigold, English Marigold. Herb Marigold€2.45Calendula officinalis 'Cut Flower Mix’ is a specially selected mix of colours and types, each with long stems designed for cutting. They grow to a height of around 70 to 80cm, are an excellent variety for borders and make a stunning cut flower. Clip spent flowers to achieve a longer blooming season.
Calendula officinalis 'Double Lemon'
Herb Marigold€2.25A unique new colour in Calendula, 'Double Lemon' is an award winning variety that produces large double, pale lemon blooms, each with a deep yellow heart. Compact, bushy and free flowering. the medium height plants are an excellent variety for borders and containers.