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  1. This jewel-like perennial is an all round tough plant suitable for problem areas

    Verbena rigida 'Polaris'

    Slender vervain

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    Named Verbena rigida after its upright habit, this front-of-the-border performer, although only a foot or two in height, can outshine almost everything else. Polaris is a dazzling, low-growing verbena that produces a candelabra of silver-blue flowers from June until October.
  2. Verbena Venosa is a small, densely flowered plant which flowers for four or five months.

    Verbena rigida 'Venosa'

    Slender vervain
    Verbena 'Venosa' is a brilliant addition to the garden. It is a bright and breezy specimen for beds and borders. A small and densely flowered version, with clusters of deep purple-magenta flowers held in domed heads. It will bloom from mid-spring right until the first cold of winter.

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