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Tropaeolum minus 'Tip Top Apricot'

Compact Nasturtium

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Tropaeolum minus 'Tip Top Apricot'

Compact Nasturtium

Availability: Out of stock

Packet Size:4 grams
Average Seed Count:30 Seeds


A new colour for nasturtiums, Tropaeolum ‘Tip Top Apricot’ blooms in multiple hues of apricot, the petals have a darker veining with a deeply shaded throat. This subtle palette gives a relaxed, modern look to borders and larger containers alike. Floriferous and vigorous ‘Tip Top Apricot’ is a prolific flowering trailing variety, with large 5cm (2in) wide blooms that proudly stand above generous medium green foliage. They are perfect for both the ornamental and vegetable garden, the flowers are great for pollinator gardens and both the leaves and flowers are edible.

Tropaeolum ‘Tip Top' is a premium series that provides uniquely coloured flowers that are a great addition to the nasturtium family especially since they don’t fade as they age and the whole plant stays uniform and healthy. From sowing to flowering takes around 60 days. The 45 to 50cm (18 to 20in) mounded plants are extremely floriferous and have a long flowering season from May right through to October. that quickly forms a wide carpet.

Nasturtiums are one of the most foolproof and versatile of all summer flowering annuals. They make a good plant to use for filling in bare spots throughout the garden or planted in containers and window boxes, they are also excellent for edging a path or at the front of the border.
Extremely easy to cultivate and an excellent companion plant, they are often grown in vegetable garden. The blooms are produced in abundance over a long season and draw in beneficial insects while the aromatic foliage can deter pests. The flowers and leaves are both edible and make a peppery addition to salads, pastas, omelettes, or used as a garnish.

  • Awarded the Fleuroselect Approved Novelty Award
    Fleuroselect, the international organisation for the ornamental plants industry have awarded Tropaeolum minus 'Tip Top Apricot' the Approved Novelty Award. The Fleuroselect judges were particularly impressed by its unique new colour.

Sowing: Sow indoors in early spring or direct sow in late spring to early summer.
Soak the seed overnight to enhance germination. The seedlings should come up in a week to ten days depending on the soil temperature. In very hot summer regions, plant in autumn for winter bloom.

Sowing Indoors:
For earlier flowering they can be sown indoors in spring at a temperature of 15 to 18°C (60 to 65°F). Sow in peat pots or trays of moist seed compost and cover with a very fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged; germination will usually take 14 to 21 days. Transplant to larger pots if required or directly to their final position. Gradually acclimate them to outdoor conditions for 10 to 15 days before planting out after all risk of frost.

Sowing Direct:
Planting nasturtiums is as simple as poking a hole in the soil with your finger and dropping in one of the rather large seeds. Sow directly where they are to flower in late spring onwards. They prefer a sunny open site but will grow in most sites and soils. Seeds germinate in 7 to 21 days and grow quickly in warm weather. The distinctive seedlings and can be told from nearby weed seedlings quite easily.

Plant nasturtiums in well-drained soil in full sun. They will grow in partial shade, but will not bloom well under those conditions. Although they like dry soils and will tolerate drought, water them during the entire growing season to keep them blooming.
Nasturtiums perform well in poor soil, but it is comfortable in average garden soil with loose, light texture as long as the soil is not overly fertile with nitrogen. They are excellent in pots and containers, but may have to be trimmed back periodically to prevent them from crowding out the other plants.
Do not fertilise, except on extremely poor soil, as fertilisation will promote leaf growth and suppress flowering. Dead-heading or picking the flowers will prolong blooming. Nasturtium will continue blooming until frost. They are quite sensitive to frost, so cover them in the evening if nights start to get a bit colder for an extended blooming season.

Plant Uses:
Cottage/Informal Garden, Flowers Borders and Beds, Hanging Baskets and Containers, Ideal for Children.

Companion Planting::
Nasturtium is an excellent companion for many plants are generally thought of as a sacrificial plant for insect pests. Studies say it is among the best at attracting predatory insects.
Nasturtium are a good companion plant to many crops but especially to members of the cabbage family, deterring aphids, and beetles while improving growth and flavour. It is a great trap crop for aphids in particular the black aphids and they also deter woolly aphids, white-flies, cucumber beetles and other pests of the cucurbit family.
It has been the practice of some fruit growers that planting nasturtiums every year in the root zone of fruit trees allow the trees to take up the pungent odour of the plants and repel bugs. It has no taste effect on the fruit.
Use near to tomatoes, radish, cabbage, cucumbers and other squashes and plant under fruit trees.
Rabbits hate nasturtiums and keep well away.

Edible Flowers:
Nasturtium flowers and leaves are edible, so long as your garden is organic and make an attractive addition to salads. They have a slightly peppery taste reminiscent of watercress, with a spicier flavour when grown in sunnier, hotter weather. They taste better when young; older leaves can be bitter. The flowers are less intensely flavoured than the leaves. The flowers are particularly dramatic when mixed with dark greens, such as spinach.
The flowers can be used whole or chopped as a garnish on cream soups, in herb butters or cheese spreads, or on cakes and platters. You could stuff the blossoms with cream cheese or another mixture for an unusual hors d'oeuvre. For the ultimate in fancy tea sandwiches try combining orange nasturtium blossoms and violets on open-faced cucumber sandwiches.
Use the flowers to flavour vinegar (use five same-coloured blossoms per cup of vinegar): cover the blossoms with hot white wine vinegar, let steep overnight, strain out the flowers and replace with fresh blooms for an attractive appearance in clear glass bottles.
Grind the seeds in a pepper mill to be used like black pepper.
Pickle the buds or unripe seedpods as a substitute for capers.

Seed Saving:
Seeds of Nasturtiums are very easy to harvest but need to be completely dry before storage. After flowering wait until the bright green pods are large and swollen. Pick them from the plant and place in a paper bag. The seed casing hold a lot of moisture and need to be completely dry when they are stored, otherwise they will rot and die. Spread them out on a windowsill for two weeks, once they turn brown and are free from excessive moisture store them in a paper bag in a place that it warm and dry. Remember to label the bag with the name and date.

Nasturtium is originally from the South American Andes, from Bolivia north to Colombia. It was first cultivated in Peru and was introduced to Europe in the 16th century by the Spanish conquistadors. Today the colourful plant is grown in both tropical and temperate climates throughout the world and is available in both dwarf (nanum) and trailing (majus) forms.

Tropaeolum is the nasturtium of gardeners, although not of botanists, and named by Linnaeus, from the Greek tropaion and the Latin tropaeum for "trophy," the manner in which the plant grew up a support reminding him of a classical trophy with round shields and golden helmets such as those hung as a sign of victory on a battlefield.
The specific epithet majus indicates that this is one of the taller members of the genus, although the plants habit is more often described as climbing, trailing or spreading.

The common name Nasturtium was used by the Romans for several cress-like plants and especially garden cress. Pliny records the Latin derivation as Nasus tortus from nasus "nose" and the verb torquere "torment", undoubtedly referring to the plant's pungency.
It refers to the fact that it has a mustard oil similar to that produced by watercress (Nasturtium officinale). The term "nasturtium" has now become the botanical genus name for water cress. Of new-world origin the plant was unknown to the Romans.

Also commonly called Indian Cress or Monks Cress. In many languages, nasturtium bears names that relate to its origin from Latin America such as French cresson d'Inde or Swedish Indiankrasse "native American cress".
Other names include references to "Latin" in reference to its import by members of Catholic orders, e.g. Turkish lâtin çiçeği, Bulgarian latinka and Kurdish ladan. The German kapuzinerkresse, French capucine, Dutch capucienerkers, Italian cappuccina, Arabic nabat al-kabbusin and Russian kaputsin-kress also refer to introduction by Catholic monks and the similar shapes of nasturtium flowers and the cowl of Capuchin monks.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Packet Size 4 grams
Average Seed Count 30 Seeds
Family Tropaeolaceae
Genus Tropaeolum
Species minus
Cultivar Tip Top Apricot
Common Name Compact Nasturtium
Other Common Names Dwarf or Bush Nasturtium
Hardiness Hardy Annual
Flowers Hues of apricot with a deeper shaded throat
Natural Flower Time June to October
Foliage Medium green foliage.
Height 45 to 50cm (18 to 20in)
Spread 45 to 50cm (18 to 20in)
Spacing Space 25cm (10in) apart
Position Full Sun
Aspect West or South facing. Exposed or Sheltered
Soil Well Drained (Can thrive in poor soil)
Season From sowing to flowering takes 55 to 65 days
Time to Sow Sow indoors in early spring or direct sow in late spring to early summer
Germination 14 to 21 days

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