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Limonium tataricum, Statice, 'Woodcreek'

Limonium latifolium, German or Perennial Statice

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Limonium tataricum, Statice, 'Woodcreek'

Limonium latifolium, German or Perennial Statice

Availability: In stock

Packet Size:100mg
Average Seed Count:100 Seeds


Limonium tataricum, commonly known as Statice is among the prettiest of hardy plants, this perennial variety is a stunning spectacle when in bloom, producing airy clouds of tiny white papery flowers hover all summer, on leafless fine stems perfect for picking. Delicate and exquisite, they look like they are made from paper.
Coveted by crafters and arrangers, every devotee of dried-flower arrangements is no doubt familiar with Statice, but gardeners may not be on a first-name basis with them as it is rare to find them in the garden centre. They are more often known as a cut flower, grown commercially worldwide for the floral industry, and are among the longest-lasting of all fresh flowers, remaining beautiful for two weeks or more. This first year flowering, perennial form has just a hint of blush pink in the inner petals when fresh, the flowers dry to pure white. A gift for wedding bouquets and celebration arrangements,

In the garden, the plant stays low to the ground until it starts to bloom. the broad green leaves make a wonderful textural ground cover. Thin, leafless, wiry flower stalks rise from the basal foliage in summer, bearing airy, branched panicles that grow 45cm (18in) tall, they produce delicate, miniature tubular silvery-white flowers with tiny rose-pink inner petals from June to August.
Easy to grow from seed, this perennial variety is long lived and very productive year after year, they grow best in well drained site in full sun. With its airy sprays and delicate blooms, the plant makes an interesting garden accent. In mild regions, this perennial can even be an evergreen.

As an ‘everlasting flower’, its flowers will hold their shape and colour indefinitely, becoming whiter with age. It is ideal for use as either a cut flower or as filler in dried flower arrangements, the masses of small flowers, that dry to pure white are often considered superior to the popular gypsophila. Unlike many flowers, statice can be cut at any time and it keeps its colour well and is perfect for winter bouquets.

Sowing: Sow in Spring, from February to April or sow in Autumn, September to October.
For flowers in the first year, sow successionally from March to June. Fill small pots or trays with a well drained, seed starting mix (John Innes or similar) Stand the pots in water to moisten thoroughly and then drain. Sow the seeds onto the surface of the soil and just cover with a sprinkling of (preferably) sieved compost.
Place the pots in a darkened area or cover the pots with paper as the seeds prefer the dark to germinate. Seeds will germinate in 14 to 21 days at 18 to 21°C (65 to 70°F). Once germinated, bring them into an area with diffused light.
Seedlings can be transplanted to individual 7cm (3in) pots after 4 to 5 weeks to grow on, at 15°C (59°F) or can be transplant directly into their final growing position when they are 6 to 8cm high.
Plant outdoors only after the danger of frost passes and the soil is warm. Plant 30 to 40cm (12 to 15in) apart. Provide full sun and well-drained soil of moderate fertility.

Statice is easy to grow and does not need much water or care, potential pests or diseases are rare. The plants like full sun and the soil a little on the dry side. They grow well in poor to average soils and are salt tolerant.
If the soil is very poor, give them a boost by adding a slow-release fertiliser, or plenty of compost before planting and fertilise every four to six weeks.
Trim faded flowers or cut bouquets frequently to promote longer bloom. Established plants can be divided in early to late spring.
Broad-leaved statice is winter hardy down to -28°C (-18°F). Due to its short-lived nature, it needs to be propagated every 4 to 6 years

Plant Uses:
Statice are naturals in a cut flower garden. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days. Use them for upright accents in mixed flower gardens and for attracting butterflies.
Also excellent for use in dried flower arrangements. To dry, hang upside down in a warm, dark place for 4 to 6 weeks.

Cut Flowers:
Harvest when the blooms are three quarters open. Cut at any time of the day, but avoid the afternoon heat if possible.
Cut at ground level and group together in bunch of 10 to 20 stems. Cut the stems to a uniform length with a sharp knife or clippers, wrap them with a rubber band and place the bundles in water out of direct sunlight.
Remove bottom leaves if present, recut stems under water and place into a fresh flower food solution.
Statice does best in fresh water in a cool corner and is among the longest-lasting of all fresh flowers, remaining beautiful for two weeks or more.
Unlike many cut flowers, statice is actually harmed by being put in refrigerated coolers. The flowers are not sensitive to ethylene.

Dried Flowers:
To dry the blooms, remove the leaves and hang the stems upside down in a dark, dry, ventilated area.
Note that if they are placed upright, the flowers will wilt before they dry.

Not actually of German descent, Limmonium tartaricum or German statice hails from the coastal and desert regions of the Mediterranean, Central Asia and the Canary Islands. It is widespread from Bulgaria to Romania to Crimea.
Limonium is a genus of 120 flower species, it is member of the Plumbaginaceae, the plumbago or leadwort family. Members are also known as Sea Lavender or Marsh-rosemary. Despite their common names, species are not related to the lavenders or to rosemary.

The genus name Limonium derives from the Latin word limonion used by Pliny for a wild plant which came from the Ancient Greek word limne meaning ‘a marsh’ or ‘plants growing in a salt marsh’.
The species name tartaricum derives from the plants origin. The name Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a name used from the Middle Ages until the twentieth century to designate the great tract of northern and central Asia stretching from the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, inhabited mostly by Turkic peoples after the Mongol invasion. It incorporated the current areas of Pontic-Caspian steppe, Volga-Urals, Caucasus, Siberia, Turkestan, Mongolia, and Manchuria. Originally, Tartary was also a nickname for the Mongols of the Mongol Empire.

In the gardening world, the alternative scientific name Limonium latifolium is used almost exclusively for broad-leaved statice.
Limmonium tartaricum has a number synonyms, including: Limonium tartarica, Statice tartarica, Limonium dumosa or Limonium dumosum. It is also synonymous with the name Goniolimon tartaricum, pronounced gon-ee-o-LEE-mon tar-TAR-i-cum.
The name Goniolimon derives from the Greek gonio meaning angled and limonium a related genus.
Botanically, Goniolimon is distinguished from Limonium by having hairy styles and capitate stigmas. This plant is similar in general appearance to Limonium latifolium, but has smaller flowers and a more compact shape.
Limonium tartaricum is commonly called German statice, Seafoam statice, English statice, Sea Lavender. Tatarian statice or Tatarian sea-lavender. The common name of Statice, which is used for a number of similar plants comes from the Greek from Greek statikē, from statikos, meaning astringent, from the former medicinal use.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Packet Size 100mg
Average Seed Count 100 Seeds
Family Plumbaginaceae
Genus Limonium
Species tartaricum (or tartarica)
Cultivar Woodcreek
Synonym Limonium dumosa or dumosum. Goniolimon tataricum
Common Name Limonium latifolium, German or Perennial Statice
Other Common Names Sea Lavender, Boadleaved Statice, Everlasting Flower
Hardiness Hardy Perennial
Hardy Winter hardy down to -28°C ( -18°F)
Flowers Silvery white
Natural Flower Time Late summer in first year, following years in June to October
Height 45cm (18in)
Spread 45cm (18in)
Position Full Sun
Soil Well-drained/light, poor to average soils
Harvest Harvest when the blooms are three quarters open
Time to Sow Sow in Spring (Feb to April) or in Autumn (Sept to Oct)
Growing Period Sow March to June, for flowers in the first year
Germination 14 to 21 days at 18 to 21°C (65 to 70°F).

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