Direct Sow In Spring
Starting at: €3.95
This fabulous range of Edible Flowers and Herbs give decorative petals and leaves for use as garnishes and flavourings. Some are spicy, and some herbaceous, while others are floral and fragrant, the range is surprising. They will bring a stunning finish to the food and drinks you that you love.
Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'
Mexican Daisy, Fleabane€2.95Producing a profusion of daisy like blooms from May right through till November, the flowers open white but change to deep pink as they mature. Erigeron is easy to grow and an amazingly versatile plant, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil.
Erysimum allioni, Cheiranthus allioni
Siberian Wallflower€1.95Siberian wallflowers are at their best in early to mid-May. With cheerful deep orange blooms, they are very easy to grow and combine well with other plants; indeed wallflowers demand companions and set the mind racing regarding potential planting combinations.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Fire King'
English WallflowerRegular Price: €2.10
Special Price €0.95
Erysimum ‘Fire King' is another old and tried variety, with striking, flame-like, glowing orange-scarlet flowers. They are especially valuable because they bloom in the period between primroses and summer annuals and will supply the household with an abundance of cut flowers for many weeks.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Ivory White'
English Wallflower€2.10What spring garden would be complete without a bed of delightful, sweet-scented Wallflowers, harbingers of warmer weather to come? Erysimum cheiri, formerly Cheiranthus cheiri 'Ivory-White' is a fabulous form. A compact variety with a bushy habit which is ideal as an underplanting to tulips and other spring bulbs.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Persian Carpet'
English Wallflower€1.95This is a classic Wallflower mixture, with the super rich colours you'd expect to see in a Persian Carpet (at a fraction of the cost!) purple, gold, orange, rose, cream and apricot. It is not without reason that this bushy variety so impressed the RHS judges.
Eschscholzia californica
California Poppy. Aurantiaca Orange€1.95Eschscholzia are of the easiest and most colourful annuals to grow, with masses of beautiful silky flowers in shades of gold. They bloom profusely over a very long season, succeed in all soils and garden positions and are heat and drought-resistant. They give a garden performance second to none!
Eschscholzia californica 'Ivory Castle'
White California Poppy€2.20This is a lovely cultivar of the California poppy, the blooms of 'Ivory Castle' boasts single, creamy white blooms. One of the easiest and most colourful annuals to grow from seed, they bloom profusely from mid summer until frosts. Extremely attractive to bees, they are breathtaking in massed plantings or containers.
Eschscholzia californica 'Thai Silk' Mix
California Poppy€1.95Eschscholzia 'Thai Silk' boasts large semi-double blooms in breathtaking jewel tones and a chiffon-like texture reminiscent of glorious oriental silks. This exotic mix contains the Thai Silk series of colours: Appleblossom, Rose, Apricot Chiffon, and Pink Champagne.
Eschscholzia californica Thai Silk, 'Appleblossom Chiffon'
Extra double California Poppy€2.45Out of stock
'Thai Silk' is a stunning range of California poppies of superb quality with silky flowers. 'Appleblossom Chiffon' produces very double flowers in an ethereal shade of shimmering, dappled silvery-pink. Very easy to grow, they are attractive to pollinators and perfect for cutting.
Eschscholzia californica Thai Silk, 'Apricot Chiffon'
Extra double California Poppy€2.45'Thai Silk Apricot Chiffon' produces silky double, creamy apricot coloured blooms with petals fringed in beautiful coral pink. Very easy to grow, they are attractive to pollinators and perfect for cutting. These clustered flowers are fascinating to the eye and are breath taking in massed plantings or containers.
Eschscholzia californica Thai Silk, 'Pink Champagne'
Extra double California Poppy€2.45A beautiful and sophisticated variety, Eschscholzia californica Thai Silk produces extra double silky flowers, 'Pink Champagne' in a unique shade of soft champagne-pink on a cream base. Very easy to grow, they are attractive to pollinators and perfect for cutting.
Eschscholzia californica, Organic
California Poppy. Aurantiaca Orange€2.20Masses of beautiful silky flowers in shades of gold, Eschscholzia californica is one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers. With fine dissected foliage they are fascinating to the eye and are breathtaking in massed plantings or containers. The flowers are extremely attractive to bees and butterflies. Organic Seeds
Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii
Mediterranean Spurge€3.75Out of stock
One of the grandest of plants, Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' has upright stems clothed with whorls of fleshy, mat grey-green leaves that lend the whole plant a textural quality that is unparalleled. From March to June the plants are topped with intense chartreuse-green flowers'.
Euphorbia myrsinites
Myrtle Spurge€3.45Out of stock
Euphorbia myrsinites is a charming plant, a prostrate-growing evergreen with trailing stems that are clad in spiraling grey-blue leaves. An easy, tough, tidy groundcover and one of the most useful and highly ornamentally plants to grow in the garden.
Euphorbia polychroma
Cushion spurge, Many-coloured spurge.€2.75Euphorbias give us some of the best early spring herbaceous colour, but Euphorbia polychroma has the most impact. This compact variety grows to only 50cm with a great mound of yellow-green flowers in spring and echoes the daffodils.
Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden'
Babys Breath€1.65Gypsophila has recently become rather trendy among celebrity and designer florists, even taking centre stage as the main flower focus of bouquets and arrangements. 'Covent Garden' produces hundreds of tiny, single white flowers on wire-thin branches, giving an airy impression.
Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake'
Double Flowered Babys Breath€1.85Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' is a pretty double-flowered baby’s breath that offers big airy clouds of white blooms in early summer. The flower panicles are strong-stemmed, compact and bloom a bit earlier than standard forms. Each stem has hundreds of tiny white flowers on wire-thin branches, giving an airy, soft impression.
Helianthus annuus 'Autumn Beauty'
Branching Sunflower.€1.95Sunflower ‘Autumn Beauty’ produces numerous long-stemmed flowers from summer to late autumn in a variety of solid and bi-colour bright warm colours - golden yellow, bronze, brown and burgundy. The long stems are excellent for cut flowers and look absolutely stunning in a vase on their own.
Helianthus annuus 'Cut Flower Mixture'
Sunflowers€1.75Out of stock
Helianthus annuus 'Cut Flower Mixture' offers a diverse range of sunflower varieties that are suited to outdoor cut flower production. In a wide range of shapes and colours, lemon, golds and reds. The heights range from 80 to 150cm (32 to 60in). They are lovely in borders or vases.
Helianthus annuus 'F1 Gemini Summer'
Pollenless, Premium Sunflower€2.75Helianthus annuus 'F1 Gemini Summer' is F1 hybrid tall cut flower variety with golden yellow, double flowers. This professional quality sunflower is a pollenless, uniflora type that grows 90 to 120cm tall. Cut the flowers when the petals begin to unfurl from the face.
Helianthus annuus 'F1 Lemon Cutie'
Pollenless Dwarf Sunflower€3.45Dwarf sunflowers for small gardens and containers are always in demand and ‘Lemon Cutie’ looks to have everything we need in a dwarf sunflower. Semi-double and pollenless. Not only is it dwarf with multiple branches, but you will never have seen such a stunning and unusual, lemon coloured Sunflower.
Helianthus annuus 'F1 Sunrich Limoncello Summer'
Pollenless, Premium Sunflower€2.95Out of stock
Developed for the cut flower industry, the 'Sunrich' series has been the market leader for the last fifteen years. Vibrant lemon yellow petals with creamy lemon tips surround a dark center disk, It is ‘day length neutral’ so will provide consistent flowers, just two months from planting, irrespective of the amount of daylight hours that it receives.
Helianthus annuus 'Giant Single Yellow'
Uniflorus giganteus, Giant SunflowerStarting at: €1.65
Sunflower 'Giant Single Yellow' is a popular tall-growing variety. The blooms have dark centres and attractive bright golden petals, held on tall stems they are capable of growing several metres. Favourites with children, they make beautiful, long lasting cut flowers and are highly attractive to pollinators.