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Beds & Borders

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  1. Helianthus annuus 'Ring of Fire'

    Helianthus annuus 'Ring of Fire'

    Pollenless, Branching Sunflower

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    Looking a little like a solar eclipse, ‘Ring of Fire’ is a dark centred sunflower that blooms with glowing red petals that gradually flare outwards to golden-yellow tips. Growing to a manageable 100 to 120cm (3½ to 4ft) tall with a branching habit, the flowers are pollenless. It is considered one of the best varieties for use as a cut flower.

  2. Giant Sunflower 'Mongolian Giant' is a true giant reaching up to 420cm (14ft) tall

    Helianthus annuus 'Mongolian Giant'

    Uniflorus giganteus, Giant Sunflower

    Giant Sunflower 'Mongolian Giant' is a true giant reaching up to 420cm (14ft) tall with one of the largest flowering sunflower seed heads available, up to 45cm (18in) across. One of the largest-seeded sunflower varieties available to gardeners, the plants are ideal to grow to provide food for birds to eat over-winter.

  3. Helianthus annuus 'Medium Red Mix Sunflower' Organic
    Sunflower 'Medium Red Mix' offers a diverse range of varieties that feature the most popular reds, crimsons and bi-colours. Suited to outdoor cut flower production, the heights range from 80 to 120cm tall and are lovely in the garden and the vase, the blooms last up to a fortnight when kept in water. Organic Seeds
  4. Helianthus ‘Ikarus’ is a fairly new introduction, but one that has started to make huge waves in the industry.

    Helianthus annuus 'Ikarus'

    Pollenless, Branching Sunflower

    Helianthus ‘Ikarus’ is a fairly recent introduction, but one that has started to make huge waves. This premium pollenless sunflower has a unique habit, they are basal branching, resulting in masses of primrose-yellow blooms each with glorious dark chocolate-brown hearts. They grow 90 to 120cm (3 to 4ft) tall.

  5. Giant Double Sungold  blooms with great big fluffy golden heads.

    Helianthus annuus 'Giant Sungold'

    Tall Double Sunflower

    Great big fluffy golden heads the size of a dinner plate. This whopper of a sunflower has the same stunning densely packed yellow petals as the beloved dwarf 'Teddy Bear' sunflower but on a far larger scale. They make excellent cut flowers, long lasting and are very impressive in a vase.

  6. Fast growing sunflowers, especially the really big cultivars, are always favourites with children.

    Helianthus annuus 'Giant Single Yellow'

    Uniflorus giganteus, Giant Sunflower

    Starting at: €1.65

    Sunflower 'Giant Single Yellow' is a popular tall-growing variety. The blooms have dark centres and attractive bright golden petals, held on tall stems they are capable of growing several metres. Favourites with children, they make beautiful, long lasting cut flowers and are highly attractive to pollinators.
  7. Helianthus annuus 'F1 Sunrich Limoncello Summer'

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Sunrich Limoncello Summer'

    Pollenless, Premium Sunflower

    Developed for the cut flower industry, the 'Sunrich' series has been the market leader for the last fifteen years. Vibrant lemon yellow petals with creamy lemon tips surround a dark center disk, It is ‘day length neutral’ so will provide consistent flowers, just two months from planting, irrespective of the amount of daylight hours that it receives.

  8. You will never have seen such a stunning and unusual semi-double, lemon coloured Sunflower.

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Lemon Cutie'

    Pollenless Dwarf Sunflower

    Dwarf sunflowers for small gardens and containers are always in demand and ‘Lemon Cutie’ looks to have everything we need in a dwarf sunflower. Semi-double and pollenless. Not only is it dwarf with multiple branches, but you will never have seen such a stunning and unusual, lemon coloured Sunflower.

  9.  'F1 Gemini Summer' is F1 hybrid tall cut flower variety with golden yellow, double flowers.

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Gemini Summer'

    Pollenless, Premium Sunflower

    Helianthus annuus 'F1 Gemini Summer' is F1 hybrid tall cut flower variety with golden yellow, double flowers. This professional quality sunflower is a pollenless, uniflora type that grows 90 to 120cm tall. Cut the flowers when the petals begin to unfurl from the face.

  10. Helianthus 'Cut Flower Mixture' offers a diverse range of varieties in a wide range of shapes and colours.

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    Helianthus annuus 'Cut Flower Mixture' offers a diverse range of sunflower varieties that are suited to outdoor cut flower production. In a wide range of shapes and colours, lemon, golds and reds. The heights range from 80 to 150cm (32 to 60in). They are lovely in borders or vases.

  11. Sunflower ‘Autumn Beauty’ is a classic variety.

    Helianthus annuus 'Autumn Beauty'

    Branching Sunflower.

    Sunflower ‘Autumn Beauty’ produces numerous long-stemmed flowers from summer to late autumn in a variety of solid and bi-colour bright warm colours - golden yellow, bronze, brown and burgundy. The long stems are excellent for cut flowers and look absolutely stunning in a vase on their own.

  12.  Heleniums are much under-rated garden plants. They are a mainstay of the summer and autumn border but are so often overlooked.

    Helenium hoopesii

    Mountain helenium, Owls-Claws

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    Helenium hoopesii is considered by some to be the most valuable of the species. It blooms with bright golden yellow disk florets that each form a kind of rounded knob that transforms the flower from your typical two-dimensional daisy into something much more interesting and sculptural.

  13. With masses of vibrant blooms in a spectrum of rich colours from gold to mahogany red.

    Helenium autumnale 'Helena'

    Helens's Flower, Autumn Helenium

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    If there's one plant that can inject a little razzle-dazzle into the border during gloomy late summers it is Helenium. From late July 'Helena' blooms with masses of vibrant blooms in a spectrum of rich colours from gold to mahogany red. Perfect for the back of the border and wonderful for cutting.

  14. Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake'

    Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake'

    Double Flowered Babys Breath

    Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' is a pretty double-flowered baby’s breath that offers big airy clouds of white blooms in early summer. The flower panicles are strong-stemmed, compact and bloom a bit earlier than standard forms. Each stem has hundreds of tiny white flowers on wire-thin branches, giving an airy, soft impression.

  15. Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden'

    Gypsophila has recently become rather trendy among celebrity and designer florists, even taking centre stage as the main flower focus of bouquets and arrangements. 'Covent Garden' produces hundreds of tiny, single white flowers on wire-thin branches, giving an airy impression.

  16. Geum ‘Borisii-Strain' produces wonderful vivid orange-red toned flowers from late spring into summer

    Geum coccineum ‘Borisii-Strain’

    Marketed as ‘Tango’, ‘Queen of Orange’ or ‘Cooky’

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    Many gardeners look for easy to grow, reliable perennials that provide a bright, cheerful display of colour early in the season. Geum coccineum ‘Borisii-Strain’ flowers the first year from seed producing wonderful vivid orange-red toned flowers from late spring into summer.

  17. One plant that is quite unfairly ignored is Geum 'Mrs J Bradshaw'. From a distance, the flowers look like strong red blotches suspended above the ground.

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    'Mrs J Bradshaw' has everything that a gardener could require: good looks, long flowering season, trouble-free personality and hardiness. Its capacity to flower for a long time makes it an excellent anchorage plant, unifying more ephemeral flowers.
  18. Lady Stratheden is a grand old lady who has graced our gardens for over 80 years and is still going strong.

    Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden'

    The Grecian Rose, Chilean Avens

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    This cheerful perennial brightens up a sunny garden border, especially one based on hot colours. The semi-double vivid golden yellow flowers, appear on arching stems above rosettes of scalloped, fresh green leaves.
  19. ‘Vision Violet’ produces masses of large luminescent violet flowers from early spring through to late summer.

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    A beautiful, robust ground cover variety of the every popular Geranium sanguineum; ‘Vision Violet’ produces masses of large luminescent violet flowers from early spring to summer. The blooms cover this compact, mounding plant with intricately cut leaves.

  20. ‘Vision Light Pink’ produces masses of large luminescent flowers from early spring through to late summer.

    ‘Vision Light Pink’ produces masses of large luminescent light pink flowers with red veins from early spring through to late summer. This long-lived, drought-tolerant perennial is useful as a small scale groundcover and in mixed borders. Use it in rock gardens, stone walls or even in container plantings.

  21. Geranium pyrenaicum is a European species and well known for being one of the most floriferous of Geraniums.

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    Geranium pyrenaicum is a European species and well known for being one of the most floriferous of Geraniums. 'Summer Snow' is an easy to grow, yet hard to find white flowered cultivar which produces profuse quantities of white flowers each with deeply notched petals.

  22. Very easy to grow, Geranium "Splish Splash" is a fascinating, rare and prized border plant.

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    "Splish Splash" is a fascinating, rare and prized border plant and one of the most beautiful, striking and unusual perennial geraniums. Very easy to grow, the clumps of divided foliage are topped with mauve-blue splashes and flecks on pure white petals, each petal appearing to be individually designed and painted.

  23. Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter’

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    'Dark Reiter’, is a fairly new cultivar originating from 'Victor Reiter' whose namesake was the legendary California nurseryman. What sets this plant apart is the new leaves that emerge a light maroon colour then fade to a purple-flushed deep green, it produces violet-blue flowers in spring.

  24. Geranium pratense is one of our loveliest wild flowers and worthy of a place in any border.

    Geranium pratense

    Meadow Cranesbill, Hardy Geranium
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    The beautiful, soft violet-blue flowers make the meadow crane’s bill one of our most distinctive wildflowers. Perfect for a meadow, it is often planted in gardens as it flowers for a long time, it must be one of our loveliest wild flowers and worthy of a place in any border.

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