Informal / Cottage
Lupinus x russellii ‘My Castle’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Mein Schloss'€2.25The magnificent vertical stems of Lupin ‘My Castle’ produce vibrant red blooms bringing height and grandeur to summer borders. The intense colour of this robust variety makes a real statement when planted in drifts, or dotted among other perennials.
Lupinus x russellii ‘The Chatelaine’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Schlobfrau'€2.25Bred for a long flowering period with unbeatable garden performance, George Russell developed one of the most popular and distinctive plants in history. Magnificent vertical stems of densely packed soft pink flowers each with a white flag. The Chatelaine’ provides that rare combination of power, poise and subtlety.
Lupinus x russellii ‘The Pages’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Edelknaben'€2.25The Russell Hybrids 'Band of Nobles’ series have exceptionally bright and strong colours. ‘The Pages’ produce magnificent vertical stems of carmine red blooms. These hardy plants will surviving extreme temperatures withstanding frost to at least minus 25°C. -
Lysimachia clethroides ‘Lady Jane’
Gooseneck Loosestrife€3.40Lysimachia ‘Lady Jane’ produces spires of white blossoms right above the foliage, they arch over then tip up at the ends and grow in beautiful curvy forms. Absolutely loved by butterflies, an additional feature is the good autumn foliage colour. -
Malva moschata 'Appleblossom'
Musk Mallow€2.65Shorter than the species, Malva moschata 'Appleblossom' grows 45 to 60cm in height. The satiny, single flowers in a lovely soft shade of silver-pink, are textured and striated like crepe, they have a lustrous lacquered quality in sunlight. Wonderfully appealing to bees and other pollinators, they also make a good cut flower.
Malva moschata f. alba
White Musk Mallow€2.65Considered by many gardeners to be the most desirable of the Malva species, this rare white-flowered form is even lovelier than the normal rose-pink Musk Mallow. Flowering throughout the summer, the pure white, scented flowers contrast beautifully with the ferny foliage.
Malva sylvestris ssp. mauritiana 'Bibor Felho'
Purple or Blue Mallow, French Hollyhock€2.00Out of stock
Malva 'Bibor Felho' feature velvety, plum-purple flowers with deep purple veins which emerge from distinctive purple flower buds. A short-lived perennial that is often grown as a biennial or as an annual, this electric, willowy plant mingles well in the herbaceous border with plants of equal stature.
Matthiola incana 'Miracle Crimson'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Florists’ bouquets often include stocks. They enchant us with the soft colours of the double flowers and with their intensely sweet scent. The Miracle series is specifically cultivated for cutting. With extremely large flower heads and upright strong stems, they do not branch but grow neatly to about 70cm tall.
Matthiola incana 'Miracle Mid Blue'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Out of stock
Florists’ bouquets often include stocks. They enchant us with the soft colours of the double flowers and with their intensely sweet scent. The Miracle series is specifically cultivated for cutting. With extremely large flower heads and upright strong stems, they do not branch but grow neatly to about 70cm tall.
Matthiola incana, 'Apricot'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Apricot' is a variety of the traditional tall stocks that are grown for the floral industry. The plants have large flower heads and grow to a height of 75cm. Extremely fashionable, the delicate peachy-apricot flowers are long lasting and magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent.
Matthiola incana, 'Avalanche'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Avalanche' is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. It produces a high percentage of double flowers that can be selected based on leaf colour. Sow anytime from January to July for flowering April to October.
Matthiola incana, 'Sweetheart'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Sweetheart' with the delicate pale-pink blooms is a variety that is traditionally grown for the floral industry. They can be sown early in spring to give a good summer flower display or can be treated as biennials. Seedlings started inside in October will have the flowers ready for Valentine’s Day.
Matthiola incana, Lilac-Lavender'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Out of stock
Matthiola incana ‘Lilac-Lavender’ is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. Long lasting and magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent, this variety is particularly suited for beds and for cutting for the vase.
Matthiola longipetala 'Night Scented Stock'
Evening Scented Stock, Perfume Plant€1.75Night or Evening-scented Stock is one of the easiest and rewarding scented plants to grow. The flowers open in the late afternoon and emit a most delightful fragrance. The scent has been compared to vanilla, rose, spice and even cloves. It will become a summer fragrance you will never want to be without!
Moluccella laevis
Bells of Ireland, Shell FlowerStarting at: €1.85
'Bells of Ireland' are flowers to please anyone who loves flower arranging. Cut fresh, the bells will last for years and they are very useful for winter arrangements but they also look good in flower borders and with the recent fashion for green blooms are becoming more sought after.
Monarda didyma 'Panorama Red Shades'
Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint€2.70Monarda 'Panorama Red Shades' is the first separate colour available from seed. This foolproof plant is trouble-free and a joy for the garden and vase. They bloom profusely with very distinctive flower-heads, each plant bearing up to 20 long stems and are as long-lasting as they are dramatic.
Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'
Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Horsemint€2.30Monarda fistulosa, also known as Bergamot is famed for its medicinal qualities. While in the perennial border these lovely plants produce a mass of mauve-purple blooms (even in their first year from an early sowing) and have uniquely scented foliage. Highly attractive to bees and butterflies.
Nepeta grandiflora 'Border Ballet'
Caucasus Catmint€2.25Nepeta grandiflora is one of the best garden plants in this family. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint, lusher than true catnip, with dark green leaves. It flowers in shades of blue and pink in perfect harmony. This easy to sow and grow perennial flowers in the first year of sowing.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Dark Blue Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Nepeta ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is the dark blue flowered variety and sister to 'Pink Panther' and the beautiful white 'Snow' Panther. This award winning variety starts to flower just 15 weeks after sowing and can be can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther' is the pink form of large-flowered Nepeta which is grown from seed and flowers during the first year. It can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. Flowering from June until the end of September, they work well as an informal low hedge or mixed in the border with other annuals or perennials.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Recognised as having the largest flowers of all the nepetas and only one with white flowers, Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther' flowers during the first year and can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. This award winning variety is extremely attractive to bees and butterflies they are also excellent for containers.
Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora
Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
Also known as Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora€1.95Nicotiana affinis, also known as N. alata, is a classic tobacco plant with a delicious evening scent. It has been justly popular for over a century and a firm favourite with generations of gardeners: it is far lovelier than the modern improved forms of Nicotiana alata. -
Nicotiana alata 'Dwarf Tinkerbells F2 Mixture'
Flowering Tobacco, Jasmine Tobacco€1.95Nicotiana alata 'Tinkerbells' is a stunningly colourful plant for borders and containers. The dwarf, bushy habit and the hybrid vigour combine to produce a carpet of colour. To get the most enjoyment from the sweet evening fragrance, plant near patios, decks, or under windows to best enjoy their sweet perfume.
Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll, Rose'
Love in a Mist€1.95'Miss Jekyll Rose' is much less common than the usual blue varieties of Nigella, bearing wonderful rose-pink flowers which seem to float amongst the finely cut leaves. One of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see, and once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pods can be dried for winter decorations