Tender Plants
Luffa cylindrica
Vegetable Gourd. Aka Loofah or Loofa€2.35Luffa acutangula is a very versatile plant. As a vegetable, the leaves can be eaten in a salad, the very young gourds, known as Chinese Okra they taste like aubergine. The matured dried gourd develops into a fibrous netting. It is an excellent sponge and makes a wonderful exfoliator.
Mimosa pudica 'The Sensitive Plant'
Touch-me-not€1.95Mimosa pudica, the 'sensitive plant', is a source of fascination to adults and children alike. When touched, the narrow fern-like leaflets they almost instantaneously fold together and the leaf stalk droops. This sometimes sets off a chain reaction, with several leaf stalks falling on top of one another.
Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora
Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
Also known as Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora€1.95Nicotiana affinis, also known as N. alata, is a classic tobacco plant with a delicious evening scent. It has been justly popular for over a century and a firm favourite with generations of gardeners: it is far lovelier than the modern improved forms of Nicotiana alata.
Nicotiana alata 'Dwarf Tinkerbells F2 Mixture'
Flowering Tobacco, Jasmine Tobacco€1.95Nicotiana alata 'Tinkerbells' is a stunningly colourful plant for borders and containers. The dwarf, bushy habit and the hybrid vigour combine to produce a carpet of colour. To get the most enjoyment from the sweet evening fragrance, plant near patios, decks, or under windows to best enjoy their sweet perfume.
Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora 'Lime Green'
Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora€1.95Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' is a sought after variety which produces a mass of bright green flowers which open fully in the afternoon. It provides a new and refreshing alternative to the usual shade annuals: the unusual colouring lifts the summer border and act as a foil to hotter colours.
Passiflora edulis 'Purple Giant'
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€1.95A Passiflora that produces very fragrant, unusual flowers. The flowers are white, except the base of the corona which is purple; the filaments are curly, as long as the petals, 5 to 7cm across. The edible fruits possess pleasant flavour, kind of sweet and a little tart.
Ricinus communis var. gibsonii 'Red'
Castor Oil Plant€2.85Ricinus communis is one of the best ways to quickly create a tropical effect in the garden. It is a remarkably architectural, fast growing plant. The huge leaves and interesting flower spikes add drama to borders and beds. The variety, gibsonii 'Red' grows to around 150cm with gorgeous dark red, metallic foliage.
Salvia patens 'Patio Deep Blue'
Gentian Sage€4.75Out of stock
Salvia patens is undoubtedly one of the very best blue flowering plants and one of the truest blues found in nature. 'Patio Deep Blue' is a compact variety that is perfect for containers or for the front of the border, there is little else that can compete with the richness of its colour.
Spilanthes acmella
Syn. Acmella oleracea
Toothache Plant, Peek-A-Boo, Electric Daisy€2.25Spilanthes acmella is a unique and versatile plant that will add texture and interest to your garden. Used by herbalists, the pretty yellow and red cone-shaped flowers and leaves have properties similar to Echinacea and has numbing properties when the leaves and flowers are chewed.
Verbena speciosa 'Imagination'
Trailing Verbena, Clump Verbena€2.95“Imagination’ is a verbena cultivar that is noted for its profuse bloom of violet-blue flowers, its spreading-trailing stems and its deeply cut foliage. A heat and drought tolerant plant, easily grown it performs well in hanging baskets and containers in full sun.