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Bulbous Perennials

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  1. Allium 'Purple Sensation' is a stunning fashionable plant, with globes of rosy-purple crowded spherical umbels, and strap shaped leaves.

    Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation'

    Syn Allium aflatunense.
    This is a stunning fashionable plant, with globes of rosy-purple crowded spherical umbels, and strap shaped leaves. The flowers are very long lasting and help fill that awkward gap between the later spring bulbs and the perennials.
  2. Allium karataviense has broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple underneath.

    Allium karataviense

    Turkestan Onion
    A. karataviense is a bulbous, herbaceous perennial to 25cm in height, with broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple, especially beneath, with deep lines or ridges, and star-shaped, near-white flowers in short-stalked, rounded clusters.
  3. Allium ursinum, Ramsons Garlic

    Allium ursinum, Ramsons Garlic

    Ramsons Garlic, Wild Garlic, Broad Leaved Garlic
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Until a few years ago you would never have seen wild garlic on a menu, but these days is definitely a chefs' favourite. The whole plant is edible, the flavour is softer, more pleasant than cloves from garlic bulbs. The leaves have a vibrant colour that brings food to life, use sparingly in salads, or add to sauces and dressings. It also makes splendid pesto.

  4. In spring the deeply divided, ferny leaves and narrow, long-spurred flowers appear.

    Corydalis solida 'Spring Fumewort'

    European Wildflower

    What gardener with a heart and soul could resist the spring flowers of Corydalis, whose winged petals with upswept spurs suggest a flight of elfin butterflies. These woodland ephemerals are highly useful at the front of the border, with miniature bulbs such as crocus, muscari or scillas.

  5. Cyclamen coum has some remarkable qualities which make it well-adored as a cultivated ornamental plant.

    Cyclamen coum

    Hardy Cyclamen

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    Cyclamen coum is adored as a cultivated ornamental plant. The flowers vary from white to rosy-purple with every hue in between and in such quantity to obscure the leaves. They open from early winter and continue unabated into spring.
  6. Erythronium dens-canis is attractive from the moment it pokes up from the soil in early spring.

    Erythronium dens-canis

    Dog's Tooth Violet
    Erythronium dens-canis is attractive from the moment it pokes up from the soil in early spring. The oval pointed leaves with bronze patterns appear in early spring and are followed shortly by nodding rose pink to purple, elfin-cap flowers that bloom for several weeks.
  7. Erythronium grandiflorum is a rarely offered species native to west North America.

    Erythronium grandiflorum

    Yellow Avalanche Lily, Glacier Lily
    Erythronium grandiflorum is a rarely offered species. Native to west North America, it is one of the largest of the genus. Blooming in early spring, each flower stem has up to ten golden yellow, nodding, star-shaped flowers with reflexed petals.
  8. Snake's head fritillaries always excite attention wherever they are seen.

    Fritillaria meleagris

    Snake's Head Fritillary, Chequered Lily,
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Snake's head fritillaries always excite attention wherever they are seen. None of the other lovely members of the fritillaria genus can match this native wildflower for the bizarre and unmistakable colouring of its bell-shaped flowers.
  9. A deep blue carpet of bluebells is an unforgettable sight to anyone visiting a British woodland.

    Hyacinthoides non-scripta

    English Bluebell, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    A deep blue carpet of bluebells is an unforgettable sight to anyone visiting many of our native woodlands. The spring spectacle of seeing a wood not only greening, but also 'blueing' is one of the joys of the year. When bluebells are in flower, spring has truly arrived.

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