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Highly Scented

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  1. From the Spencer Series. Slightly ruffled, pure white blooms.

    Lathyrus odoratus, Spencer Traditional 'Royal Wedding'

    Spencer Traditional Sweet Pea, 1981

    Introduced in 1981 in celebration of the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, Lathyrus 'Royal Wedding' produces wonderfully large, slightly ruffled flowers with four to five blooms to a stem. They are of course perfect for wedding work.

  2. The deepest purple of all lavenders is 'Hidcote' is a compact variety, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging.
    The deepest purple of all lavenders, the recently introduced 'Hidcote Superior' ensures a predictable and consistent quality. A compact variety, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging, with dense silver-grey foliage covered in fragrant, dark purple-blue flower spikes in mid-summer.
  3. Also called True Lavender or Fine Lavender. The fragrant flowers have been used in perfumes, poultices and potpourris for centuries.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavender Vera'

    True English Lavender, Old English Lavender

    Starting at: €1.75

    Lavendula angustifolia is an excellent plant for low informal hedging and as a specimen evergreen for borders and formal gardens. Flowering generally begins from mid to late June to early July. The flowers have a rich sweet scent and are highly attractive to bees and other beneficial insects.

  4. Lavandula angustifolia is thought to be the true English Lavender. It is also known as Lavender vera, True Lavender or Fine Lavender.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavender Vera', Organic

    True English Lavender, Old English Lavender

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    Lavandula angustifolia, also called Lavender vera is the best Lavender for medicinal and aromatherapy purposes. It is a staple plant for the herb garden, the fragrant flowers have been used in perfumes, poultices and potpourris for centuries. Organic Seed.
  5. Munstead Lavender is named from Munstead Woods, the home of famous garden designer Gertrude Jekyll.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead Dwarf'

    Dwarf English Lavender, Hedge Lavender

    Munstead Lavender is a fragrant robust English lavender that, due to its short size and tightly held blooms, makes a great hedge. It flowers profusely in the spring, after which a good pruning will provide an attractive grey bush with highly aromatic leaves.

  6. “Ellagance” are first year flowering lavenders, the deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden.

    Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Ice’

    Aka 'Elegance Snow' White Lavender

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    'Ellagance' are first year flowering lavenders, 'Ellagance Ice’ is the white flowered variety. The deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden. The flowers are produced from July onwards and are highly attractive to bees.

  7. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vincenza Blue’ bloom the first year from seed.

    Fragrant, free flowering and heat and drought tolerant. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vicenza Blue’ bloom the first year from seed. This especially fine lavender has bold clustered flower spikes of deep lavender-blue from mid July to early September.

  8. Lavender stoechas is favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes.

    Lavandula stoechas 'French Lavender'

    Butterfly Lavender, Spanish Lavender (US)
    Lavender stoechas is an old variety, cultivated for more than 400 years, it is a favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes. French Lavender blooms from spring to frost and has a good clean scent.
  9. Matthiola incana 'Miracle Crimson'

    Matthiola incana 'Miracle Crimson'

    Column or Traditional Tall Stocks

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    Florists’ bouquets often include stocks. They enchant us with the soft colours of the double flowers and with their intensely sweet scent. The Miracle series is specifically cultivated for cutting. With extremely large flower heads and upright strong stems, they do not branch but grow neatly to about 70cm tall.

  10. Matthiola incana 'Miracle Mid Blue'

    Matthiola incana 'Miracle Mid Blue'

    Column or Traditional Tall Stocks

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    Florists’ bouquets often include stocks. They enchant us with the soft colours of the double flowers and with their intensely sweet scent. The Miracle series is specifically cultivated for cutting. With extremely large flower heads and upright strong stems, they do not branch but grow neatly to about 70cm tall.

  11. Night Scented Stock is one of the easiest and rewarding scented plants to grow.

    Matthiola longipetala 'Night Scented Stock'

    Evening Scented Stock, Perfume Plant

    Night or Evening-scented Stock is one of the easiest and rewarding scented plants to grow. The flowers open in the late afternoon and emit a most delightful fragrance. The scent has been compared to vanilla, rose, spice and even cloves. It will become a summer fragrance you will never want to be without!

  12. Monarda 'Panorama' must be rated a marvelous achievement in the perfection of the whorls of flowers and the brilliance of the colours.

    Monarda didyma 'Panorama Mix'

    Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    'Panorama' must be rated a marvelous achievement in the perfection of the whorls of flowers and the brilliance of the colours. In many shades of scarlet, bright red, pink, salmon and crimson, each plant bears up to 20 long stems. They are as long-lasting as they are dramatic and excellent for cutting.

  13. Each flower consists of a large number of curving tubular flowers growing out from a central point, creating a shaggy dome of petals.

    Monarda didyma 'Panorama Red Shades'

    Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    Monarda 'Panorama Red Shades' is the first separate colour available from seed. This foolproof plant is trouble-free and a joy for the garden and vase. They bloom profusely with very distinctive flower-heads, each plant bearing up to 20 long stems and are as long-lasting as they are dramatic.

  14. Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    Monarda fistulosa, also known as Bergamot is famed for its medicinal qualities. While in the perennial border these lovely plants produce a mass of mauve-purple blooms (even in their first year from an early sowing) and have uniquely scented foliage. Highly attractive to bees and butterflies.

  15. Cats adore the plant, rolling in nepeta and even eating it.

    Nepeta cataria

    Catnip, Catmint

    Veteran gardeners are probably already aware of nepeta’s versatility in the garden. From its popular partnering with roses to the softening effect it has on hard edges. Nepeta is an ideal perennial for new gardeners and, of course, cats adore it.

  16. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint with flowers in shades of blue and pink

    Nepeta grandiflora is one of the best garden plants in this family. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint, lusher than true catnip, with dark green leaves. It flowers in shades of blue and pink in perfect harmony. This easy to sow and grow perennial flowers in the first year of sowing.

  17. Nepeta subsessilis ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is a dark blue, large-flowered Nepeta which flowers during the first year.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Dark Blue Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Nepeta ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is the dark blue flowered variety and sister to 'Pink Panther' and the beautiful white 'Snow' Panther. This award winning variety starts to flower just 15 weeks after sowing and can be can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial.

  18.  ‘Pink Panther’ is a large-flowered, pink Nepeta which flowers during the first year.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther' is the pink form of large-flowered Nepeta which is grown from seed and flowers during the first year. It can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. Flowering from June until the end of September, they work well as an informal low hedge or mixed in the border with other annuals or perennials.

  19. Nepeta ‘Snow Panther’ is the only white flowered Nepeta available.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Recognised as having the largest flowers of all the nepetas and only one with white flowers, Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther' flowers during the first year and can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. This award winning variety is extremely attractive to bees and butterflies they are also excellent for containers.

  20. Nicotiana affinis has a delicious evening scent. It has been justly popular for over a century and a firm favourite with generations of gardeners

    Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora

    Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
    Also known as Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora
    Nicotiana affinis, also known as N. alata, is a classic tobacco plant with a delicious evening scent. It has been justly popular for over a century and a firm favourite with generations of gardeners: it is far lovelier than the modern improved forms of Nicotiana alata.
  21. Nicotiana alata 'Dwarf Tinkerbells F2 Mixture'

    Nicotiana alata 'Dwarf Tinkerbells F2 Mixture'

    Flowering Tobacco, Jasmine Tobacco

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    Nicotiana alata 'Tinkerbells' is a stunningly colourful plant for borders and containers. The dwarf, bushy habit and the hybrid vigour combine to produce a carpet of colour. To get the most enjoyment from the sweet evening fragrance, plant near patios, decks, or under windows to best enjoy their sweet perfume.

  22. Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' is a sought after variety which produces a mass of bright green flowers which open fully in the afternoon.

    Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora 'Lime Green'

    Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
    Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora
    Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' is a sought after variety which produces a mass of bright green flowers which open fully in the afternoon. It provides a new and refreshing alternative to the usual shade annuals: the unusual colouring lifts the summer border and act as a foil to hotter colours.
  23. Passiflora caerulea is also known as the Blue Crown Passion Flower or Hardy Passionflower.

    Passiflora caerulea 'Blue Crown'

    Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla

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    Known as the Blue Crown Passion Flower or Hardy Passionflower. It is an extremely fast growing and beautiful plant. ‘Caerulea’ sparks with 10cm flowers with white petals and blue filaments. It is popular with gardeners because of its intricate, scented flowers that have an almost surreal appearance.
  24. Passiflora edulis 'Purple Giant' is a passionflower that produces very fragrant, unusual flowers.

    Passiflora edulis 'Purple Giant'

    Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla

    A Passiflora that produces very fragrant, unusual flowers. The flowers are white, except the base of the corona which is purple; the filaments are curly, as long as the petals, 5 to 7cm across. The edible fruits possess pleasant flavour, kind of sweet and a little tart.

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