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  1. With deep true gentian blue flower spikes Ajuga genevensis is by far the showiest of the species.

    Ajuga genevensis

    Geneva Bugle

    Ajuga genevensis is used throughout the world yet this relatively uncommon form is less well known. This very well behaved, evergreen groundcover has deep gentian blue flower spikes and is by far the showiest of the species. It is often the plant of choice for smaller areas or along edges and pathways.

  2. For most of the year Ajuga is a pleasant quiet achiever, but those weeks in spring when the blue flowers appear are simply quite magical.

    Ajuga reptans

    Bugle. Thunder and Lightning,

    For most of the year Ajuga is a pleasant, quiet achiever, a very versatile low growing ground cover, with evergreen, rosette-like foliage that hugs the ground like an evergreen carpet but those weeks in spring when the blue flowers appear are simply quite magical.

  3. The unpretentious Lady's Mantle is extremely useful for both its foliage and its flowers.

    Alchemilla mollis 'Lady's Mantle'

    'Thriller', 'Irish Silk', Lady’s Mantle
    The unpretentious lady's mantle is extremely useful for both its foliage and its flowers. The foliage has the additional virtue of looking especially beautiful after a rain, when it holds water droplets in the pleats of its surface like many pearls of liquid mercury.
  4. Wood Anemones growing on a south-facing edge of a wood all turn their heads to follow the sun from east to west.

    Anemone nemorosa 'Wood Anemone'

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    This lovely woodlander makes a striking impact in the spring garden. The Irish-born exponent of wild gardening, William Robinson, adored Anemone nemorosa. Writing in his English Flower Garden in 1883, he begins by saying "there is little need to plead for their culture".
  5. It can be used in borders and is excellent for trailing over the edges of containers, over stones or down walls.

    Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica 'Snowcap'

    syn A. alpina 'Schneehaube'
    Wall, White or Mountain Rockcress
    One of the earliest spring flowers to appear, Arabis 'Snowcap' with dense masses of snow-white flowers looks wonderful in containers or under spring-blooming bulbs, the pretty white flowers will fill the void when yearning for blooms is tugging at your core.
  6. Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners.
    Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
  7. Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain', also known as 'Boughton Silver' is a superior, dense, mat-forming selection.

    Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain'

    Also known as 'Boughton Silver'

    Artemisia stelleriana 'Mori's Strain' is a superior, dense, mat-forming selection. Uniquely shaped silver-white felted leaves with deeply divided, rounded lobes, it forms very attractive low mounds, giving an attractive ground-hugging carpet. Its foliage makes a wonderful foil for more colourful flowering plants.

  8. Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring. It grows to only 10 to 15cm tall at maturity, but with a spread of around 45cm it makes a lively edging to a sunny border, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls.

  9. Aubrieta 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of evergreen grey-green leaves and freely produces deep carmine flowers.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Leichtlinii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Commonly called ‘Rock Cress’, Aubrieta is a traditional rock garden plant that is lovely spilling out of crevices, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls. 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of leaves that is, throughout the summer months, smothered by wonderful deep-carmine flowers.

  10. Aubrieta ‘Whitewell Gem’ has a ground-hugging habit and freely produces large, intense reddish-purple flowers.for several months.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Whitewell Gem'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta has long been treasured for its delightful spring show of brightly coloured flowers. ‘Whitewell Gem’ is smothered by large, intense reddish-purple flowers for several months. Lovely spilling out of crevices or over rock walls, the plants can also be used in paving with other ground hugging plants.

  11. Calamintha is a very attractive bushy, perennial that should be in every garden.

    Calamintha nepeta

    Calamint, Mountain Balm, Nepitella

    Calamintha nepeta is a very attractive bushy, perennial that should be in every garden. Clouds of tiny, lilac-mauve flowers appear in early summer and flower continuously from early June right through to late September. The leaves exude a lovely minty scent when crushed and the flowers are true bee pasture.

  12. Carex Amazon Mist is a graceful ornamental grass with arching silver white evergreen foliage.

    Carex comans 'Amazon Mist'

    Curled Sedge, Switch Grass

    Amazon Mist is a graceful ornamental grass with arching silver white evergreen foliage, each ending with a slight curl. The flowing mounds of fine textured are lovely spilling over slopes and walls. It adds colour and texture to both summer and autumn displays.

  13. Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae

    'Snow in Summer' lives up to its name in late spring when the foliage is smothered in luminous white flowers. Beautiful used as a path edging, in a stone wall or cascading over containers. Try it amongst your spring bulbs - tall lily flowering tulips above a dense carpet of white Cerastium… Breathtaking!

  14. Chamaemelum nobile, the perennial Roman Chamomile. Use for both scented chamomile lawns and for home remedy uses

    Chamaemelum nobile 'Roman Chamomile'

    English or Lawn Chamomile
    Also spelt Camomile

    Starting at: €1.95

    Camomile is a most useful plant. It can be used to make beautiful lawns and raised beds, an infusion of the plant is an ideal family remedy, calming and sedative, perfect for restlessness or travel sickness, while for gardeners the tea is effective as a spray to prevent 'damping-off' of seedlings

  15. Coleus blumei 'Wizard Mixed'

    Starting at: €2.25

    Out of stock

    The 'Wizard' Series is an excellent example of the new developments of coleus, it is the best seed raised strain for bedding and containers. From the brilliant apricot-bronze Sunset, to red-veined maroon Velvet Red, each is a distinctive work of art. The heart-shaped leaves show their colour early and keeps its hues right through the worst summer heat and humidity. Available in single colours or as a mix.

  16. In spring the deeply divided, ferny leaves and narrow, long-spurred flowers appear.

    Corydalis solida 'Spring Fumewort'

    European Wildflower

    What gardener with a heart and soul could resist the spring flowers of Corydalis, whose winged petals with upswept spurs suggest a flight of elfin butterflies. These woodland ephemerals are highly useful at the front of the border, with miniature bulbs such as crocus, muscari or scillas.

  17. Cyclamen coum has some remarkable qualities which make it well-adored as a cultivated ornamental plant.

    Cyclamen coum

    Hardy Cyclamen

    Out of stock

    Cyclamen coum is adored as a cultivated ornamental plant. The flowers vary from white to rosy-purple with every hue in between and in such quantity to obscure the leaves. They open from early winter and continue unabated into spring.
  18. Pure white, fragrant flowers with delicately fringed edges are held above compact symmetrical domes, tight little clumps that rock gardeners call buns.

    Dianthus arenarius 'Little Maiden' is a super Dianthus for the rock, roof or fairy garden. The plants grow quite densely and grow only about 10cm high. Pure white, fragrant flowers with delicately fringed edges are held above compact symmetrical domes, tight little clumps that rock gardeners call buns.

  19. They can be used as a ground cover in gravel gardens or to edge a path or walkway.

    Dianthus deltoides 'Confetti White'

    Maiden Pink. Aka 'Albus'

    Dianthus deltoides ‘Confetti White’ is a quite exceptional little plant. Growing to just 10cm tall it will spread up to 50cm wide. The pure white blooms appear in abundance, just poking their heads above the deep green foliage. In the early morning dew or after a shower of rain they sparkle like clear white diamonds.

  20. Dianthus deltoides is a spectacular first-year-flowering perennial that forms a dense evergreen mat.

    Regular Price: €2.45

    Special Price €1.25

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    Dianthus ‘Arctic Fire’ is a spectacular first-year-flowering perennial that forms a dense evergreen mat. The clear white blooms are complemented by an attractive, glowing red eye. This quite exceptional little plant will and grow up to 50cm wide, it covers bare spots quickly. Heat tolerant and hardy to minus 35°C.

  21. Dianthus ‘Flashing Light’  is a spectacular first-year-flowering perennial that forms a dense evergreen mat.

    Dianthus deltoides ‘Flashing Light’

    Maiden Pink. 'Leuchtfunk' or 'Confetti Deep Red'

    Out of stock

    Dianthus ‘Flashing Light’ is a spectacular first-year-flowering perennial that forms a dense evergreen mat. The real joy of this plant comes in late spring when a large number of flowers are borne in quick succession. Poking their heads above the deep green foliage, they sparkle like ruby-red diamonds.

  22. In shades of white, pink and rosy-red with crimson rings they give several months of both colour and clove-like scent.

    Regular Price: €2.50

    Special Price €1.25

    Dianthus deltoides ‘Microchips’ has glaucous blue-green foliage that from late spring are covered with a seemingly impossibly large number of flowers. In shades of white, pink and rosy-red with crimson rings they give several months of both colour and clove-like scent.

  23. Erigeron is an amazingly versatile plant, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil.

    Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'

    Mexican Daisy, Fleabane
    Producing a profusion of daisy like blooms from May right through till November, the flowers open white but change to deep pink as they mature. Erigeron is easy to grow and an amazingly versatile plant, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil.
  24. Masses of beautiful silky flowers in various shades of gold, one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers.

    Eschscholzia californica

    California Poppy. Aurantiaca Orange

    Eschscholzia are of the easiest and most colourful annuals to grow, with masses of beautiful silky flowers in shades of gold. They bloom profusely over a very long season, succeed in all soils and garden positions and are heat and drought-resistant. They give a garden performance second to none!

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