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  1. Passiflora caerulea is also known as the Blue Crown Passion Flower or Hardy Passionflower.

    Passiflora caerulea 'Blue Crown'

    Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla

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    Known as the Blue Crown Passion Flower or Hardy Passionflower. It is an extremely fast growing and beautiful plant. ‘Caerulea’ sparks with 10cm flowers with white petals and blue filaments. It is popular with gardeners because of its intricate, scented flowers that have an almost surreal appearance.
  2. Passiflora edulis 'Purple Giant' is a passionflower that produces very fragrant, unusual flowers.

    Passiflora edulis 'Purple Giant'

    Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla

    A Passiflora that produces very fragrant, unusual flowers. The flowers are white, except the base of the corona which is purple; the filaments are curly, as long as the petals, 5 to 7cm across. The edible fruits possess pleasant flavour, kind of sweet and a little tart.

  3. A carefully chosen range of flowers that are rich in both nectar and pollen that both bees and butterflies adore.

    Starting at: €3.75

    The Bees and Butterflies Mix of flowers is a carefully chosen range of over 30 annual flowers that are rich in both nectar and pollen that both bees and butterflies adore. They will flower within six to eight weeks and provide you with pleasure throughout the summer.

  4. Russian Sage is one of the great garden plants of all time. 'Taiga' is the first available as a first year flowering perennial.

    Russian Sage is one of the great garden plants of all time, but if you've been frustrated by their floppy nature, this new variety will be a welcome addition. Growing to about 60 to 75cm tall, Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Taiga' is also the first Russian sage available as a first year flowering perennial.

  5. Tall enough to give the same airy effect, yet so much easier to place in the garden.

    Persicaria orientalis 'Cerise Pearls'

    Dwarf Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate

    Persicaria orientalis ‘Cerise Pearls’ is a new, modern-day variety that grows to a more manageable height of 100 to 140cm . Tall enough to give the same airy effect, yet so much easier to place in the garden. From August to October the whole plant is spectacularly draped with long, dangling, velour-like cerise tassels.

  6. Phacelia tanacetifolia, Lacy Phacelia, Organic

    Phacelia tanacetifolia, Lacy Phacelia, Organic

    Wildlife, Set-aside, Cover Crop or Green Manure
    Listed as one of the top 20 honey-producing flowers for honeybees, Phacelia is rich in both nectar and pollen and attracts bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects to the garden. The flowers have strong stems and also make an excellent cut flower. Organic Seed.
  7. Polemonium caeruleum album

    Polemonium caeruleum album

    White Jacob’s Ladder, Greek Valerian
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    The white form of the lovely Jacobs Ladder, named after the slender, fresh green leaflets arranged like the rungs of a ladder. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the bright foliage and white flowers will brighten shady locations. Both the flowers and the attractive ferny foliage are excellent for cutting.

  8. The original seed was collected at altitude in Japan where it is already accepted as one of the largest flowered gems of the race.

    Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain'

    Japanese Jacob's Ladder

    Collected at altitude in Japan and introduced in 2006, Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain' is one of the best new introductions in recent years. With bronze-purple lacy foliage, dark stems and violet-blue flowers, it is the darkest flower form of Polemonium available.

  9. Prunella vulgaris is an interesting and quite beautiful little wildflower plant.

    Prunella vulgaris 'Self-heal'

    Wildflower of Britiain and Ireland

    Prunella vulgaris is an interesting and quite beautiful little wildflower plant. The plants produce pretty blue-violet flowers in summer, the flowers freely produce nectar and are highly attractive to bees. If you’re looking for something to add to a meadow garden, or something for those shady areas this is the plant for you.

  10. Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'

    Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'

    American Mountain Mint

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    This attractive plant will be equally at home in the flower border or keeping company with the sage and thyme in your herb garden. Delightfully aromatic, the floral-peppermint scent is subtly different from other mints. Mountain mint is a great nectar plant, its honey is much sought after.

  11. 'Mignonette' has captured the hearts of gardeners and poets for centuries.

    Reseda odorata 'Mignonette'

    Sweet Scented Mignonette

    Reseda odorata is an ancient plant with a long recorded history. 'Mignonette' has captured the hearts of gardeners and poets for centuries. The flowers are intensely fragrant, with a sweet and spicy scent, they make a wonderful addition to floral arrangements, even dried, the flowers retain their fragrance for several months.

  12. Rudbeckia Goldsturm form a bushy, upright clumps with a profuse display of flowers.

    Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'

    Black Eyed Susan, Golden Coneflower
    Rudbeckia are one of the top ten favorites of many gardeners'. Goldsturm is a compact form of the yolk-yellow black-eyed Susan, it is short enough not to need staking and never flops. An excellent cut flower and a great choice for mass planting.
  13. Each stem is topped with a profusion of lilac-white blossoms and brilliant white bracts

    Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White'

    Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage

    Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White' is a choice white cultivar that is not that easy to find. A nobly architectural Sage, each of its branched stems is topped with a profusion of blossoms with brilliant white bracts. The flowers are attractive and are boosted in impact by the large petioles that surround them.

  14. A truly architectural plant with branched stems, each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts,

    Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, Clary Sage

    Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage

    This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history and has many plus points: it grows well in poor soil resists slugs and other beasties, and doesn’t slump or need staking. It copes well in sun or light shade and the blooms are a magnet for bees and butterflies.

  15. A truly architectural plant with branched stems, each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts,
    This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history. Each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts. A truly architectural plant. Organic Seed.
  16. Soapwort flowers appear in June to early September but the best time to admire their grace is July.

    Saponaria officinalis, Soapwort

    Bouncing Bet, Fuller's Herb

    Cleanliness is next to godliness even in history. For centuries Saponaria officinalis has helped keep us clean while providing a little loveliness in our gardens. The flowers are an important nectar source and emit a pleasant and intriguing clove-like scent, seducing both night moths and butterfly species.

  17. Scabiosa atropurpurea ‘Oxford Blue’ is a reselected variety that boasts the most desirable of deep blue flowers.

    Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Oxford Blue'

    Lavender Blue. Sweet Scabious

    Boasting the most desirable of deep blue flowers, Scabiosa ‘Oxford Blue’ is a reselected form that stands out from other varieties, it boasts the most desirable of deep lavender-blue flowers. The large, domed, dark centred cushions with contrasting white 'pins', bob atop strong stems. A prodigious bloomer, they will supply you with excellent cut flowers.

  18. Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Summer Fruits' is a fantastic, fruity blend of delicious colours.

    One of the longest-flowering and most glamorous of flowers that you can grow from seed, Scabiosa 'Summer Fruits' is a fantastic, fruity blend of delicious colours including raspberry, plum and blackberry. For weekly inclusions in the vase keep the flowers cut to keep the production of flowers right throughout the season.

  19. Scabiosa atropurpurea is one of the longest-flowering and most glamorous of hardy annual flowers that you can grow from seed.

    Scabiosa atropurpurea is one of the longest-flowering and most glamorous of flowers that you can grow from seed. Easy to grow and fast to flower, this invaluable plant will attract many butterflies and bees to the garden and the long, straight stems will supply you with cut flowers throughout the season.

  20. Scabiosa atropurpurea booms consistently throughout the growing season, from early summer and right through to late autumn.

    A prodigious bloomer and a tough, hardy garden performer Scabiosa atropurpurea grows quickly and is fast to flower. Rose-pink petals surround a domed, dark centred cushion, this invaluable plant will attract many butterflies and bees to the garden and would look as happy in a wildflower meadow as in a manicured border.

  21. Delicate white petals surround a domed, central cushion, and the tiny white stamens emerge adding yet another beautiful detail.

    This clump-forming plant produces pleasantly fragrant pincushion flowers when newly opened. Delicate white petals surround a domed, central cushion, and as the flowers mature, tiny white stamens emerge adding yet another beautiful detail. The flowers have the most delicious sweet perfume reminiscent of honey and marshmallows.

  22.  'Purple Black' produces deep, dark flowers that give a beautiful intensity to the garden or the vase.

    Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Tall Double, Purple-Black'

    Pin cushion flower, Sweet scabiosa

    Scabiosa atropurpurea is one of the longest-flowering and most glamorous of flowers that you can grow from seed. 'Purple Black' produces deep, dark flowers that give a beautiful intensity to the garden or the vase. They bloom consistently and attract many butterflies and bees to the garden.

  23. The papery bracts of Scabiosa stellata add a new shape to the garden.

    Scabiosa stellata

    Paper moons, Star-flowers

    The papery bracts of Scabiosa stellata is an example of perfect geometry. A delicate geodesic sphere of translucent papery, cone shaped bracts adds a new shape to the garden. The everlasting seed heads make excellent cut flowers and are perfect for dried arrangements.

  24. Scrophularia nodosa, the native Figwort is a hardworking perennial herb.

    Scrophularia nodosa 'Figwort'

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Our native Figwort is one of the most prolific nectar producers in the plant world, the long-lasting flowers attract more pollinators than any other plant around. The flowers, similar to tiny snapdragons ripen into egg-shaped seed pods, which are just the perfect bouquet filler for interest and movement!

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