Clematis tangutica 'Radar Love'
Golden Clematis€2.00Out of stock
This uncommon Clematis is a graceful, vigorous and very floriferous climber. During summer and all the way through to autumn the plant is covered with golden yellow nodding lanterns. In the autumn the flowers of 'Radar Love' turn into beautiful large tufts of long silvery, silky seed heads that are just as ornamental.
Eccremocarpus scaber
Chilean Glory Flower€2.35The Chilean glory flower is an exotic-looking climber with dark fern-like foliage and twining tendrils that cling to fences and trellises.This useful climbing plant will quickly cover walls, archways or pergolas. The clusters of small tubular flowers range from bright orange-scarlet and carmine rose to clear golden yellow.
Ipomoea alba 'Moonflower'
Lady-of-the-night€2.25Throughout the summer, large, pure white flowers of Ipomoea alba open quickly at night, releasing sweet perfume into the evening air. Position near to your patio where you can enjoy the fragrant scent in the evening. A wonderful plant for a moth, night, or fragrance garden, the large white blooms appear to illuminate the garden
Ipomoea lobata 'Spanish Flag'
Formerly Mina lobata, Quamoclit lobata€2.45Ipomoea lobata is a fast growing climber with an exotic appearance. The tightly formed buds are flame-crimson in colour, but as they enlarge they transition to infused shades or orange and cream which brings the flowers to life. It will look spectacular for months and is one of the best climbers you can grow.
Ipomoea pennata 'Cypress Vine'
Hummingbird vine, Star Glory€1.95Ipomoea pennata is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of all annual vines. The feathery foliage with thin, thread-like leaves give the plant a light, airy texture. In summer the plants burst into flower and are covered with hundreds of scarlet red, star shaped flowers.
Lathyrus odoratus, 'Mammoth Crimson'
Early Multiflora Gigantea Sweet Pea€2.25Mammoth Sweet Peas belongs to a type of sweet pea called an 'Early Multiflora Gigantea'. Marked by the longest stems, and large fragrant blooms, they are very popular with commercial cut flower growers. 'Mammoth Crimson' produce large crimson-red flowers that are borne on beautifully long stems.
Lathyrus odoratus, 'Mammoth Mix'
Early Multiflora Gigantea Sweet Pea€2.25Extra early, extra large blooms are the feature of this award winning sweet pea, an excellent choice for early spring colour and the best strain for producing early cut flowers. If you have never seen this kind of sweet pea on long stems before, and don’t quite understand what all the fuss is all about…they are marvellous …guaranteed to make you fall completely in love with them.
Lathyrus odoratus, 'Mammoth Salmon Cream'
Early Multiflora Gigantea Sweet Pea€2.25Mammoth Sweet Peas belongs to a type of sweet pea called an 'Early Multiflora Gigantea'. Marked by the longest stems, and large fragrant blooms, they are very popular with commercial cut flower growers. 'Mammoth Salmon Cream' produce large flowers that are borne on beautifully long stems.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata veitchii 'Boston Ivy'
Boston Ivy, Bostonian Ivy, Wall Ivy€2.70Out of stock
Boston ivy is a wonderful ornamental vine. The elegant, dark green glossy foliage is replaced with a vivid range of crimson reds in autumn. Sensational for covering walls, fences and arbors. If allowed, it will grow to impressive size and can turn the most mundane masonry building into a stately wall of foliage.
Passiflora mollissima
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€2.55Out of stock
Passiflora mollissima produces beautiful pink flowers and edible long yellow fruits, like a short banana, which gives the vine its common name. The fruits taste delicious and are considered to be the finest of passionfruit juices; they are used to flavour ice creams, drinks, and cocktails.
Passiflora quadrangularis
Giant Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla.€2.95Out of stock
There are dozens of species of passion vine grown, but one that always gets a lot of attention is the Giant Granadilla Passiflora quadrangularis. One of the most beautiful passionflowers with large, fragrant flowers with deep red petals and a centre crown that contains rows of numerous white and purple rays.
Thunbergia alata 'Black Eyed Susan' Mixed Colours
Black Eyed Susan Vine€2.20Out of stock
The Black-eyed Susan vine has recently become a firm garden favourite. They grow quickly and starts flowering at an early age. This twining vine blooms in a bright blend of creamy white, orange and yellow flowers all with the characteristic chocolate-purple centre which inspired the common name.
Thunbergia alata 'Sunrise White with Eye'
Sunrise White with Black Eye€2.35Out of stock
'Sunrise White' is a white form of the Black Eyed Susan vine. Very quick to bloom, the flowers smother the vine throughout summer to first frosts. White petals surrounded by a bold black eye, these are plants that add a dash of chic to the summer terrace or border.
Tropaeolum majus 'Gleam Hybrids'
Trailing Nasturtium€1.85Nasturtium ‘Gleam Hybrids’ is a moderate spreading variety and the variety we would recommend for hanging baskets and for containers. They offer a particularly nice colour selection with all the shades you expect, primrose, gold, orange, red and mahogany plus a few surprises.
Wisteria sinensis
Chinese wisteria€3.95Wisteria sinensis is surely the most distinctive of climbers and by far the most captivating when in bloom. This hardy climber will give stunning displays every year. Bearing large pendent clusters of fragrant violet-lavender flowers in late spring to early summer, the foliage appears once the flowers are over.