Phlox drummondii 'Sugar Stars'
Drummond's Phlox, Annual Phlox.€2.95'Sugar Stars' is a fabulous new annual Phlox variety that blooms with a confection of purple-blue and white clustered blooms. One of the most useful of annuals they flower from mid July right through to October. For spectacular display, romantic excess and sweet fragrance, they are without peer.
Phlox drummondii grandiflora 'Alba'
Drummond's Phlox, Annual Phlox.€2.65Phlox is one of the most useful of annuals, they are extremely rewarding garden subjects and lack real competition in the late summer garden. Uniform, with outstanding weather tolerance they will flower from mid July right through the summer until October. Perfect for wedding work and bouquets, Grandiflora 'Alba' provides pure white flowers combined with a delicious scent.
Phlox drummondii grandiflora 'Isabellina'
Drummond's Phlox, Annual Phlox.€2.65Phlox drummondii grandiflora 'Isabellina' is an annual flowering phlox that is very easy to grow. Fast to flower it produces abundant blooms with a light melon fragrance. The clusters of creamy, linen-yellow flowers are the colour of condensed milk. A must-have for wedding work, this delicious variety is a great addition to the garden border and bouquets.
Physalis peruviana, edulis
Cape Gooseberry, Inca Berry, Goldenberry€2.10The Cape Gooseberry is a useful small crop for the home garden. The fruit is expensive to purchase as it is labour intensive in commercial plantings. Very easy to grow from seed, it can overwinter outdoors in mild areas or when grown in favoured positions such as the foot of a sunny wall.
Physostegia virginiana 'Crown of Snow'
Obedient plant, The Lady of the Lake€2.10Out of stock
The physostegia, or obedient plant, has prolific dazzling, pure white flower spikes which are arranged on distinctly square stems. They can be twisted around the stem and will remain where you put them...hence, the common name!
Physostegia virginiana 'Grandiflora Rose'
Obedient plant, The Lady of the Lake€1.95Out of stock
The physostegia has prolific dazzling tubular flower spikes which are arranged on distinctly square stems. This oddly named perennial is perfect for the middle of a mixed or herbaceous border. The flowers are on swivels that can be bent right or left on the stem - a useful feature for floral displays.
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Mariesii'
Kikyo, Balloon FlowerRegular Price: €1.85
Special Price €1.30
Out of stock
Platycodon 'Mariesii' is a very floriferous, robust, long lived perennial that forms a compact mound of green foliage, bearing inflated buds that open into star-shaped single bright violet-blue blossoms with dark violet veins. A reliable bloomer that is long lived, it is great for the border and perfect as a cut flower.
Polemonium caeruleum album
White Jacob’s Ladder, Greek Valerian
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.15The white form of the lovely Jacobs Ladder, named after the slender, fresh green leaflets arranged like the rungs of a ladder. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the bright foliage and white flowers will brighten shady locations. Both the flowers and the attractive ferny foliage are excellent for cutting.
Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain'
Japanese Jacob's Ladder€2.80Collected at altitude in Japan and introduced in 2006, Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain' is one of the best new introductions in recent years. With bronze-purple lacy foliage, dark stems and violet-blue flowers, it is the darkest flower form of Polemonium available.
Polygonatum multiflorum 'Solomon's Seal'
Common Solomon's Seal
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.95Out of stock
Polygonatum multiflorum is a long cultivated pan-European perennial. Alternate bright green leaves are held upright like the wings of a bird on the upstroke of flight. Tubular white flowers, edged with tiny lime-green petals spring from their axils in spring.
Potentilla nepalensis 'Helen Jane'
Cinquefoil€2.25Out of stock
Potentilla 'Helen Jane' is a beautiful new semi-dwarf cultivar that displays gorgeous crimson-eyed, bright pink flowers, with petals that are attractively crinkled just like crepe paper. Flowering over a long period, new buds open repeatedly in a long succession, from late June to September.
Potentilla nepalensis 'Ron McBeath'
Cinquefoil€2.25Out of stock
Venerating a former plant curator at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland, 'Ron McBeath' is a beautiful new semi-dwarf cultivar. This diminutive potentilla repeat-flowers for months, sending up wands of rosy carmine flowers even in shade. It outlasts other potentillas by far.
Prunella vulgaris 'Self-heal'
Wildflower of Britiain and Ireland€2.25Prunella vulgaris is an interesting and quite beautiful little wildflower plant. The plants produce pretty blue-violet flowers in summer, the flowers freely produce nectar and are highly attractive to bees. If you’re looking for something to add to a meadow garden, or something for those shady areas this is the plant for you.
Pulsatilla alpina subsp. alpina
White Alpine Pasqueflower or Alpine Anemone€2.75Pulsatilla alpina subsp. alpina is a charming form, with white flowers, the outer segments flushed with bluish-purple. A favourite for collectors, they have a protracted flowering period and followed by attractive seed heads, they are showy, long-lived and reliable plants with a lengthy period of interest. -
Pulsatilla vulgaris
Pasque Flower, Windflower, Meadow Anemone€2.50Pulsatilla vulgaris is now a very rare native species, the genus includes some of the loveliest of all flowering plants. In early spring, woolly, flower buds first appear, their silky foliage is deeply divided and covered with soft silvery hairs. The violet-purple flowers often opening while still under snow cover. These plants are always a delight.
Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'
American Mountain Mint€1.95Out of stock
This attractive plant will be equally at home in the flower border or keeping company with the sage and thyme in your herb garden. Delightfully aromatic, the floral-peppermint scent is subtly different from other mints. Mountain mint is a great nectar plant, its honey is much sought after.
Ricinus communis var. gibsonii 'Red'
Castor Oil Plant€2.85Ricinus communis is one of the best ways to quickly create a tropical effect in the garden. It is a remarkably architectural, fast growing plant. The huge leaves and interesting flower spikes add drama to borders and beds. The variety, gibsonii 'Red' grows to around 150cm with gorgeous dark red, metallic foliage.
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
Black Eyed Susan, Golden Coneflower€2.25Rudbeckia are one of the top ten favorites of many gardeners'. Goldsturm is a compact form of the yolk-yellow black-eyed Susan, it is short enough not to need staking and never flops. An excellent cut flower and a great choice for mass planting.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy'
Black-Eyed Susan, Annual Coneflower€3.45Considered by many gardeners as the most complete border flower, when Rudbeckia ‘Cherry Brandy’ was first introduced, it took the plant world by storm. This stunning cultivar is the world’s first red Rudbeckia, it produces a mass of spectacular cherry-coloured blooms all summer long.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Denver Daisy'
Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower€2.65Rudbeckia hirta 'Denver Daisy' has large, golden daisies with chocolate brown centres and marks at the base of each petal. Growing to around 75cm (30in) tall, this lovely variety performs well, is exceptionally heat tolerant and blooms for a long time in summer.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'
Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower€2.35The heavy blooming ‘Irish Eyes’ has fantastic bright yellow and gold daisies with emerald green eyes, a far cry from your typical black-eyed Susan. It is easy to grow, great for cutting and offers lots of blooms in the heat of summer. This popular ornamental is at home in wildlife gardens, cutting gardens and mixed borders.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Maya'
Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower€2.95Rudbeckia hirta ‘Maya’ is a fabulous award winning variety, bearing beautifully doubled golden daisies with petals so dense they almost look like pincushions. Golden yellow, with a kiss in the centre — almost like a Zinnia in appearance. An outstanding cut flower and wonderful in mixed containers.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Sahara'
Black-Eyed Susan, Annual Coneflower€3.45Semi-double and double velvety blooms in subtle shades of pale cappuccino, deep caramel, copper and dusty raspberry and everything in between. Rudbeckia 'Sahara' is one of the most spectacular blooms in the late summer border, coming to its peak just as others are starting to fade.
Rudbeckia occidentalis 'Green Wizard'
Western Coneflower, Green Coneflower€2.65An absolute gift to flower arrangers, this is a noble and ornamental plant for the back of any border making nice clumps of foliage. It is, of course, the flowers that are remarkable: three or four inches across, “green” is one’s immediate impression on seeing them.