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Dried Flowers

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  1. Limonium tataricum, commonly known as Statice is among the prettiest of hardy plants

    Limonium tataricum, Statice, 'Woodcreek'

    Limonium latifolium, German or Perennial Statice

    Coveted by every devotee of flower arranging, the perennial variety 'Woodcreek' is extremely useful and popular. Long lived and very productive year after year, it makes a stunning spectacle when in bloom. Airy clouds of tiny white papery flowers hover all summer, on leafless fine stems that are perfect for picking.

  2. Lepidium sativum, Persian Cress or Ornamental Cress

    Persian Cress or Ornamental Cress is a trendy filler green among floral artists and they keep it in regular demand. This easy to grow filler foliage grows upright, sturdy branches decorated with tiny, silvery seed pods by the thousands.The flower stems are durable and age well, turning golden at the end of the season.

  3. Lavender stoechas is favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes.

    Lavandula stoechas 'French Lavender'

    Butterfly Lavender, Spanish Lavender (US)
    Lavender stoechas is an old variety, cultivated for more than 400 years, it is a favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes. French Lavender blooms from spring to frost and has a good clean scent.
  4. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vincenza Blue’ bloom the first year from seed.

    Fragrant, free flowering and heat and drought tolerant. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vicenza Blue’ bloom the first year from seed. This especially fine lavender has bold clustered flower spikes of deep lavender-blue from mid July to early September.

  5. “Ellagance” are first year flowering lavenders, the deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden.

    Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Ice’

    Aka 'Elegance Snow' White Lavender

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    'Ellagance' are first year flowering lavenders, 'Ellagance Ice’ is the white flowered variety. The deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden. The flowers are produced from July onwards and are highly attractive to bees.

  6. Munstead Lavender is named from Munstead Woods, the home of famous garden designer Gertrude Jekyll.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead Dwarf'

    Dwarf English Lavender, Hedge Lavender

    Munstead Lavender is a fragrant robust English lavender that, due to its short size and tightly held blooms, makes a great hedge. It flowers profusely in the spring, after which a good pruning will provide an attractive grey bush with highly aromatic leaves.

  7. Lavandula angustifolia is thought to be the true English Lavender. It is also known as Lavender vera, True Lavender or Fine Lavender.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavender Vera', Organic

    True English Lavender, Old English Lavender
    Lavandula angustifolia, also called Lavender vera is the best Lavender for medicinal and aromatherapy purposes. It is a staple plant for the herb garden, the fragrant flowers have been used in perfumes, poultices and potpourris for centuries. Organic Seed.
  8. Also called True Lavender or Fine Lavender. The fragrant flowers have been used in perfumes, poultices and potpourris for centuries.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavender Vera'

    True English Lavender, Old English Lavender

    Starting at: €1.75

    Lavendula angustifolia is an excellent plant for low informal hedging and as a specimen evergreen for borders and formal gardens. Flowering generally begins from mid to late June to early July. The flowers have a rich sweet scent and are highly attractive to bees and other beneficial insects.

  9. The deepest purple of all lavenders is 'Hidcote' is a compact variety, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging.
    The deepest purple of all lavenders, the recently introduced 'Hidcote Superior' ensures a predictable and consistent quality. A compact variety, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging, with dense silver-grey foliage covered in fragrant, dark purple-blue flower spikes in mid-summer.
  10. Lagurus ovatus

    Lagurus ovatus

    Hares-tail, Bouquet Grass, Ornamental Grass

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    Lagurus ovatus is probably the most appealing of all the ornamental grasses. The name ‘Hare’s Tail’ perfectly accurately describes the creamy-white flower heads, which are hare's tail-shaped, fur-like and soft to the touch!
  11. Hordeum jubatum with silky, golden-grey panicles in early and mid summer

    Hordeum jubatum

    Squirrel-Tail, Foxtail Barley
    Squirrel-Tail Grasses are the ultimate architectural plant, adding see-through effects, autumn colour and winter shapes. They carry silky, golden-greyish panicles in early and mid summer, which develop a reddish or purple tinge at the tips. Fantastic in massed groups, or around taller, more stately plants.
  12. Helichrysum 'King Size Silvery-White' produce substantial 5cm (2in) wide silky-white blooms

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Silvery White'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    Helichrysum bracteatum is the most well known and is probably the best of all the everlasting flowers. They make one of the finest subjects for bouquets, apart from being useful for beds and borders. It is the cut flower grower's staple. 'King Size Silvery-White' produce substantial slky-white blooms that are held atop strong multi-branching bright green stems.

  13. 'King Size Silvery Rose' produces blooms that are pure to creamy-white and frosted with rose at the petal tips.

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Silvery Rose'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    The cut flower grower's staple, producing tall vigorous branching plants that are filled with large papery flowers. Helichrysum 'Silvery Rose' produce large pearlescent white blooms, frosted with a delicate rose pink colour at the tips. Reminiscent of vintage mother of pearl, they bloom ten weeks after sowing and continue till first frost.

  14. Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Lemon Yellow'

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Lemon Yellow'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    Known as an 'everlasting' because the flowers will last indefinitely when dried, Helichrysum bracteatum bloom non-stop from ten weeks after sowing and continue until late autumn. The soft lemon double blooms on tall, well-branched plants are useful for beds and borders and one of the finest subjects for bouquets.

  15. Frosted Sulphur is the colour of fresh buttermilk, soft ivory with a hint of cream.

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Frosted Sulphur'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    Helichrysum 'Frosted Sulphur' is a welcome addition to the range, the colour of fresh buttermilk, soft ivory with a hint of cream. With an opalescent quality that gives them a soft glow. Very easy to grow from seed with little or no attention. They dry to a lovely creamy-ivory which blends well with everything..

  16. Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Creamy White'

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Creamy White'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    Helichrysum 'King Size Creamy-White' produce creamy-white, vintage-toned blooms that are one of the finest subjects for bouquets and especially valued for wedding work. They are also an excellent dried flower, the papery flowers give an excellent natural colour.

  17. Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Bright Rose'

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Bright Rose'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    Growing to around 90cm tall, Helichrysum 'King Size Bright Rose' are very easy to cultivate, growing well with little or no attention. The flowers bloom non-stop from ten weeks after sowing and will continue to flower until late autumn. Useful for beds and borders and one of the finest subjects for bouquets, and to cap it all, pollinators love them.

  18. The mixture is the best choice for professional growers, giving a superb array of brilliant colours

    Helichrysum bracteatum 'Swiss Giants Mixed'

    Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle

    Helichrysum bracteatum is the most well known and is probably the best of all the everlasting flowers. 'Swiss Giants Mixed' is a special selection of large flowered, double strawflowers. Vigorous and gorgeous in the garden, and perfect for drying. Fill your beds with colour, these stunning blossoms need very little to thrive other than light watering and good drainage.

  19. Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake'

    Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake'

    Double Flowered Babys Breath

    Gypsophila paniculata 'Snowflake' is a pretty double-flowered baby’s breath that offers big airy clouds of white blooms in early summer. The flower panicles are strong-stemmed, compact and bloom a bit earlier than standard forms. Each stem has hundreds of tiny white flowers on wire-thin branches, giving an airy, soft impression.

  20. Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden'

    Gypsophila has recently become rather trendy among celebrity and designer florists, even taking centre stage as the main flower focus of bouquets and arrangements. 'Covent Garden' produces hundreds of tiny, single white flowers on wire-thin branches, giving an airy impression.

  21. Wonderfully ornamental, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'baby blue' is the silver dollar of florists worldwide.

    Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'Baby Blue'

    Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, Florists Eucalyptus

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    Wonderfully ornamental, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'baby blue' is the silver dollar of florists worldwide. The elliptical, aromatic, blue-green leaves are stacked along lengthy, multi-branched stems. This cultivar of bridal bouquets and garlands, the bluish grey of its foliage makes it a wild card for floral arrangements.

  22. Eucalyptus parvifolia 'Small leaved'

    Eucalyptus parvifolia 'Small leaved'

    Syn: E parvi or E. parvula, Aka Kybean Gum

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    Eucalyptus parvifolia is an extremely versatile variety that makes a wonderful bouquet addition. It can be grown as an annual from seed if started early, each shrub-sized plant produces loads of stems that are perfect for flower arranging and can also be dried for later use.

  23. Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop' is a wonderful fragrant foliage plant that is in high demand in the cut flower trade.

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    Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop' is a wonderful fragrant foliage in high demand in the cut flower trade. Bred especially to provide small round, blue-green leaves that are better for fine floral work. Use it as filler in mixed bouquets where they add interesting colour, texture and aroma.

  24. Eucalyptus citriodora is a beautiful, fast growing species.

    Eucalyptus citriodora is a beautiful, fast growing species with sword shaped leaves that have an amazing citrus fragrance when crushed. the essential oils mainly consist of 80-90% citronella - at outdoor events a lush garland of eucalyptus helps keep insects at bay.

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