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Ornamental Grasses

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  1. From midsummer it produces airy panicles of purple-green flowers that that almost touch the ground.
    In summer Anemanthele lessoniana produces open, airy panicles of purple-green flowers that give the plant a pleasing overall arching habit. The leaves become bronzed and turn orange-red in winter - This is still one of the most beautiful of all light grasses.
  2. Briza has flower heads hang like scaly little heart shaped lockets from late spring to mid summer.

    Briza maxima 'Greater Quaking Grass'

    Greater Quaking Grass

    Ornamental Grass Briza maxima has blue green leaves and flower heads that hang like scaly little heart shaped lockets that are tinged with pink from late spring to mid summer. They make a wonderful cut flower and flowering in 10 to 12 weeks from spring sowing, they are very easy to grow to perfection.

  3. Calamagrostis brachytricha is well suited to perennial herbaceous borders and naturalistic planting schemes

    Calamagrostis brachytricha

    Feather Reed Grass

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    Calamagrostis brachytricha is a beautiful ornamental grass that is well suited to perennial herbaceous borders and naturalistic planting schemes. It is tolerant of a wide range of soils and growing conditions and is one of the few flowering grasses that can be grown in shade. In late summer fluffy, silvery-white flower heads emerge that in autumn take on buttery shades.
  4. Carex Amazon Mist is a graceful ornamental grass with arching silver white evergreen foliage.

    Carex comans 'Amazon Mist'

    Curled Sedge, Switch Grass

    Amazon Mist is a graceful ornamental grass with arching silver white evergreen foliage, each ending with a slight curl. The flowing mounds of fine textured are lovely spilling over slopes and walls. It adds colour and texture to both summer and autumn displays.

  5. The attractive green bronze foliage of Carex “Prairie Fire” erupts into colour like burning embers

    Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'

    Red Switch Grass, Speckled Sedge

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    Carex Prairie Fire is an outstanding specimen plant. A very ornamental grass, in full sun the fine leaved foliage erupts into colour like burning embers. In late summer, panicles of rosy flowers appear just above the foliage. For glorious colour, plant in full sun to partial shade.

  6. Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Feather' is a stunning variety known for its unique, feathery flower spikes.
    Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Feather' is an enchanting variety known for its unique, long-lasting flower spikes. The tall, slender blooms of soft pink are a favorite of florists and crafters. Once dried, Celosia can last for years and is perfect for dried flower arrangements and for crafting.
  7. Celosia 'Xantippe' has spikes that start pale pink and gradually mature to silver.

    Celosia spicata 'Xantippe'

    Cutting Celosia, Silver Cockscomb

    Gardeners and florists alike value Celosia spicata for its long-lasting blooms. 'Xantippe' has spikes that start pale pink and gradually mature to silver. A favourite for use in arrangements where its unusual structure adds height and an airy, wispy aesthetic. Its flowers can also be dried.

  8. This unusual pink form of pampas grass looks wonderful set in the middle of a lawn.

    This unusual pink form of pampas grass with tall, pink-flushed, feathery plumes is a real show stopper. In midsummer spectacular plumes erupt above the foliage. The show continues into winter as the feathery plumes persist and the foliage turns golden brown when touched by frost.

  9. Pampas Grasses are the ultimate architectural plant and one of the most recognized plants in the landscape

    Cortaderia selloana 'White Feather' - Pampas Grasses are the ultimate architectural plant, adding texture, autumn colour and winter shapes in the landscape. Relatively easy to grow, this plant flowers throughout late summer and autumn. It will provide colour and interest for many years.

  10. The Umbrella Plant is a very popular house plant and commonly grown as a marginal pond plant.

    Cyperus alternifolius is a very popular both as a house plant and pond plant. The bracts are symmetrically arranged in an umbrella formation and held atop elegant stems that sway with the breeze, giving a tropical touch to the garden. They are also excellent when used in fresh or dried floral arrangements.

  11. Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes.

    Deschampsia cespitosa

    Tufted Hairgrass

    Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes. The sprays of airy delicate flowers, eventually changing to bronze add texture and colour to the winter garden and deliver a knock-out punch to cut-flower arrangements.

  12. Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain'

    'Pixie Fountain' is a dwarf variety of Deschampsia cespitosa, just as pretty as its larger cousin. The flower stems growing to a height of 60cm. Perfect for many situations, adding dimension, texture, and a breezy quality to the garden.

  13. Dainty diminutive Festuca glauca is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses.

    Diminutive Festuca glauca makes a tight mound of steely blue, needle-like blades and is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses. Planted as a specimen or in swathes across a garden, the colour is so unexpected it can't help but catch the eye.

  14. Hordeum jubatum with silky, golden-grey panicles in early and mid summer

    Hordeum jubatum

    Squirrel-Tail, Foxtail Barley
    Squirrel-Tail Grasses are the ultimate architectural plant, adding see-through effects, autumn colour and winter shapes. They carry silky, golden-greyish panicles in early and mid summer, which develop a reddish or purple tinge at the tips. Fantastic in massed groups, or around taller, more stately plants.
  15. Lagurus ovatus

    Lagurus ovatus

    Hares-tail, Bouquet Grass, Ornamental Grass

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    Lagurus ovatus is probably the most appealing of all the ornamental grasses. The name ‘Hare’s Tail’ perfectly accurately describes the creamy-white flower heads, which are hare's tail-shaped, fur-like and soft to the touch!
  16. Milium effusum Aureum takes on an almost magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers.

    Milium effusum 'Aureum'

    Bowles Golden Grass
    Milium effusum Aureum has a magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers. As the season progresses tiny golden, bead-like flowers on hair-thin stems arch gracefully creating fountains of gold.
  17. Miscanthus sinensis 'Early Hybrids'

    Miscanthus sinensis 'Early Hybrids'

    Maiden Grass or Eulalia Grass

    An icon for well over a hundred years, the range of Miscanthus cultivars expanded dramatically in the 1950's when the German plant breeder Ernst Pagels persuaded two of his plants to set seed at the same time. The result of his work has provided us with some of the finest flowering grasses available today. ‘Early Hybrids’ are a selection of early blooming cultivars with differing colours and forms.

  18. Miscanthus cultivars provide airy, plumed seed heads that endure from August until late January or longer.

    Miscanthus sinensis 'New Hybrids'

    Maiden Grass or Eulalia Grass

    Miscanthus are the queen of ornamental grasses. Miscanthus sinensis ‘New Hybrids’ provide a multitude of cultivars with varying heights, leaf widths and bloom times. Some plants will be upright growing and others will have a cascading habit, also expect variation in colouring.

  19. Molinia caerulea ssp.arundinacea feature clumps of arching foliage and tall, see-through flower spikes.

    Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea

    Tall Moor Grass, Purple Moor Grass

    Few other grasses have such a great separation between foliage and flowers than Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinaceae. With clumps of arching, blue-green leaves above which the most slender stems and delicate see-through flowers grow to six foot or more. In autumn they turn golden yellow to deep copper.

  20. Muhlenbergia capillaris display dramatic arching plumes of soft pink flowers,  reminiscent of headdresses worn by Vegas showgirls.

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    Even people who aren’t familiar with ornamental grasses often know Muhlenbergia capillaris. With dramatic arching plumes of soft pink flowers reminiscent of headdresses worn by Vegas showgirls, a large planting of the wonderful Ruby Muhly Grass is enough to stop traffic.

  21. Panicum virgatum is renowned for its upright steely coloured blue-grey to blue-purple leaves.

    Panicum virgatum

    Panic Grass, Switchgrass

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    Despite its American provenance Panicum virgatum was originally taken up by German landscapers and gardeners. Renowned for its steely coloured blue-grey to blue-purple leaves, but it is the contrast between the rigid, stainless-steel foliage and purple-pink froth that really charms.

  22. Panicum virgatum was originally taken up by German landscapers and gardeners.

    Panicum virgatum 'Emerald Chief'

    Panic Grass, Switchgrass

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    'Emerald Chief' is a good Panicum virgatum selected seed strain. Hardy with sturdy upright deep green growth and great autumn colour. The panicles open red pink in late summer and its foliage turns from green to a lovely deep gold. This chief stands up tall throughout the winter months.

  23. Pennisetum alopecuroides has slender arching leaves and graceful fountain-like plumes.

    Pennisetum alopecuroides

    Fountain Grass

    Pennisetum alopecuroides is an especially appealing species, it changes its appearance and colour throughout the growing season. In late summer graceful fountain-like plumes emerge in profusion, they slowly change colour to a blend of green, soft pinks and light-colored maroons before maturing to light tan.

  24. Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens

    Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens

    Black Flowered or Dwarf Purple Fountain Grass

    Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens has broader leaves and darker flower heads than the regular species and, growing to around 60cm tall, it is also slightly smaller. It has graceful smoky purple-black plumes that contrast nicely with the slender arching, glossy, deep green foliage.

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