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  1. White Agapanthus is dazzling against a dark green backdrop.

    Agapanthus Getty White is a sparkling plant with dense clusters of white flowers on erect stems. It is a sparkling plant and is dazzling against a dark green backdrop. They are terrific as cut flowers and are suited to both formal and modern style arrangements.

  2. The Blue African Lily is one of the aristocrats of the late summer garden

    Agapanthus africanus Blue

    Lily of the Nile

    Out of stock

    The Agapanthus or Blue African Lily is one of the aristocrats of the late summer garden. Requiring only the minimum of care, the exotic combination of graceful foliage and stunning flowers is equally impressive in the border or large planter. This is a lovely plant to grow and they are very easy from seed.

  3. Agapanthus praecox ssp. minimus 'Peter Pan'

    Agapanthus praecox ssp. minimus 'Peter Pan'

    Lily of the Nile, Dwarf cultivar

    The Agapanthus is one of the aristocrats of the late summer garden. 'Peter Pan Blue' is a fine dwarf hybrid with neat clumps of leaves and large clusters of light- blue flowerheads. The exotic combination of graceful foliage and stunning flowers is equally impressive in the border or container.

  4. Agastache aurantiaca ‘Apache Sunset’

    Agastache aurantiaca ‘Apache Sunset’

    Aka Navajo Sunset. The Sunset Hyssop

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    Agastache are very seductive. You start with one, and the next thing you know, you’ve got ten different plants in the flowerbed and are wondering where you can find space to sneak another one in. ‘Apache Sunset’ is one of the best and most durable - coral-peach blooms with rose and violet buds. Just gorgeous and, of course, extremely tempting.

  5. Dark pink tubular flowers that are carried on 60cm tall stems.

    Agastache cana 'Heather Queen'

    Mosquito Plant, Hummingbird Mint.

    Agastache cana 'Heather Queen' is a dynamic landscape plant and a particularly beautiful form. Dark pink tubular flowers on tall stiff stems from mid-summer until late autumn. Pollinators are drawn to its fragrance, the intense coloration and their sweet nectar.

  6. Agastache foeniculum is a favourite plant of bees and gardeners alike, it is, perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow.

    Agastache foeniculum

    Anise Hyssop. Syn: Agastache anisata, Agastache anethiodora,

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    Agastache foeniculum is a perennial herb that tastes as good as it looks and are as popular in the border as they are in the herb garden. They are excellent design plants, exhibiting a strong vertical accent for the perennial border. Bees hold an undisputed attraction for the flowers, the colour, shape and copious amounts of nectar are among their favourites. This is perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow.

  7. Agastache foeniculum is a favourite plant of bees and gardeners alike, it is, perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow.

    Agastache foeniculum, Organic

    Anise Hyssop. Syn: Agastache anisata, Agastache anethiodora,

    Out of stock

    Agastache foeniculum is a perennial herb that tastes as good as it looks and are as popular in the border as they are in the herb garden. They are excellent design plants, exhibiting a strong vertical accent for the perennial border. Bees hold an undisputed attraction for the flowers, the colour, shape and copious amounts of nectar are among their favourites. This is perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow. Organic Seed.
  8. Agastache ‘Arcado Pink’ is an extremely floriferous variety with lovely purple-pink flower spikes and fresh green aromatic foliage.

    Agastache ‘Arcado Pink’ is a magnificent first year flowering perennial. An extremely floriferous variety with lovely purple-pink flower spikes and fresh green aromatic foliage. This Fleuroselect Novelty Award Winner is both vibrant in colour and stamina. The aromatic leaves are edible, young growth can be sprinkled in salads, used to decorate cakes, to make a tea or floated in drinks. Agastache added to your Pimms lifts it to a higher sphere altogether.

  9. Agastache hybrida 'Arizona Sandstone'

    Agastache hybrida 'Arizona Sandstone'

    The Arizona Agastache Collection

    The Arizona Agastache Collection has been specially bred for their compact habit, extensive flowering time and strong heat tolerance. In three fabulous colours, 'Arizona Sandstone' produces delicate golden yellow flowers. The elegant spires and delicate foliage create a haze of colour all summer and into autumn.

  10. 'Arizona Sun' produces delicate blooms of golden yellow.

    Agastache hybrida 'Arizona Sun'

    The Arizona Agastache Collection

    The Arizona Agastache Collection has been specially bred for their compact habit, extensive flowering time and strong heat tolerance. 'Arizona Sun' produces elegant spires of golden yellow. Pick a sprig or two and bring indoors to enjoy in a vase. The flowers are also edible, and will colour a salad beautifully.

  11. 'Arizona Sunset' produces delicate blooms in sunset colours of pink, lavender and peach.

    Agastache hybrida 'Arizona Sunset'

    The Arizona Agastache Collection.

    The Arizona Agastache Collection has been specially bred for their compact habit, extensive flowering time and strong heat tolerance. 'Arizona Sunset' produces delicate blooms in sunset colours of pink, lavender and peach. The elegant spires are ideal for providing long lasting colour and act like magnets to bees and butterflies.

  12. Agastache 'Astello Indigo' is just about the most exciting breakthrough in the Hummingbird Mint family yet

    Agastache 'Astello Indigo' is just about the most exciting breakthrough yet and it's got the award to prove it - Europe's coveted Fleuroselect Gold Medal. Compact and quick growing, they flower in the first year from seed with fabulous, upright spikes that are fully covered with deep indigo-blue flowers. The masses of fragrant blooms throughout the summer are ideal for cutting. They produce copious amounts of nectar for bees and butterflies to feast upon.

  13. Agastache pallidiflora produces a continual mass of lavender-rose, scented flowers from June to September.

    Agastache pallidiflora subsp neomexicana

    Rose Mint, New Mexico Giant Hyssop

    Agastache pallidiflora produces a continual mass of lavender-rose, scented flowers from June to September. The soft, touchable flower spikes must be one of the prettiest flowers of all this pretty family. Exceptionally long-flowering, they will flower in the same year given an early sowing and can be used as an annual.

  14. The unpretentious Lady's Mantle is extremely useful for both its foliage and its flowers.

    Alchemilla mollis 'Lady's Mantle'

    'Thriller', 'Irish Silk', Lady’s Mantle
    The unpretentious lady's mantle is extremely useful for both its foliage and its flowers. The foliage has the additional virtue of looking especially beautiful after a rain, when it holds water droplets in the pleats of its surface like many pearls of liquid mercury.
  15. Allium 'Purple Sensation' is a stunning fashionable plant, with globes of rosy-purple crowded spherical umbels, and strap shaped leaves.

    Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation'

    Syn Allium aflatunense.
    This is a stunning fashionable plant, with globes of rosy-purple crowded spherical umbels, and strap shaped leaves. The flowers are very long lasting and help fill that awkward gap between the later spring bulbs and the perennials.
  16. Allium karataviense has broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple underneath.

    Allium karataviense

    Turkestan Onion
    A. karataviense is a bulbous, herbaceous perennial to 25cm in height, with broad, paired, glaucous green leaves tinged with purple, especially beneath, with deep lines or ridges, and star-shaped, near-white flowers in short-stalked, rounded clusters.
  17. Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners.
    Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
  18. Aruncus dioicus, Goat's Beard

    Aruncus dioicus, Goat's Beard

    White Goat's Beard, Bride's Feathers
    Aruncus dioicus’ commonly known as Goat's Beard or Bride's Feathers is one of the most handsome plants for the perennial bed. Its leaves are large and it has an abundance of flowers and in the autumn it turns an impressive, autumnal yellow colour.
  19. Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring. It grows to only 10 to 15cm tall at maturity, but with a spread of around 45cm it makes a lively edging to a sunny border, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls.

  20. Aubrieta 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of evergreen grey-green leaves and freely produces deep carmine flowers.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Leichtlinii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Commonly called ‘Rock Cress’, Aubrieta is a traditional rock garden plant that is lovely spilling out of crevices, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls. 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of leaves that is, throughout the summer months, smothered by wonderful deep-carmine flowers.

  21. Aubrieta ‘Whitewell Gem’ has a ground-hugging habit and freely produces large, intense reddish-purple flowers.for several months.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Whitewell Gem'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta has long been treasured for its delightful spring show of brightly coloured flowers. ‘Whitewell Gem’ is smothered by large, intense reddish-purple flowers for several months. Lovely spilling out of crevices or over rock walls, the plants can also be used in paving with other ground hugging plants.

  22. Calendula is prolific and durable, it is easy to grow and can be simply sown where it is to flower

    Calendula officinalis

    Pot Marigold, English Marigold. Herb Marigold

    Starting at: €2.25

    Cheerful and bright, use Calendula in beds, borders or containers. Calendula is prolific and durable, and like most hardy annuals it is easy to grow, simply sow where it is to flower. It is currently one of the top herbs used for medicinal use. Sprinkle salads and decorate cakes with the edible tangy petals.

  23. Caltha palustris is believed to be one of our most ancient native plants.

    Caltha palustris

    Kingcup, Marsh Marigold
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    'Caltha palustris, commonly called Marsh Marigold is one of the most cheerful native plants to adorn the edges of a pond or stream and possesses the added benefit of flowering in the shade. The plant’s yellow flowers and dark green shiny leaves cheer up the otherwise barren landscape as winter recedes.
  24. The flowers of Black ball are a lovely rich dark-chocolate hue, almost black on cloudy days.

    Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball'

    Double Cornflower, Bachelors Button

    Starting at: €1.65

    The Boy Series, which all feature double flowered blooms on tall stems for garden or cutting, are available in many colours. These beauties grow well as border plants and are wonderful in a cutting garden. 'Black ball' flowers are a lovely rich dark-chocolate hue, almost black on cloudy days.

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