Agastache ‘Arcado Pink’ is a magnificent first year flowering perennial. An extremely floriferous variety with lovely purple-pink flower spikes and fresh green aromatic foliage. This Fleuroselect Novelty Award Winner is both vibrant in colour and stamina. The aromatic leaves are edible, young growth can be sprinkled in salads, used to decorate cakes, to make a tea or floated in drinks. Agastache added to your Pimms lifts it to a higher sphere altogether.
Agastache foeniculum, Organic
Anise Hyssop. Syn: Agastache anisata, Agastache anethiodora,€2.45Out of stock
Agastache foeniculum is a perennial herb that tastes as good as it looks and are as popular in the border as they are in the herb garden. They are excellent design plants, exhibiting a strong vertical accent for the perennial border. Bees hold an undisputed attraction for the flowers, the colour, shape and copious amounts of nectar are among their favourites. This is perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow. Organic Seed.
Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee'
Mexican Hyssop, Hyssop-Anise€2.45Out of stock
Originally bred by and developed in Japan, Agastache 'Golden Jubilee' was named to honour Queen Elizabeth II's 50th year of rule, celebrating the Golden Jubilee in 2002. This bright gold-chartreuse beauty has one of the most remarkable leaf colour of any plant. Offering late season punctuation the flowers are a powerhouse source of nectar and pollen for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects.
Agastache foeniculum
Anise Hyssop. Syn: Agastache anisata, Agastache anethiodora,€2.10Out of stock
Agastache foeniculum is a perennial herb that tastes as good as it looks and are as popular in the border as they are in the herb garden. They are excellent design plants, exhibiting a strong vertical accent for the perennial border. Bees hold an undisputed attraction for the flowers, the colour, shape and copious amounts of nectar are among their favourites. This is perhaps one of the most gratifying plants you can grow.
Agastache cana 'Heather Queen'
Mosquito Plant, Hummingbird Mint.€2.65Agastache cana 'Heather Queen' is a dynamic landscape plant and a particularly beautiful form. Dark pink tubular flowers on tall stiff stems from mid-summer until late autumn. Pollinators are drawn to its fragrance, the intense coloration and their sweet nectar.
Agastache aurantiaca ‘Apache Sunset’
Aka Navajo Sunset. The Sunset Hyssop€2.65Out of stock
Agastache are very seductive. You start with one, and the next thing you know, you’ve got ten different plants in the flowerbed and are wondering where you can find space to sneak another one in. ‘Apache Sunset’ is one of the best and most durable - coral-peach blooms with rose and violet buds. Just gorgeous and, of course, extremely tempting.