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First Year Flowering

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  1. With masses of vibrant blooms in a spectrum of rich colours from gold to mahogany red.

    Helenium autumnale 'Helena'

    Helens's Flower, Autumn Helenium

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    If there's one plant that can inject a little razzle-dazzle into the border during gloomy late summers it is Helenium. From late July 'Helena' blooms with masses of vibrant blooms in a spectrum of rich colours from gold to mahogany red. Perfect for the back of the border and wonderful for cutting.

  2.  Heleniums are much under-rated garden plants. They are a mainstay of the summer and autumn border but are so often overlooked.

    Helenium hoopesii

    Mountain helenium, Owls-Claws

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    Helenium hoopesii is considered by some to be the most valuable of the species. It blooms with bright golden yellow disk florets that each form a kind of rounded knob that transforms the flower from your typical two-dimensional daisy into something much more interesting and sculptural.

  3. Iberis sempervirens is low-growing perennial and an early season favorite.

    Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake'

    Perennial or Evergreen Candytuft
    Iberis sempervirens is an early season favorite. This low bushy plant produces mounds of blinding white flowers in spring to early summer. An all round tough plant suitable for problem areas, use for containers, for pathways and crevices of ornamental walls.
  4. Knautia arvensis is an attractive native perennial herb of well drained grassland.

    Knautia arvensis 'Field Scabious'

    Field Scabious
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Knautia arvensis is an attractive native perennial herb of well drained grassland. It can be found throughout Europe in meadows, rough pasture, hedgerows and verges. Though it is by nature a perennial, it will flower and produce seed the first year if grown as an annual, either autumn or spring sown.

  5. “Ellagance” are first year flowering lavenders, the deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden.

    Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Ice’

    Aka 'Elegance Snow' White Lavender

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    'Ellagance' are first year flowering lavenders, 'Ellagance Ice’ is the white flowered variety. The deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden. The flowers are produced from July onwards and are highly attractive to bees.

  6. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vincenza Blue’ bloom the first year from seed.

    Fragrant, free flowering and heat and drought tolerant. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vicenza Blue’ bloom the first year from seed. This especially fine lavender has bold clustered flower spikes of deep lavender-blue from mid July to early September.

  7. Limonium tataricum, commonly known as Statice is among the prettiest of hardy plants

    Limonium tataricum, Statice, 'Woodcreek'

    Limonium latifolium, German or Perennial Statice

    Coveted by every devotee of flower arranging, the perennial variety 'Woodcreek' is extremely useful and popular. Long lived and very productive year after year, it makes a stunning spectacle when in bloom. Airy clouds of tiny white papery flowers hover all summer, on leafless fine stems that are perfect for picking.

  8. Malva 'Bibor Felho'  feature velvety, plum-purple flowers with deep purple veins which emerge from distinctive purple flower buds.

    Malva sylvestris ssp. mauritiana 'Bibor Felho'

    Purple or Blue Mallow, French Hollyhock

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    Malva 'Bibor Felho' feature velvety, plum-purple flowers with deep purple veins which emerge from distinctive purple flower buds. A short-lived perennial that is often grown as a biennial or as an annual, this electric, willowy plant mingles well in the herbaceous border with plants of equal stature.

  9. Matthiola incana, 'Apricot'

    Matthiola incana, 'Apricot'

    Column or Traditional Tall Stocks

    Matthiola incana 'Apricot' is a variety of the traditional tall stocks that are grown for the floral industry. The plants have large flower heads and grow to a height of 75cm. Extremely fashionable, the delicate peachy-apricot flowers are long lasting and magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent.

  10. Matthiola incana, 'Avalanche'

    Matthiola incana, 'Avalanche'

    Column or Traditional Tall Stocks

    Matthiola incana 'Avalanche' is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. It produces a high percentage of double flowers that can be selected based on leaf colour. Sow anytime from January to July for flowering April to October.

  11. Matthiola incana, 'Sweetheart'

    Matthiola incana, 'Sweetheart'

    Column or Traditional Tall Stocks

    Matthiola incana 'Sweetheart' with the delicate pale-pink blooms is a variety that is traditionally grown for the floral industry. They can be sown early in spring to give a good summer flower display or can be treated as biennials. Seedlings started inside in October will have the flowers ready for Valentine’s Day.

  12. Matthiola incana, Lilac-Lavender'

    Matthiola incana, Lilac-Lavender'

    Column or Traditional Tall Stocks

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    Matthiola incana ‘Lilac-Lavender’ is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. Long lasting and magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent, this variety is particularly suited for beds and for cutting for the vase.

  13. Monarda 'Panorama' must be rated a marvelous achievement in the perfection of the whorls of flowers and the brilliance of the colours.

    Monarda didyma 'Panorama Mix'

    Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    'Panorama' must be rated a marvelous achievement in the perfection of the whorls of flowers and the brilliance of the colours. In many shades of scarlet, bright red, pink, salmon and crimson, each plant bears up to 20 long stems. They are as long-lasting as they are dramatic and excellent for cutting.

  14. Each flower consists of a large number of curving tubular flowers growing out from a central point, creating a shaggy dome of petals.

    Monarda didyma 'Panorama Red Shades'

    Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    Monarda 'Panorama Red Shades' is the first separate colour available from seed. This foolproof plant is trouble-free and a joy for the garden and vase. They bloom profusely with very distinctive flower-heads, each plant bearing up to 20 long stems and are as long-lasting as they are dramatic.

  15. Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    Monarda fistulosa, also known as Bergamot is famed for its medicinal qualities. While in the perennial border these lovely plants produce a mass of mauve-purple blooms (even in their first year from an early sowing) and have uniquely scented foliage. Highly attractive to bees and butterflies.

  16. Cats adore the plant, rolling in nepeta and even eating it.

    Nepeta cataria

    Catnip, Catmint

    Veteran gardeners are probably already aware of nepeta’s versatility in the garden. From its popular partnering with roses to the softening effect it has on hard edges. Nepeta is an ideal perennial for new gardeners and, of course, cats adore it.

  17. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint with flowers in shades of blue and pink

    Nepeta grandiflora is one of the best garden plants in this family. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint, lusher than true catnip, with dark green leaves. It flowers in shades of blue and pink in perfect harmony. This easy to sow and grow perennial flowers in the first year of sowing.

  18. Nepeta subsessilis ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is a dark blue, large-flowered Nepeta which flowers during the first year.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Dark Blue Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Nepeta ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is the dark blue flowered variety and sister to 'Pink Panther' and the beautiful white 'Snow' Panther. This award winning variety starts to flower just 15 weeks after sowing and can be can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial.

  19.  ‘Pink Panther’ is a large-flowered, pink Nepeta which flowers during the first year.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther' is the pink form of large-flowered Nepeta which is grown from seed and flowers during the first year. It can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. Flowering from June until the end of September, they work well as an informal low hedge or mixed in the border with other annuals or perennials.

  20. Nepeta ‘Snow Panther’ is the only white flowered Nepeta available.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Recognised as having the largest flowers of all the nepetas and only one with white flowers, Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther' flowers during the first year and can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. This award winning variety is extremely attractive to bees and butterflies they are also excellent for containers.

  21. Papaver nudicaule 'Kelmscott Giants'

    The Iceland poppies have large, luscious petals in an array of shades.The single papery, lightly fragrant blossoms flowers unwrinkle their petals into a wide-spreading saucer shape 3 to 4 inches across. Flowering early in summer they produce dazzling splashes of colour when planted en masse.

  22. Pennisetum alopecuroides has slender arching leaves and graceful fountain-like plumes.

    Pennisetum alopecuroides

    Fountain Grass

    Pennisetum alopecuroides is an especially appealing species, it changes its appearance and colour throughout the growing season. In late summer graceful fountain-like plumes emerge in profusion, they slowly change colour to a blend of green, soft pinks and light-colored maroons before maturing to light tan.

  23. Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens

    Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens

    Black Flowered or Dwarf Purple Fountain Grass

    Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens has broader leaves and darker flower heads than the regular species and, growing to around 60cm tall, it is also slightly smaller. It has graceful smoky purple-black plumes that contrast nicely with the slender arching, glossy, deep green foliage.

  24. Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Blue'

    Awarded a Fleuroselect Medal for striking colour, plant habit, and flowering performance, Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Blue' is a first year flowering perennial that will add height and high-impact colour to the border, giving superb flowering performance from mid to late summer.

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