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Wildlife Friendly

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  1. Calendula officinalis 'Ivory Princess’

    Calendula officinalis 'Ivory Princess’

    White Marigold. Also marketed as 'Snow Princess'

    Calendula officinalis ‘Ivory Princess’ is a tall show stopper with giant buttery flowers. The petals are a mix of creamy buff-yellow with tips of the serrated, buttercream petals having the tiniest outline of brown, giving a ruffled, lacy effect which beautifully compliments the dark brown eye.

  2. Calendula officinalis 'Oopsy Daisy'

    A delightful compact mix of single and semi-double forms, the daisy-like open petals of 'Oopsy Daisy' are bright in the centre with dark tips. Easy to grow they thrive in the cooler weather of spring and autumn. This is an excellent variety for borders and containers and will add cheer to any location.

  3. 'Orange Flash' produces stunning peachy apricot-copper coloured blooms

    Don’t be misled by the name - Calendula officinalis 'Orange Flash' produces stunning peachy apricot-copper coloured blooms with darker shades of ombré-rose on the reverse. They grow to a height of around 60cm and a spread of 45cm, are an excellent variety for borders and make a stunning cut flower.

  4. Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff' has soft buff-apricot petals, each with crimson backs.

    Calendula officinalis 'Sunset Buff'

    Pot Marigold, English Marigold. Herb Marigold

    'Sunset Buff' is a lovely, more subtle coloured calendula. It is the soft apricot-buff version of 'Indian Prince' with the same crimson petal backs. They grow to a height of around 60cm and a spread of 45cm, are an excellent variety for borders and make a stunning cut flower.

  5. Calendula officinalis 'Touch of Red' Buff

    Calendula 'Touch of Red Buff' is a very interesting and unusual colour, a very contemporary beige-pink with darker petal tips giving a beautiful antique and vintage effect. For cut flowers, harvest when blooms are partially open and clip spent flowers to achieve a longer blooming season.

  6. 'Touch of Red' contains the three colours in the series, Buff, Orange and Yellow,

    'Touch of Red Mix' is an exceptional, unusual and dramatic mix of colours. Containing the three colours in the 'Touch of Red' series, Buff, Orange and Yellow, each with deep bronze and red edges and backs of each petal. A very pleasing effect that will brighten up the garden or any floral arrangement.

  7. Caltha palustris is believed to be one of our most ancient native plants.

    Caltha palustris

    Kingcup, Marsh Marigold
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    'Caltha palustris, commonly called Marsh Marigold is one of the most cheerful native plants to adorn the edges of a pond or stream and possesses the added benefit of flowering in the shade. The plant’s yellow flowers and dark green shiny leaves cheer up the otherwise barren landscape as winter recedes.
  8. Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Feather' is a stunning variety known for its unique, feathery flower spikes.
    Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Feather' is an enchanting variety known for its unique, long-lasting flower spikes. The tall, slender blooms of soft pink are a favorite of florists and crafters. Once dried, Celosia can last for years and is perfect for dried flower arrangements and for crafting.
  9. Celosia 'Xantippe' has spikes that start pale pink and gradually mature to silver.

    Celosia spicata 'Xantippe'

    Cutting Celosia, Silver Cockscomb
    Gardeners and florists alike value Celosia spicata for its long-lasting blooms. 'Xantippe' has spikes that start pale pink and gradually mature to silver. A favourite for use in arrangements where its unusual structure adds height and an airy, wispy aesthetic. Its flowers can also be dried.
  10. The flowers of Black ball are a lovely rich dark-chocolate hue, almost black on cloudy days.

    Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball'

    Double Cornflower, Bachelors Button

    Starting at: €1.65

    The Boy Series, which all feature double flowered blooms on tall stems for garden or cutting, are available in many colours. These beauties grow well as border plants and are wonderful in a cutting garden. 'Black ball' flowers are a lovely rich dark-chocolate hue, almost black on cloudy days.

  11. Centaurea cyanus "Blue Boy" is a very fine, old variety.

    Centaurea cyanus 'Blue Boy'

    Double Cornflower, Bachelors Button

    Starting at: €1.65

    A favorite annual flower and cottage garden staple, Centaurea 'Blue Boy' has piercing, bright blue flowers with ruffled petals and violet-blue centres. The blooms appear from early to late summer. These beauties grow well as border plants and are wonderful in a cutting garden.

  12. 'Pink Ball' is a double flowered cultivar with wonderful full flowers on densely branched upright plants.

    Centaurea cyanus 'Pink Ball'

    Double Cornflower, Bachelors Button

    Starting at: €1.65

    The Ball series, also known as the Boy series, feature double flowered blooms on tall stems for garden or cutting. This pink flowered cultivar boasts wonderful full flowers on densely branched upright plants and produces many flowers from early summer until frost. Well suited for cutting, drying, and pressing.

  13. Centaurea 'Snowman' is a double flowered cultivar with wonderful fluffy, white flowers on densely branched upright plants.

    Centaurea cyanus 'White Boy'

    Double Cornflower, Bachelors Button

    Starting at: €1.65

    Cornflowers are great plants for the cutting garden or border, and this fine cultivar is no exception. Centaurea 'White Boy' is a double flowered cultivar with wonderful fluffy, white flowers on densely branched upright plants. This is the white member of the series which is also known as White Ball and Snowman

  14. In Britain the cornflower is now classified as endangered. It receives general protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

    Centaurea cyanus, 'Cornflower'

    Bachelors Button,
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Starting at: €1.95

    Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in our gardens. They are the most splendid of annuals. Aside from their electric blue, which is breathtaking when they're grown in dense drifts, they are easy to grow, they flower all summer, make great cut flowers and bees adore them.

  15. Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in gardens.

    Centaurea cyanus, 'Cornflower' Organic

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Today cornflowers are rare in the wild, they flourish instead in gardens. Aside from their electric blue flowers, breathtaking when grown in dense drifts, they are easy to grow, flower all summer, make great cut flowers and bees adore them. Organic Seed.
  16. Centaurea dealbata has the unusual characteristic of being perennial and flowering in the first year.

    Centaurea dealbata

    Persian Cornflower

    Out of stock

    Persian Cornflower is an attractive clump forming cornflower, with bushy, branched plants and the unusual characteristic of being perennial and flowering in the first year. Very adaptable to both dry and moist locations. Large deep lavender-pink blooms adorn the divided foliage throughout summer.

  17. Golden-yellow shaggy thistle-like blooms on strong stems are followed by attractive seed heads.

    Centaurea macrocephala

    Great Headed Centaury

    Out of stock

    Centaurea macrocephala is a magnificent perennial that ideal for providing vertical interest in a sunny, well-drained herbaceous border. The golden-yellow shaggy thistle-like blooms are on strong stems and mid-green, lance-shaped leaves are followed by attractive seed heads.

  18. Centranthus ruber is a cottage garden favourite that’s made it back into the style books.

    Centranthus ruber alba 'Snow Cloud’

    Keys of Heaven, Jupiter's Beard.

    Centranthus 'Snow Cloud’ produces airy clusters of white flowers that appear from July to October on tall, fleshy stems with glaucous leaves. Very long flowering, sweetly-perfumed and easy-to-grow from seed, given an early sowing Centranthus will flower from July right through to October.

  19. Centranthus ruber is a cottage garden favourite that’s made it back into the style books.

    Centranthus ruber ‘Coccineus’

    Keys of Heaven, Jupiter's Beard. Pretty Betsy

    Out of stock

    Centranthus ruber is a Cottage garden favourite that’s made it into the style books. Sweetly-perfumed, dense clusters of reddish-pink flowers appear from July to October. They are ideal for attracting bees and butterflies and other pollinating insects into the garden and lovely when used as a cut flower.

  20. A favourite of many gardeners is the beautiful and fast-growing Cobaea scandens.

    Cobaea scandens alba

    White Cup and Saucer Vine, White Cathedral Bells
    Cobaea scandens alba will appeal to anyone who longs for something with panache and visual impact. This rare variety has clear white flowers and will fill the air with a very pleasant honey scent throughout the growing season.
  21. Comfrey, Symphytum officinale

    Comfrey, Symphytum officinale

    Knitbone, Bruisewort, Healing herb, Miracle herb.

    To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden. Leaves can be used as a top dressing or chopped and mixed with leaf mould to make a base for potting compost. You can make your own organic liquid feed or use as a compost activator.

  22. To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden.

    Comfrey, Symphytum officinale, Organic

    Knitbone, Bruisewort, Healing herb, Miracle herb.

    To the organic gardener, Comfrey is invaluable. It’s easy to grow, easy to use and incredibly beneficial to the garden. Used to make organic liquid feed, it is especially valuable on crops that benefit from high doses of potassium. Organic Seed.

  23. Coreopsis 'Incredible Swirl' is a striking variety known for its captivating display of unique, bicolour blooms.

    Coreopsis 'Incredible Swirl' is a striking variety that provides a captivating display of unique, bicolour blooms. The mix of cream and soft cranberry to plum act as the perfect bridge flower in bouquets or in the garden. These flowers are long-lasting and prolific, blooming in abundance from late spring to early autumn.

  24. Golden blooms with mahogany highlights mark each bloom as unique on this very free-flowering, semi-double Coreopsis.

    Dazzling gold stripes on mahogany-brown petals mark each bloom as unique on this very free-flowering, semi-double Coreopsis. Irresistible to butterflies but left alone by deer and untroubled by heat, humidity, and drought, this carefree beauty self-sows freely, going from seed to bloom in just 12 weeks.

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