Dark Foliage
Ajuga reptans
Bugle. Thunder and Lightning,€2.65For most of the year Ajuga is a pleasant, quiet achiever, a very versatile low growing ground cover, with evergreen, rosette-like foliage that hugs the ground like an evergreen carpet but those weeks in spring when the blue flowers appear are simply quite magical.
Cimicifuga simplex 'Atropurpurea'
Actaea simplex Atropurpurea Group€2.70Actaea simplex 'Atropurpurea' is an exceptionally beautiful selection, valued for its large Astilbe-like leaves of purple black. Its dark hue makes a wonderful backdrop for colourful foliage and flowering shade plants. In late summer, long, fluffy spires in pale pinkish-white, rise above the dark foliage. -
Coleus blumei, 'Black Dragon'
Painted Nettle. Flame Nettle€2.25This wonderful Victorian type coleus ‘Black Dragon’ forms a riot of rumpled leaves in velvety purplish black leaves, each bordered by frilly edges. The ruby red centres are sometimes flecked with violet or pink. Easy to grow from seed, they will show their first colours in as little as two weeks.
Coleus blumei, 'Coral Candy'
A Premium Sun variety€3.95Out of stock
Coleus 'Coral Candy' features a new plant form - narrow, serrated leaves that gracefully drape down the mounded plants. The first seed raised coleus to ever win the coveted AAS Winner designation - AAS Judges noted that this beautiful variety holds its colour well, even when grown in full sun and holds up nicely in the autumn.
Fennel, Bronze Fennel
Herb Fennel, Bronze Fennel.€2.25Used in many culinary dishes, the leaves and seeds of Fennel have a sweet aroma and an aniseed flavour. The fine clouds of feathery, bronze-purple leaves are wonderful in the herb garden or among tall perennials and grasses. The foliage acts as a delicate veil through which flower heads of plants can be seen.
Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter’
Hardy Geranium.€3.75Out of stock
'Dark Reiter’, is a fairly new cultivar originating from 'Victor Reiter' whose namesake was the legendary California nurseryman. What sets this plant apart is the new leaves that emerge a light maroon colour then fade to a purple-flushed deep green, it produces violet-blue flowers in spring.
Nigella damascena floraplena 'Albion Black Pod'
Love in a Mist€2.35'Albion Black Pod' is much less common than the usual Nigella varieties, It bears delicate romantic white flowers with intriguing little green stamens that are surrounded by ferny foliage. At the end of the season, the petals drop and the blossoms transform into dark plum fairy lanterns.
Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain'
Japanese Jacob's Ladder€2.80Collected at altitude in Japan and introduced in 2006, Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain' is one of the best new introductions in recent years. With bronze-purple lacy foliage, dark stems and violet-blue flowers, it is the darkest flower form of Polemonium available.
Ricinus communis var. gibsonii 'Red'
Castor Oil Plant€2.85Ricinus communis is one of the best ways to quickly create a tropical effect in the garden. It is a remarkably architectural, fast growing plant. The huge leaves and interesting flower spikes add drama to borders and beds. The variety, gibsonii 'Red' grows to around 150cm with gorgeous dark red, metallic foliage.
Sedum spurium 'Coccineum'
Dragon's Blood, Crimson or Causican Stonecrop€1.85Sedum spurium coccineum is the most robust sedum, with deep crimson blooms and bronze-green leaves. Low maintenance, durable and interesting, they enhance the appearance of green roofs, rockeries and containers. In July, dense clusters of showy crimson blooms smother the evergreen plants.
Sedum spurium 'Voodoo'
Phedimus spurius€3.50Out of stock
Sedum spurium 'Voodoo' is a stunning little perennial groundcover for hot, sunny locations. The intense dark mahogany foliage that provides a stunning contrast to the almost neon, luminous rosy-red flowers which appear June through August.
Setaria italica 'Red Jewel'
Foxtail Millet, Italian Millet
formerly Panicum italicum€2.25Setaria italica Red Jewel is a rarely-offered variety of annual grass with intensely coloured burgundy red foliage and dramatic foxtail-shaped flower heads. Suitable for growing in the garden or in containers the dark foliage is a great contrast in the garden or the vase.