Natives / Wildflowers
Achillea millefolium 'Proa'
Yarrow, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Achillea millefolium 'Proa' is an improved yarrow, a selected form that is higher yielding, with higher essential oil content, better flower production, and the flowers are more uniformly white. Preferred by those who use yarrow medicinally.
Achillea millefolium 'Yarrow', Organic
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.65These native wildflowers have clustered flower heads of tiny white flowers that from a distance look like little patches of snow resting on the grass. This famous herb is terrific as a wildflower clump in a blooming meadow, they are also a favourite for cut and dried flower arrangements. Organic Seed.
Alexanders, Smyrnium olusatrum
Alisanders, Black Lovage
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.95Out of stock
Alexanders are an ancient food source, cultivated for many centuries. This biennial wild flower, with dark green, shiny leaves and umbels of yellow-green flowers can be grown as an ornamental or can be put to use as a culinary herb or spice, the flavour is said to be similar to myrrh.
Allium ursinum, Ramsons Garlic
Ramsons Garlic, Wild Garlic, Broad Leaved Garlic
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Until a few years ago you would never have seen wild garlic on a menu, but these days is definitely a chefs' favourite. The whole plant is edible, the flavour is softer, more pleasant than cloves from garlic bulbs. The leaves have a vibrant colour that brings food to life, use sparingly in salads, or add to sauces and dressings. It also makes splendid pesto.
Anemone nemorosa 'Wood Anemone'
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.75This lovely woodlander makes a striking impact in the spring garden. The Irish-born exponent of wild gardening, William Robinson, adored Anemone nemorosa. Writing in his English Flower Garden in 1883, he begins by saying "there is little need to plead for their culture".
Anthriscus sylvestris 'Cow Parsley'
Gipsy Laces, Lady's Needlework.
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Anthriscus sylvestris is most characteristic of hedgerows, road verges and woodland edges. Our native Cow Parsley has a sophisticated form, with delicate, open, white lacy umbels, that from mid-spring to early summer look as though they're erupting from a well shaken champagne bottle!
Arum italicum subsp. italicum.
Italian Arum, Lords & Ladies
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45'Arum Marmoratum' is extremely useful for shady spots or woodland planting. With unusual creamy-white flowers, attractively patterned leaves and scarlet, fleshy berries it stays lush right throughout winter, thriving in cold weather.
Caltha palustris
Kingcup, Marsh Marigold
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45'Caltha palustris, commonly called Marsh Marigold is one of the most cheerful native plants to adorn the edges of a pond or stream and possesses the added benefit of flowering in the shade. The plant’s yellow flowers and dark green shiny leaves cheer up the otherwise barren landscape as winter recedes.
Centaurea cyanus, 'Cornflower'
Bachelors Button,
Wildflower of Britain and IrelandStarting at: €1.95
Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in our gardens. They are the most splendid of annuals. Aside from their electric blue, which is breathtaking when they're grown in dense drifts, they are easy to grow, they flower all summer, make great cut flowers and bees adore them.
Centaurea cyanus, 'Cornflower' Organic
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.75Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in gardens. Aside from their electric blue flowers, breathtaking when grown in dense drifts, they are easy to grow, flower all summer, make great cut flowers and bees adore them. Organic Seed.
Centaurea macrocephala
Great Headed Centaury€2.45Out of stock
Centaurea macrocephala is a magnificent perennial that ideal for providing vertical interest in a sunny, well-drained herbaceous border. The golden-yellow shaggy thistle-like blooms are on strong stems and mid-green, lance-shaped leaves are followed by attractive seed heads.
Daucus carota 'Queen Anne's Lace, Organic
Queen Annes Lace, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Our native Queen Anne's Lace is at home in informal settings and a natural addition to a wildflower meadow. With delicate, lacy clusters of flowers, some with a solitary dark, purple flower in the centre, they make good cut flowers and are a lovely filler with other flowers. Organic Seed.
Digitalis purpurea
Native Pink Foxglove
Wildflower of Britain and IrelandStarting at: €2.25
This lovely native European woodland plant is a beauty to add to any garden and a popular biennial for shaded places. Plants form rosettes of lance shaped leaves, the second year the rosette begins to shoot skyward with beautiful large spikes and drooping bell shaped blooms that are spotted inside.
Dipsacus sativus fullonum
Fuller’s Teasel, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€1.95Fullers Teasel a sub-species of the common teasel. The bristly flower heads were cultivated, matured and dried. Inserted into wooden frames, they were used to bulk up the pile on woolen cloth. The variant name 'fullonum' refers to the name of the trade of the 'fullers' to raise the nap on woolen cloth - to 'tease' it. Teasel is still used today by some who weave wool by hand.
Echium vulgare 'Vipers Bugloss'
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Echium vulgare is a valuable native plant and is exotic enough to earn a place in a flower border. The plant is much loved by almost all bee species. If you don’t want plants that honeybees simply visit, but want to select plants that honeybees clearly love, choose Echium for your garden.
Echium vulgare 'Vipers Bugloss', Organic
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Viper's bugloss is one of, if not THE very best plant to attract bees to your garden. Along with Borage and Phacelia, the plant is much loved by almost all bee species, especially bumblebees. For months this plant is a stable source of nectar. Organic Seed.
Eryngium maritimum
Seaside Eryngo, Sea Holly.
Ancient Crop. Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€3.25Out of stock
Eryngium maritimum is an evergreen perennial plant native to Europe. Often found on sea shores, it is a protected species in many parts of the world. Highly ornamental, it is grown in gardens for its metallic bluish flowers and intensely whitish-glaucous leaves, it is very attractive to bees and butterflies.
Evening Primrose, Oenothera biennis, Organic
Evening Primrose, Herb Primrose, King's cure-all
Wildflower of Europe€2.75Out of stock
Oenothera biennis provides a wonderful splash of summer colour in the garden. Flowering begins in June and plants continue growing throughout the season so there is a constant succession until about September. In early summer the sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers open towards evening and are faintly phosphorescent.
Filipendula ulmaria 'Meadowsweet'
Queen of the Meadows, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€1.80Out of stock
Our native Meadowsweet is a familiar sight, with fernlike foliage and tufts of graceful, fragrant creamy-white flowers. Also known as Queen of the Meadows, the flower heads are frequently visited by bees attracted by the heavy scent which can be so evocative of summer days in the countryside.
Fritillaria meleagris
Snake's Head Fritillary, Chequered Lily,
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.70Out of stock
Snake's head fritillaries always excite attention wherever they are seen. None of the other lovely members of the fritillaria genus can match this native wildflower for the bizarre and unmistakable colouring of its bell-shaped flowers.
Geranium pratense
Meadow Cranesbill, Hardy Geranium
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.70Out of stock
The beautiful, soft violet-blue flowers make the meadow crane’s bill one of our most distinctive wildflowers. Perfect for a meadow, it is often planted in gardens as it flowers for a long time, it must be one of our loveliest wild flowers and worthy of a place in any border.
Geum rivale
Water Avens€2.65Out of stock
Geum rivale, the Water avens is a native perennial of slow-draining or wet soils. Flowering prolifically it is particularly useful in damp soils and makes a good show besides ponds. It produces both nectar and pollen and is an excellent plant for attracting pollinators and amphibians to the garden.
Hyacinthoides non-scripta
English Bluebell, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.25Out of stock
A deep blue carpet of bluebells is an unforgettable sight to anyone visiting many of our native woodlands. The spring spectacle of seeing a wood not only greening, but also 'blueing' is one of the joys of the year. When bluebells are in flower, spring has truly arrived.
Hyssopus officinalis 'Alba' is a much less well known variety of hyssop. Also known as 'White Hyssop' the plants sport bright white flowers from July to October. Widely used as a 'taste enhancing' herb or wildlife plant, the plants are a dark, vibrant green with a spiky, upright habit and narrow tongue-like leaves which have a peppery scent when stroked.